Being a girl, I will never know what it really feels like to get kicked in the nutts. I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact, at the moment of impact and immediately after. And besides the obvious pain, what other sensations are you feeling physically throughout your body? I'd like to hear the cb take on this also. So describe to me in detail...what it really feels like to get Kicked In The Groin ツ

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Like I stated above, getting hit (kicked/kneed/punched/etc.) is different than being squeezed.  The hardest kicks I've taken have been by surprise and in public, so this might factor into my perception of getting racked in the nuts. 

In my experience, that split second just before impact is right when I realized my balls were about to get nailed.  At that point, it's pure reaction and my instinct is to protect my nuts by covering them (usually too late for that) and/or bending forward at the waist attempting to make my package a little smaller and move my balls back out of the way. 

At the actual moment of impact, it's like getting into a car accident where you can't slow down fast enough to avoid hitting something.  When you first realize what just happened, you wait for the pain to set in and try to figure out if you're ok.  This is the same process I go through when a girl kicks me in the nuts.  There's a second or two when I make the funny OH-NO-MY-BALLS!-face and wait to see how bad it will hurt.  The pain isn't gradual, it takes a second or two to sink in, but once it's there it explodes in my sack and shoots all through my body.  (I've actually had the wind knocked out of me once from a girl kneeing me in the nuts.)  The next instinct is to cover them up so they don't take on any more damage.  This reaction is subconscious, I don't think I could avoid the cover up even if I tried my hardest and knew the kick was coming. 

One the pain spreads throughout my whole body, I'm usually doubled over and cupping my nuts with my hands to make sure they're out of immediate danger.  My entire abdomen is in pain, so I can't immediately distinguish where my nuts stop and my stomach begins.  A few times I've been overcome by a sense of terror because the only thing I could think about was that my nutsack got turned inside out and my balls were lodged up in my stomach.  Naturally my reaction to that thought was to reach in my pants and make sure my nuts were still inside my scrotum (I did have one kicked up into my abdomen once, but that's it's own story) :P. 

After I've gone through these progressions and realized I was going to be ok, albeit in a lot of pain, I've experienced an extreme sense of humiliation.  My experiences have typically been in front of  a lot of people, including several of the ballbuster's friends, most of whom found my little "busted balls shuffle" to be outwardly hilarious.  I think my humiliation stemmed from the lack of control I had in these situations.  I would compare it to being put in a dunk tank against your will, only 100 times more embarrassing.  Everyone is there to make a fool out of you and laugh and you have no control over it.

There really isn't anything I enjoy about the pain itself, and a good racking always reminds me how bad it sucks to get my balls busted.  It only becomes a turn on after the pain fades away and can I reflect on the experience, The level of intensity depends on the amount of amusement/enjoyment the buster and/or the witnesses take away from the incident. 

I'm a little unsure about voluntarily taking a hard kick in the balls.  I'm not one of those guys with "balls of steel" who take  hardcore ball beatings.  Doing BB as a workout sounds like an interesting idea to try, but I'd probably be rolling around in agony before my partner even broke a sweat.  I guess a girl would have to REALLY love ballbusting to have me subject my nuts to that kind of pain and abuse!

Thanks Stanbrecht, for breaking it down into the before/during/after the impact, just as I asked.
Of course, I had to chuckle at the old obligatory nutcheck afterwards and garsh I sure would love to see that "busted balls shuffle" on video for an even bigger laugh :D You make it sound as if you get busted in public on the regular and always by surprise, which begs the question WHYYY ?? And where did you get the idea of bb as a workout--I wrote about that on my profile when the site went up, Mr. :) Your admission to not having balls of steel is refreshing...though I must confess that when I hear that, it only makes me want to kick him in the nutts all the harder ;)

This wasn't the sexy side of it, but it certainly does makes sense.
Thanks for shedding some light on pain differentiation, ​Johnny BB :)

Sorry for the weird format, description i wrote for a surprise kick.
  • as soon as her foot hits my nuts theres a really hard, solid impact but no pain yet..
  • both nuts are flattened against my pelvis and then drop when her foot hits the ground..

instantly I hunch over to grab my balls, thats when my face has the shocked and terrified look on it

then a second later my balls start to ache and the pain up my stomach, through my chest and into my throat

I try to stay on my feet but the pain just keeps increasing with every second until my knees buckle and I drop to my knees on the floor.

the pain doesnt subside but just keeps getting worst with every second that passes, my balls ache so bad now, I feel like im going to puke, and i can hardly take in a breath of air bc it hurts too bad and the wind is knocked out of me..

I hunch over to try and ease the pain and nausia but nothing works, my eyes start to tear up and i try to hold it back but i cant

I just have to kneel on the floor, elbows on the ground and wait, wait for the pain to stop increasing and eventually what seems like years later go away so I can stand up

  • all the while trying not puke.
  • And thats pretty much what its like while were down there.

"both nuts are flattened against my pelvis and then drop when her foot hits the ground"...

I'd like to see that in slowwww-mo... and x-ray vision :D and I really like the way you

broke it down, Josh--a real blow-by-blow, although it sounds horrrrible hahaa. You

guys are NUTS for letting us do this to you and nuttier still for LOVING it :)

these replies are too much for me :x

I agree that balls hurt similar to eyes,but I have to admit the eyes hurt worse.  It takes a little bit more pressure before the balls start to hurt, and the pain goes away quicker.  Even if the balls are totally immobile like an eye, it would probably take less pressure to cause serious pain or damage an eye.   They both have that deep ache, so it's a good way to understand the pain, even as an estimate its not that far off.

"I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact"

I can't believe I'm actually going to *meet* Mallory! 

THAT'S what goes thru your mind when a girl is about to kick you in the nutts, KK ??

or did you mean that's what my victim's balls are thinking before I kick em ?? "Victim's

balls, meet Mallory's foot" :P ...and then meet her other foot <WHAM!!!>  hahaha....

When i get kicked between my legs hard.... i get a signal to my brain and stomach! Few second later they pain in my stomach is so big,My legs atarted to feel weak and i clutch my balls and  drop to my knees and curled  up in a fetal position on they floor. It feels hard to breath and they pain is killing you and you dont feel so good. I can feel a little ilness to sometimes... but after a while i started to get aroused from they feeling.If they kick is not so hard i only make a oooh and clutch my balls and gets arused directly! Great feeling and very humiliation too, but i love it.

Geez I'm late to this but I'm going to answer anyway :)  For me it's a whole gestalt (sorry if that's redundant)  I love the talking about it beforehand.  Whether I bring it up or she brings it up.  I like to be able to savor the build-up.  How we're going to do it.  When we're going to do it.  How hard.  How many times.  I love talking about it.  Then the positioning: getting ready.  The look in her eye, playful/aniticipatory/mean/lustful, as we maybe do a few practice kicks. This may be my favorite part: Right before she kicks me.  Her power is absolute.  She is going to hurt me and there is nothing I am going to do about it.  If I am on my knees, looking up at her, and she is smiling..........oh man.  Knowing that she really is going to do this to me.....  And then she does.  Like most, for me there is a second of "is this gunna hurt?" And then the wave rolls up.  I feel it more in my diaphram.  It seems to affect my breathing.  But the pain is kind of secondary.  It's there, but I look past it.  I feel what she has done to me.  Not just the pain, but the position of being in pain.  And the power play.  She is totally in control.  Me?  Not so much.  If she is laughing it is perfect. 

"She is going to hurt me and there is nothing I am going to do about it."

...made me smile ;) Playful, anticipatory, mean, lustful all apply for how bb

makes me feel--purrfect summation, Steve. And yes..savor the build-up :)



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