A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Jim's Ballbusting Adventures: Chapter 1: Sister's Friend
Hi, my name is Jim, and I'm going to tell you about my experiences getting my balls busted. I've been into ballbusting ever since I hit puberty. Before then, in my grade-school days, I remember there being a lot of girls kicking boys in the balls but I can't really recollect any one incident to tell you about it (sorry, no "sexy" stories about elementary schoolers here), but it always fascinated me to see it and I was never the one who got kicked. Maybe that's why by late middle school, I was obsessed with the idea of getting kicked in the balls.
I mean, I didn't realize it was a fetish, at first. I just knew it was something I thought about and I often got excited when I thought about a girl kicking my balls, but I didn't really figure out it was something I wanted to have happen until I got to high school. In high school, I tried teasing girls some, hoping to get kicked, but it never happened. I was afraid back then to tell anyone about my fetish. But this is the story of the first time I actually got kicked.
It was Thanksgiving weekend and I'd driven home from college for the holiday. We had a big Thanksgiving dinner with my immediate family plus one of my big sister's friends. My big sister was in college (my little sister was still in high school then). My big sister had a good friend from college, Sandra, who was a military brat whose mom was stationed in Alaska at the time. She couldn't really afford to fly home for Thanksgiving, so she'd joined our family for the weekend.
I got home on Wednesday night, late, and everyone else was already asleep. Thursday was spent with the whole family and Sandra watching football in the early afternoon, big dinner around 3 or so, then more sitting around watching football. However, that night, my big sister and I got together with some of our friends from high school at one of their houses, and Sandra came along, too. It was a lot of fun, just friends shooting the shit and drinking, and Sandra started doing a bunch of flirting with me.
I was totally down with that. Sandra was tall, blonde, and busty. She was one of those girls who was just naturally blessed in the chest area and a little broad in the shoulders, but not otherwise not very stocky or heavy. From what I could see under late fall clothes (sweater and blue jeans), she looked like she had nice legs and a good curvy shape, although not much of a butt. She had long blonde hair. Honestly, I prefer brunettes, but the way she filled out that sweater was easily enough for me to not worry about hair color. She had a pretty face, too, but not like model pretty, just nice. I was a little surprised she was flirting with me. I think I'm okay looking and I basically keep in shape, but I wouldn't have thought of myself as quite being in her league. Maybe something about me struck her just right. I am like 6'3" and she's like 5'11", so maybe that was what it was. Tall girls often like tall guys.
But whatever it was, she was flirting with me and I flirted back. But, really, flirting was just flirting because it's not like I was going to try to convince her to sleep with me while my sister was right there with us all night. This was especially true since she was sleeping in my sister's room, so I didn't even see any chance of sneaking around.
So, anyway, we got home kind of late and all went to bed. When I got up in the late morning, the house was quiet. I was pretty sure that my sisters had headed off for Black Friday shopping and my dad had said something the day before about probably going to work for a few hours to get some stuff done there without being interrupted. Looking in the driveway, only my mom's car and mine were left. But my mom definitely wasn't home since her pocket book wasn't by the door where she leaves it. When I got to the kitchen, I saw that people had left notes on the fridge. My mom had gone with my younger sister to the new mall. My older sister had gone to the old mall. And my dad hadn't left a note, but I assumed he was at work since his car was gone. So I had the house to myself, and from the sound of it, probably for at least several more hours.
Now, you can call me a pervert if you wish, but honestly, one of my favorite things is to watch HD porn on a nice big screen. My laptop doesn't really cut it, so given that I had the house to myself, I jumped at the chance to do what I'd done back in high school when I'd had the house to myself. I fired up the DLNA server on my laptop and used the smart TV features on the 80" to stream some HD porn from off my hard drive. I chose one of the videos from Ball Busting World where the curly haired guy gets his nuts beaten by a sexy blonde in a bikini (I think it was one with Mistress Nikki, but I don't remember for sure. It might have been one of the others). I set myself a goal to not cum until close to the end of the video so that I could have a nice long slow wank. I turned up the sound some so I could really hear every impact.
And in no time, I had my dick out and rock solid and I was slowly working it, trying not to come as she pummeled his balls again and again. And that's when Sandra walked in.
Oh shit! I had totally forgotten about her. I guess I had maybe assumed that she'd gone with my older sister to the mall. Or maybe I'd just forgotten that she was here at all. Either way, I had no idea she was in my house, but she very definitely was.
"Uh, this isn't what it looks like!" I said, my hard cock still in my hand and my mind desperately scrambling for an excuse.
"Really? Because what it looks like is that you're jacking it to porn." She plopped down on the sofa beside me. "So, if it isn't that, then what? Some sort of research project? Or did the TV just turn - what the fuck is she doing to him? Wow, that was a hard fucking kick to the balls. I'm surprised he's still standing. Oh, that one got him. I knew he couldn't stand much longer. Oh, he's getting back up, and she is kicking him some more." She watched for a couple of minutes. I didn't really know what to say. Then she turned to me, her eyes wide, and asked "Is that what this whole video is like?"
"Well, uh, yeah."
"That's … that's amazing. Oh, wow. That was another good one. This guy can really take the hits. And he's still hard. He must really be turned on by this. Of course, you're obviously pretty turned on, too. Well, at least by watching it. Is this something you do, as well? I mean, something that gets done to you?"
"Well, not so far."
"Wow, that was a really solid knee right in the goolies. So you're just into watching?"
"No, I'd like to try it. I just haven't found a girl who wants to do it to me yet." I tried to give her a suggestive look since she'd been flirting with me the night before, but her eyes were glued to the screen.
"Really? Because, honestly, that looks like a lot of fun for her. I mean, kicking a guy in the balls is a real power trip, just causing all that pain. And, somehow kicking a guy with a hard on so that it waves around when you slam your foot into their crotch, that just looks extra fun. I can't believe that a handsome guy like you," she finally turned to look at me, and I gave her my look. She smiled, "Oh, you want to? I mean, would you like me to?"
"Absolutely! I mean, if you want to," I said, not wanting to sound overeager.
"Yeah, I just, I wasn't sure you were actually into me since all the flirting last night didn't lead to anything."
"I felt uncomfortable putting the moves on you in front of my sister and you're staying in her room. It wouldn't have exactly been subtle if we'd been fooling around."
"Yeah, I guess that's true. I hadn't really thought about it in those terms. Oh, man, that was another good shot! He looks down for the count." She reflected for a moment. "So, do you want me to kick you in the nuts?"
"Yes, please," I said.
"Okay, well, get naked. I want to be able to see my targets."
I felt nervous because I barely knew her, but my cock was already out and hard, so getting the rest of the way naked seemed like the logical thing to do. But as I stripped down, I realized that I was the only one naked. Well, the only one naked if you didn't count the curly-haired guy in the video. "Could I see some skin too?"
"Well," she said, smiling, "that depends on how well you can take a kick. Okay, hands on your head!"
I put my hands on my head, which seemed to me to emphasis all the more, my hard cock which was sticking out in front of me, just as the guy's in the video was.
"Okay, now spread your legs."
I did as I was told, putting my feet out wider. I looked her over as she was getting ready to kick me. Her long blond hair was pulled back in a pony tail. She was wearing tight high-waisted blue jeans and a tight sweater. It showed off her hourglass figure and her boobs very well. Her feet were bare and she began to flex her toes.
"I'm going to start out kind of light," she said, "to make sure I know what I'm doing. I haven't taken Tae Kwon Do since sixth grade, so I'm a little rusty."
She stood in front of me and then brought her foot forward, lining it up with how it would connect with my balls. Her toe was pointed and she was planning to strike them with the top of the foot. Her balance on one leg was really good and she didn't waver at all. Then she lowered her foot, and then she basically did a kick in slow motion. It collided with my balls with a little tap, just causing them to swing back and forth some. Still, I was finally getting my balls busted and it made my cock pulse when I realized that.
Next she swung her foot back and brought it forward hard it enough that it landed with a smack. I let out a little "oof" and buckled just a little at the waist, but soon straightened up again.
"Boy," she said, "they are pretty sensitive."
"Yeah," I said. And then I said, "oof" again as she did another kick just like the last.
"Let's try something a little harder," she said. This time, she stepped all the way back and as she stepped forward, she did a snap kick, but not quite full speed. Her foot smashed my balls against my pubic bone. I felt them go squish and then immediately bent over in pain. The pain was very intense, but I managed to keep my feet under me, as I squatted down and grabbed my balls.
"Got you good, that time," she said.
It took me a minute or two, but I managed to straighten back up and spread my legs again. My erection was still waggling in front of me.
"Okay," she said, "let's try one more like that." She stepped back and then came forward with another snap kick. I don't know if it was harder or it was just that my balls were getting tender, but this one floored me. Her foot smashed my balls again and my legs turned to jelly, and I collapsed. My gonads were just nothing but little orbs of pain, radiating pain out through my body. My stomach was in knots and I didn't feel like I could stand again.
When I fell to the floor, she giggled. After a couple of minutes, I slowly pulled myself up off the carpet, managing to reach a sort of wobbly standing position. "Ah," she said, "you're back with us. You've done a good job so far, so a little reward is in order." She reached down and pulled her sweater up. At it came up, the shirt started to come with it, and I got a quick view of her stomach and even her big black bra before she pulled the shirt back down and then finished removing the sweater. She had a yellow t-shirt on under the sweater. Her boobs stretched it out nicely.
She started lining up another kick, and I spread my legs. As it came forward, though, I flinched and closed my legs, her foot hitting my thighs as a result, instead. She stepped back, "Okay, let's try that again. No flinching."
"Sorry," I said. I spread my legs and tried to not be afraid. My balls were still so sore from that last kick, though, and my subconscious didn't want to see them hurt again, so when she tried another kick, I flinched again. "Sorry," I said again, and spread my legs once more.
This time, she faked a slow kick, and I flinched and then realizing I'd flinched, I opened my legs up again. Then, as my legs were still opening back up, she kicked again fast and hard, and before my legs could close, her foot smashed into my balls with an astonishing amount of force. As the kick landed, it was like everything went into slow motion for a moment and I could feel my balls smashing against my pubic bone and distending and then the wave of pain overwhelmed me and I fell to the floor, completely insensible. The pain took me out completely. I have no idea how long I was down. My next awareness was some time later when she was telling me that she'd gotten a text from my older sister saying that she'd be home for lunch and that I needed to get up.
I struggled to my feet and Sandra helped me limp up to my bedroom and helped me lie down in bed. Then, I had the realization that she needed to get my laptop since it was still open to the ball busting video. So she went down and got it and also my clothes, which I hadn't even thought about. When she brought them back to me she also told me that she'd turned off the TV. And then she asked me how my balls felt. I told her that they hurt a lot still, but would be okay.
I was still naked, and so she simply knelt down by the bed and reached over and took them in her hand to look at them. She held them up with one hand, as if she were feeling the weight of them and then she sort of began to roll them back and forth and then she kneaded them gently. My response to this stimulation was to get a raging boner again. Just then, we heard my sister's car pull into the driveway. Much to my surprise, as Sandra continued to hold my balls with one hand, she made a fist with the other and slammed it as hard as she could right into my balls. I gasped loudly and bucked from the pain. My balls were still tender from the kick and it hurt so very much. I tried to pull away from her grip, but she held firm, and then she punched me a second time, just as hard. I yelled from the pain and she let go of my balls. I curled up in the fetal position, wracked with pain. She put the covers over me and then left the room, shutting the door as she went.
I lay there for a while. After a few minutes, the sharpness of the pain receded to being simply a dull ache in my balls. Feeling that dull ache and thinking about everything which had just happened to me, I got very horny again. Slowly, under the covers, I began to stroke my hard cock. I didn't rush, instead savoring the memories and the sensation of touching myself. But soon, I could feel myself getting close to an orgasm.
Just then, I heard someone come up the stairs. I put my hands on top of the covers in case it was someone coming to see me. This turned out to be wise because a few seconds later, my mom opened the door. She told me that Sandra had told her that I wasn't feeling well. I reassured her that I was just having some odd aches and pains and that I just needed a little extra lie down and then I'd be fine. She kissed me on the forehead and let me be.
But that had killed the mood pretty thoroughly. So I lay there for a little bit and then got dressed. When I went downstairs, everybody but dad was home and having lunch. After lunch we had a little while where everyone was just doing their own thing: playing on computers or tablets or reading books. I went upstairs to my bedroom to get my book and while I was digging it out of my backpack, Sandra appeared in my doorway. She had followed me upstairs, but everyone else was still downstairs.
She put her finger over her lips to indicate that I shouldn't say anything. Then, she approached me. She put her left hand over my mouth and then grabbed my balls forcefully with her right hand. I managed to keep quiet other than a tiny little "eek" as she clamped down on them. She dragged me over towards the spot on the wall next to my dresser. She pushed me against the wall, my balls still firmly in her grip, and she began to kiss me, covering my mouth with hers. I kissed back, of course, and grabbed her ass. As she kissed me forcefully, she started to squeeze harder and harder. When the pain finally got to be too much, I tried to turn my mouth away, but she maneuvered and pressed with her lips and wouldn't let me go. Soon, though, the pain was so intense that I was having trouble breathing and I began to squirm more seriously. Realizing this, she let me go, both releasing my balls and ending the kiss. I gasped for air.
"Was that sexy?" she whispered to me.
"Definitely," I whisper back.
"Well, maybe you'll like this, too," she said. She leaned in, kissing me again, pressing me back against the wall, and this time really pushing her chest against mine. I loved the feeling of her soft boobs being flattened against my chest. Suddenly, she kneed me extremely hard getting both of my balls with tremendous force. My sudden cry of pain was muffled by her lips still pressing against mine, but she wasn't able to stop me from collapsing to the floor. She smiled down at me as I held my balls in pain. They were still tender from earlier and the knee felt like it had crushed them good. They were both engulfed in a feeling of really sharp immediate pain and right then I didn't want anything but for them to be left alone.
At the edge of my awareness, I heard her leave the room and head back downstairs, but I was pretty out of it. After a few minutes, the pain in my balls was more bearable and I started to get hard thinking about what had just happened. I managed to struggle to my feet, but wound up sitting down again on the bed because I wasn't quite ready for real walking yet. I picked up my book from beside my bed, but I just held it and sat there, breathing in and out. My nuts were still in a lot of pain, but now it was making me excited.
I'm not sure how long I sat there feeling tender and a little woozy, but after a bit, my younger sister appeared in the doorway to tell me that they were all talking about going to a movie and asked if I wanted to come, too. I think she must have assumed that I'd been reading my book because she didn't make any comment on the fact that I was just sitting there on my bed doing nothing. I told her that I'd love to go to a movie. If the idea had come up a little earlier, I might have begged off in the hopes of being left alone with Sandra while everyone else went, but now I wasn't sure if my balls could take that. So, having agreed, I got up and tried my best not to limp, which apparently worked because my sister didn't seem to take any notice, and headed downstairs to talk about it with the rest.
We wound up all agreeing that we wanted to see the new Pixar film and finding a theater and showtime and so forth. I did wind up sitting next to Sandra in the movie, but nothing happened between us. And then after the movie, it was almost supper time, so my mom called my dad and we wound up making plans to meet at a restaurant. I got dragged over for a little tiny bit of Black Friday shopping near the movie theater to kill the time in between, but the crowds had fortunately mostly died down by that point.
At supper, my mom convinced the family that we should have family board game night, so the evening wound up being devoted to a games of Chinese Checkers and Risk. By the end of that last game of Risk, which wound up being surprisingly contentious and overlong, everyone was ready to tuck in for the night, and so we did.
Saturday morning I woke up and hopped in the shower. Specifically, the shower I was using was the one in the bathroom which was shared between my older sister's room and mine. While in the shower, I started to remember all the ballbusting that Sandra had done to me and I got extremely hard, so I started to jerk off. Now, before I started the shower, I had made sure to lock the door to my sister's room, but I guess I hadn't made 100% sure it latched when I pushed it closed because as I was masturbating, I heard the door open. I could just see over the shower curtain and recognized the top of Sandra's head, but I had no idea what she was planning. I let go of my cock just in case, since I wasn't sure I wanted her to catch me masturbating again.
She pushed open the shower curtain a little and smiled at me. "What have we here?" she asked. Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed my nuts. First she gave them a firm squeeze, which made me gasp. And then she started to tug on them, pulling them this way and that. Every time she yanked them a new direction, I let out a little grunt. This seemed to please her a lot and she pulled them around vigorously. Seeing my hard penis wagging around in response to her jerking my balls back and forth, she took hold of it with her other hand and she began to rub the head of my cock. She kept this up for what seemed like a very long time, but it was probably no more than a couple of minutes. And then she let go, "No jerking off in the shower, today. I want you nice and eager for more busting."
"Okay," I said.
She gave me a big smile and a quick light punch which landed on just my left testicle. I leaned over a little and let out an "oof", but easily stayed standing. She headed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I decided that the promise of more ballbusting was worth forgoing a wank in the shower, so I was still hard when I was drying off and getting dressed. I was soft by the time I got down to breakfast, though. Family time is pretty much the anti-Viagra.
Saturday my dad stayed home and asked me to help him with his repair jobs around the house. We spent the morning recaulking the tub and the afternoon replacing a ceiling fan and fixing the broken screen door. I'm not really sure what Sandra was up to for most of that time, but she did stop by while we were fixing the screen door to ask how it was going. While she was there my dad headed down to the basement to get a different screw-driver and she gave me a quick kick to the balls. It was a hard and fast kick with the toe of her sneakers punting the heck out of them. I collapsed to the ground and began to moan. After a minute or two, she dragged me back up to my feet so that my dad wouldn't see me like that when he came back. I was really unsteady and didn't straighten up all the way, at first. But by the time he got back a couple of minutes later, I was mostly standing straight, at least enough that he didn't say anything about it. Sandra went back in the house right after he got back and I didn't see her again until supper.
After supper, the whole family watched a movie together in the den, nothing particularly memorable, and then, to my surprise, my older sister headed to bed even though it was only 9. For the next while, I read my book and wondered if my parents and younger sister would go to bed, leaving Sandra and I alone. But, by ten, I started to feel pretty tired and my parents and younger sister still looked peppy, so I figured that wasn't happening. I gave in and headed to bed.
As I was heading up the stairs, I heard Sandra tell people that she was headed to bed soon. I went into my room to change and was about to close the door behind me when I saw that Sandra had bypassed my sister's door. It turns out that she was headed to my room. I hadn't thought of that possibility at all, but obviously, I was thrilled. I left the door open for her and she came in, closed it, and locked it behind her.
"So," she began, "how are they doing?"
"Oh, they're okay," I said smiling.
"Ready for some more abuse?"
"Definitely." I could already feel myself getting hard in anticipation of more ballbusting.
"You've done well so far, so I thought I'd give you a little reward." She reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. Her bra was big and white with a little bit of shininess to it. It covered her breasts completely, not leaving any cleavage visible, but still, it was nice to see her waist and shoulders bare and to know exactly how big her breasts were. I was looking forward to the possibility of getting her bra off. But what actually happened next was that she unzipped her jeans and pulled them down, leaving herself in just her bra and panties. He panties were also white and shiny. They didn't match the bra exactly, but they were pretty close. She looked great in her underwear. Her legs looked really nice and her hips were nicely round with a pretty small waist. She also slipped her feet out of the shoes she was wearing. By this point, I was completely hard, just from looking her over and imagining what she would do to me.
"Well," she said, "why aren't you naked?"
"Oh, sorry!" I pulled off my shoes and socks and then my shirt and then my pants and underwear, once more leaving me naked before her with a throbbing hard cock.
"Much better."
She began to sort of sashay towards me and I was expecting her to come embrace me, but instead, when she got close enough, she lashed out with a vicious knee right to my nuts. I think that was the hardest, most painful hit she put on me all weekend. I went down immediately and curled up into the fetal position. My testicles were in so much pain that I couldn't hardly think. My cock was still hard, though.
She giggled. "That was quick." She leaned down and grabbed me by the hands, and tried to pull me up. I was pretty out of it and didn't help or hinder. "Come on," she said. "You're never gonna get to see my boobs if you don't take some more ball-busting." She managed to drag me up onto my knees, and I spread them apart. But as soon as she lined up a kick, I closed them again. My poor balls just didn't want any more abuse. "Tsk, tsk," she said. She used both hands to grab my head, one hand on each side and forced me to look up at her. "Spread them," she commanded with a forceful whisper.
I spread my knees apart and as soon as I did, she delivered a hard kick which smashed both of my balls. My body wanted to collapse again, but she kept her grip on my head, and I couldn't really move much. She delivered a second hard kick, this time her toe rammed right into my left nut, squishing it tremendously. I let out a howl. She quickly covered my mouth instead of holding my head and allowed me to collapse to the ground. She wound up there on the floor next to me, on all fours, so that she could keep my mouth covered until I was done. We waited there for a couple of minutes, wondering if anyone downstairs had heard.
Once it was clear that no one was going to call to us or come up the stairs, she relaxed and took her hand off my mouth. "Maybe," she said, "it's time for something a little less rough." I was still kind of out of it. She got up and helped me to my feet. My legs were still really wobbly, but she managed to get me to my bed. I lay down and then looked over at her as she peeled down her panties. Her bush was well trimmed and her outer labia were a very bright shade pink, looking like she was quite aroused.
She climbed on me in the 69 position and lowered her pussy to my face. I reached out with my tongue and began to lick. "Very good," she purred. However, instead of taking my cock into her mouth, like I expected, she instead began to play with my tender balls. As I licked, she started out just by pressing them down into the bottom of my sack and then she started to squeeze them gently and roll them around in her fingers and pinch my scrotum. Then she moved on to rougher things, tugging and slapping and squeezing them forcefully. She would give one a quick sudden squeeze and then let it go and then yank the other one hard and then slap the first one and just alternate like that, handling them suddenly and roughly. I tried my best to keep licking her as she continued her assault on my tender testes, but I kept having to stop and gasp for breath. When I did stop she would sometimes say "Hey now, keep licking," but I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was not really irritated with me and instead was pleased with herself for managing to disrupt me.
Despite, or perhaps in part because of, all of the interruptions, I finally managed to get her close enough to climax that she lost her concentration. She did still grab onto my balls and squeeze them as I worked her to orgasm, but a solid squeezing was less distracting for me than what she had been doing before. When she came, she managed to stay pretty quiet, but was thrashing and bucking in ecstasy while keeping a good grip on my tender bits.
When the orgasm and its aftershocks finished, I thought we might be done, but she didn't climb off and instead went right back to handling my balls roughly. So I returned to my licking and, while I was at it, went ahead and slid a finger in and started rubbing her from the inside as well. My poor balls were being mauled even harder this time, still sore from the squeezing, she jerked them around hard and fast and when she squeezed them, she really clamped down. I was starting to worry that this was going to last forever when I felt her start to shudder and she came once more.
This time she climbed off of me and then knelt beside me. And then finally she reached back and unhooked her bra and then removed it. Her breasts were as full and lovely as I had hoped. They were rounded, but her big pink nipples made nice points. I felt a really intense desire to suck on her nipples. Before I got the chance to express it, she leaned over and embraced me, pressing her body against mine. I loved the sensation of her soft naked breasts squished against my hard chest. As she pulled back just a little, I kissed her, mashing my lips hard against hers. Soon we were making out, our lips locked and I found myself bucking my hips against hers.
"Do you want to?" I asked. "I have condoms."
"No," she said, "we just met. Why don't we just masturbate together?"
"Okay," I said. I was feeling pretty desperate to get off by this point.
"Would you like to suck on one of my nipples?" she asked.
"Absolutely!" I replied, eagerly.
She climbed off the bed and knelt on the floor beside it and then leaned forward so that her breasts where just above the surface of the bed. I lay on my side on the bed and scooted over so that my head was right in front of her naked breasts. She offered a nipple to me, and I licked it and then began to suck at it eagerly. I could tell that she was masturbating herself using her left hand and I began to stroke my cock as well.
I was getting close to orgasm when I was surprised by a solid punch right to the balls. I was very turned on, so I didn't slow down, but it took me a moment to realize what was happening. She was masturbating with one hand, but the other one she had balled up to a fist and was punching me in my balls. She punched me a second time, even harder. This made my tender balls hurt so very much, but as I stroked myself and sucked on her big tit, I was so close to orgasm that I couldn't even imagine stopping to cradle my balls.
A third punch landed, also really hard. My poor nuts cried out in pain, but my cock began to pulse and then shot forth streams of hot gooey cum. I bucked and jerked in the throes of orgasm, but managed to keep my lips wrapped around her nipple until her orgasm started as well. As she came, she pulled back, pulling her nipple out of my mouth as she shook in orgasm.
After we both came, she climbed on the bed and cuddled up with me. "Did I overdo it?" she asked.
"No," I said, "that was great."
"I was worried that I might have really injured them. Well, worried, but a little intrigued by the idea."
"No, they'll be all right in a day or so."
We snuggled for a few minutes and then she went and snuck into my sister's room to go to sleep. I fell asleep pretty quickly. When I woke up in the morning, I found that Sandra and my sister had already packed and left, so I didn't get to say goodbye. I did, however, have a very nice wank in the shower remembering what had happened the night before.
I didn't see her again for several years. When I did see her, well, that's a different story and you're just going to have to wait until I tell that one.
Wonderful story. You really hit a hell of a lot of sweet spots for me in this one.
From referencing BB World (How the hell did that Curly haired guy survive all those videos) to the dynamic of the leads being playful, sexy and just nice and cool. Capturing the thrill of random acts of violence and the lust inherent in creating vicious cycles of pleasure and pain.
Really great stuff. Thank you very much for sharing.
Really great story
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