Hello everyone, my name is Melinda. I have been into "Ball-busting" for almost ten years, I didn't know it was an actual fetish, or had a name to it. I am glad I stumbled across this website. I am married and yes I do bust him a lot ;) So if you can't catch me online, please come here. Or you can message me If you like.

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I can sure as hell try, haven't yet so it will probably take more then one kick. I'm sure it's possible depending on what kind of shoes you wear. Instant mush.

Hey Melinda.

Sorry if you get a barrage of questions (well it feels that way recently, lol) but I know you enjoy answering them. :)

Not sure if it was mentioned before, but do you also enjoy hitting a man in the penis? I know testicles cause more pain, and ultimately you probably get a better reaction, but being kicked in the knob is painful as hell. Do you alternate, or just prefer the nuts?

Thanks once again, you're awesome for answering all these questions. :)

I like hitting in the testicles more, the penis is fun too, but I don't do it a lot. My thought process about it is this: penis is used for pleasure, the balls are used for pain. If I can keep those as separate as possibly, it makes for a truly erotic lifestyle. If I have him by the penis, I'm going to rock his world, if I have him by the balls then going to try and crush it. Don't worry about asking me questions, it gets me involved with the site again. I get sidetracked with life and forget this special little place until someone asks me a question. So if I disappear for a bit, I'm not gone, I'm just busy. I sometime I need a reminder. Answering this questions finally gave me the motivation to finally finish the blog post that I was working on.

Ahh right, cool as, that's an interesting separation you have there. I guess it does make sense, although as a guy who likes it when girls "don't neglect the balls" during sexual encounters, I guess you're technically not neglecting them at all, in fact, you're focusing on them a lot, it's just pain instead of pleasure, haha. I like how you're at two extremes with it too, absolute pleasure with the penis, but absolute pain with the testicles, to the point of fantasizing about rupturing them (though for both the sake of you and your hubby, a loss of testicles means a loss of sex drive for the man).

Thanks for answering, and am glad you don't mind the questions. I'd be interested in reading your blog, and I'll try and think of more questions. I'm actually out of questions for the moment, but I'll think of more things to talk about. I find it interesting and fascinating how different people think about different topics. :)

Nothing. Why the hell would I let him keep his pants on. Underpants maybe but the pants always come off.
Yeah, even if he wasn't my husband. If he isn't my husband then having him in underwear is still a requirement. I want to know I'm actually busting balls.

Hey Melinda!

After reading your interview and blogs, I can see that you like ballbusting to the extreme. You mention in your blog that if your hubby tries to resist the busting, you'd rupture his testicle, and that he knows about it. My question is, how far would you take your castration fantasy? Do you get off (so to speak) just thinking about it/fantasizing/threatening your hubby with it, or would you actually follow through? Also what is it about castration that gets you going? And would you be willing to rupture a guy's testicles, despite the possible screaming, convulsions, and knowing that you've pretty much just destroyed his manhood beyond repair? Also would you do this to anyone (as in, someone you might love like your hubby) or would you only reserve this to say someone like a rapist?

Some pretty deep questions I know, lol, but I hope they are fun to answer. Cheers!

Well lets see if I can answer you. First off yes I think about castration all the time especially when I am busting balls. When I'm not, I fantasize about doing it. My husband is constantly getting threatened with it, because honestly I can't help myself. I let him know every time I bust his balls it could be that last time. I see ballbusting as a game, the goal is to bust his balls. So when you ask if I would follow through with it, yes I would because when I bust balls, that is excatly what I'm trying to do. The thought of destroying his manhood beyond repair IS what gets me going. It would be the ultimate show of power to take that away from him. Did I mention I love the power? I'm sure I did. Castration would mean that I would literally strip him of all his power, I would take his strength and fertility, and all sexual desire. Would I fallow through with it? Let me put it this way, when I am squeezing his nuts, I don't think about not popping them, I think about what it's going to feel like when they do. I enjoy when they bruise or swell, because I know that I have done real damage to his manhood. I have said it before and I will say it again, I'm a sick kitten, I enjoy causing pain, so the screaming and convulsions while I rupture them would be ideal. My views on who should be castrated is a little of a touchy subject with men so I will refrain from saying now. ;) There is no denying though , my husband is at risk of losing his balls, a very real risk. I hope I was able to answer your questions.

Oh wow, thank you for the detailed answer Melinda! And to answer your question in short: yes, you did answer it very well, lol. And I guess it makes sense on the taking away of power etc. and I like how you admitted you're one sick kitten, hahaha. But hey, you're always welcome here. :D Two little quick questions now:

Do you ever look at balls, with (I don't think this is the right word, but) love? Lol. As in, do you always want to bust balls, or do you have moments when you're like "you know what, I want to play with them today, and we'll leave the busting for later."

Also, you may have listened to this interview video of a girl who successfully fought off a rapist by not only squeezing his testicles, but rupturing both as well. It's since been speculated to be fake (and I kinda think the same) but, what do you think? Do you think it's possible? And if you think it's fake, what do you think of the story? Does this inspire you to write a fantasy story like this? :) Here's that video:

Thank you once again for taking time to not only answer, but answer in great detail. I truly appreciate it. :) Peace out!

"My views on who should be castrated is a little of a touchy subject with men so I will refrain from saying now. ;)"     

It's ok. Who do you think should be castrated? How do you think it should be done?

Ma,am i feel you are a breath of fresh air and a true Lady   of course you want to castrate him   why not he is your husband it should be your right to do so

slave brian



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