A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
One of my greatest bb fantasies is to bust the nutts of a sweet and innocent geek.
Intelligence is ultra hott, but I want him to look the part as well--the geekier, the
better. Of course, glasses are a must, as I have a thing for them--and he must wear
them at all times, especially while I am busting his unsuspecting nutts. I can't even
imagine how insanely hott that visual would be in actuality! {purrrrr} I would speak
sweetly to him and kiss him gently while I begin to lightly squeeze his balls over his
nerd-shorts. It would be mind-blowing to him that a real live girl is TOUCHING! HIS!
NUTTS! and while he is wrapped up in that thought, I would slip my hand up his
shorts and amp it up to the 10th power! By then, he would be in love with me and
would be powerless to my bb desires to alternate sensually squeezing his nutts and
brutally kneeing them while he's on the floor, mmmm... And then I'll hugg him, haha :D
So my question is: What is your greatest ballbusting fantasy?? gimme yummy details ;)
Every now and again, we get up past the Great White North all the way to Anchorage Alaska. And I have this lil fantasy that occurs in this wonderful boot store, http://www.shuzyq.com/ , hidden in the back of this building that also has one of our favorite restaurants, http://www.glacierbrewhouse.com/ . It is always nice to swing in to the boot store when we go out for dinner at the this restaurant. Maybe peruse the shoe store so you get the vibe of the place. Now remember this a fantasy, or actually many fantasies as I have 6 or 7 variations on this theme.
We go to the Glacier Brewhouse for dinner without reservations and are told it will be an hour before they can seat us. They give us a buzzer that has like a 1/4 mile range so we can wander around a bit while we wait. We are wandering around some of the shops in the building when I see in the back corner a door to a shoe store. This place is wonderful, it's cozy and has some cabinets that divide the store in thirds. We walk around the store looking at various shoes and boots, all modern, all fashionable.
A young woman comes out from the back, says hi, introduces herself as Cassandra and asks if we are just looking or would we like to try on some of the shoes and boots. With this much time to wait, my girl Jana definitely wants to spend the next hour trying on shoes, she'll be estatic in no time.
So she asks to try on three sets of shoes. I continue to check out the store and find two other boots that i think she would look awesome in while the salesgirl Cassandra is in the back getting the shoes. So Jana is trying on the first pair of shoes and I show Cassandra the other boots to bring out and am just standing there watching her go back into the storeroom. Nice I think to myself. Just as she gets to the door of the storeroom my world explodes as Jana has kicked me between the legs from behind! If this was a game, it would have a name, like the double nut cracker or the sterilizer or something like that. I grasp the counter with one hand and my smashed balls with the other as i try not to fall down and go fetal. It takes me a little bit, but I make it back up fully upright. My girl is trying on the second pair of shoes and when i turn around to face her she gives me another devasting kick to the balls, this time right thru my front door. I grunt in pain and I go down hard. On my way down I hear a gasp, followed by Cassandra saying 'oh my god, you just kicked him in the balls!' She steps over me and takes the boots over to Jana. They are talking about how the shoes fit and feel and go on to the third pair of shoes. My gal is walking around and comes up to fetal me and tells me to move my hands. I do and she delivers a powerful kick hard into my plump sack, I gag a bit and she laughs. Cassandra says 'No way!' and asks Jana if I am going to be alright, while taking the shoes off my Jana's feet. Jana says 'Oh he'll be fine, he actually even likes that'. Now Cassandra is trying to process this while helping my girl into a pair of green ankle boots with heels. She asks Jana 'Are you going to kick him with these boots too?' And as I hear her heels come towards me i roll onto my back and spread my legs, she puts her left foot up by my hip and says to Cassandra 'He wouldn't have it any other way.' And drives that boot deep into my groin. As she is helping Jana out of the boots to put on the next pair I hear her ask 'Jana, could I try on some boots too?' Jana thinks for a moment, laughs and says 'Absolutely!' I glance at my watch and see it is still thirty minutes till our table will be ready and try not to panic. Then I hear the ring of the bell as two more women walk in the door...
to have my hands tie over my head, my legs tie spread apart, then work my balls over in what ever way they like for 48 to 70 hours and at the end make me pass out,,
I'd love to have a MMA match against a sexy MMA fighter (I even know who I'd want) in front of a crowd of women I personally know...some of whom have reason to be mad at me, and see me lose, some of which I just love the idea of them seeing me busted/humiliated... Anyway, the match would be reffed by a chick, female judges/announcer, etc, and recorded for viewing later...in the match, which I'd probably be winning, simply due to me being a guy (stringer and bigger) I'd catch a knee, and the ref would "miss it" or allow it, and I then get chocked out. or maybe, survive the knee, clearly agonizing and in pain, seemingly mount a comeback, and then, catch another in embarrassing fashion, cupping myself as I get chocked out in front of all the laughing, cheering women.
I live in a place with a lot of wonderful trails and hiking, and I have always wanted to go on a ballbusting hiking trip with a couple of girls. I would carry around all of the supplies so they could enjoy the hike, and at every good view or vista, they would kick me in the balls. After a few miles into the trail, if any other female hikers caught us in the act, they would offer to let them kick me. At the end of the desired hike we could either camp out and make me cater to them until we left, or head back that day after massaging and kissing their feet. Then when I dropped them off at home, they would take a turn kicking me again before going inside.
i agree with you, 100%, Mallory! the geeks are the way to go!
my best friend is a pure geek, through and through, 30 year old boy, mario tattoo, only wears khaki slacks, (what's so bad about jeans?) glasses, and i have been really really REALLY tempted to squeeze his nutts... i feel mean though, because i know from experience that he has NO pain tolerance when it comes to his poor ballies. i care way too much about his emotional/physical well-being to do it, but the fantasy is strong :)
Sigh...damn those geeks--they just may be my greatest weakness. I feel mean too, CG
about wanting to hurt their innocent and unsuspecting nutts--but, I can't help it :)
My greatest bb/femdom fantasy... (probably going to be a long one)
A team of me and 5-10 other guys vs team of 5-10 girls who face off in a epic battle in the forest.
Some of the girls have martial arts background, others dance and ballet, soccer, all of them with their own specialized
The clothing varies, from normal gym clothes (girls wearing tights), nude, bikinies, or cosplay outfits like ninjas etc.
The boys fight balanced by wrestling, punching, kicking and hitting with sticks, while the girls fight solely by aiming kicks and other types of hits to their groins. The boys fight agressively and offensive using mostly their brute upper body strength and anger, while the girls counters by using their brains, techniques, speed, agility and lower body strength.
In the fantasy i am the leader of the boy gang. Me and 3 other boys are the only ones who wears a protective cup. I stand in the midst of the battle, left and right i see my boys getting outsmarted and kicked by the girls. All around me i hear high pitched screams, followed up by the sound of kicks impacting, followed up by low pitched groans.
Often i am suddenly left face to face with one of the girls. I grab both her hands and try to wrestle her down to the ground, but she manages to kick me once and hard enough so that it hurts even with a cup on. I become stunned by the first kick and while she still holds both my hands (leaving my groin completely defenseless) she starts kicking me repeatedly. By each kick the structure of my cup becomes weaker and softer and provides less protection. And immediatly after each kick, she lets out an orgasmic like groan. The few seconds in between the kicks, i try desperately to get back into a fully standing position. But every time i'm about to straigthen myself up, she delivers another kick that brings me back into the bent over position. While trapped in this position i try to call on another boy to help me, but as i'm about to shout out, another kick hits me and i'm muffled. While taunting me, she keeps kicking relentlessly until i collapse to the ground.
While on the ground in pain, i see her wrestling with another boy who also has a cup on. She uses the same tactics on him, by stunning him first with a quick kick while holding his arms, then when gaining complete controll over him she starts kicking accurately and repeatedly. After the first two/three kicks i realise his a goner. After each kick he lets out a deep groan of pain, while she lets out a groan of pleasure. As she kicks, he remains standing bent forward, while his legs are shaking and getting weaker. By the time he went down, i had counted about 10-14 kicks.
This is the most common tactic used by the girls in a one vs one situation, where the boy is found wearing protection.
Most of the other boys don't have cups on and are usually put down after 1-3 tops 4, accurate kicks.
Lots of times the boys try to kick the girls between the legs too. The girls respond by standing firm, laughing and taunting them for not knowing girls don't have vurnerable balls dangling between their legs. Some of them even getting aroused and moaning in a sexual way after being kicked in their groins. Leaving the boys who kicked them confused and scared.
Neither team wins the battle until all members of the other team is down on the ground at the same time. Lots of the boys get back up after some time after being downed and return to battle while their balls are swollen and sore, even more sensitive than at the beginning.
After the battle has lasted for 30-40 mins, all the boys exept me and another one wearing a cup is still standing. All around us we see boys and a few girls lying on the ground in pain. Three of the girls suddenly decide to sit on the rest of the boys faces and smother them with their groins/asses until they are left unconcious, in order to prevent them from getting back up again.
Me and the other boy starts attacking the girls (about 5 of them). We fight bravely and manage to fend them off with pushes and punches for a while. But we are outnumbered and getting tired. After a few minutes, the girls manage to get their first kicks in, stunning both of us. They circle around us and starts kicking us repeatedly. They take turns kicking us. Each girls kick is different, one being quick and stingy, the other being hard enough to leave us breathless for several seconds.
We keep ourselves standing up as long as we can to prevent the girls from winning. Our only hope is that the girls tired themselves out from kicking. In all of this, not knowing the sadistic girls are actually on purpose kicking lighter and letting us have brief periods of recovery, so that we remain standing in excruciating pain for longer.
Eventually, after several minutes that felt like hours, the girls let up. Suddenly their strongest kickers face us both and started landing power kicks while the rest of the girls watched and cheered. Kicks powerful enough to make our bodies slightly jump up each time. Both of our protective cups were completely shattered at this point and provided little to none protection. After about 5 power kicks we both go down.
I'm dizzy/groggy and can't see much. I can hear the girls cheering, when suddenly i see next to me, a girl sitting directly onto the face of the other boy, while wearing tights. I could hear deep, muffled, screams coming from within her ass.
Suddenly, another girl with tights jumps onto my chest. I desperately try to get her off, but the rest of the girls starts grabbing my legs and arms. I tork and twitch my body all i can in desperation. Suddenly one of the girls starts kicking my balls while my legs are behind held by two others. Eventually i can barely move and the girl sitting on my chest starts slowly moving towards my mouth. As i scream "please noo i don't want to dieee!!" she moves forward and her wet crotch covers my mouth completely, leaving my nose the only source of oxygen. In desperation i tried to bite her, but her crotch was completely flat and there was nothing to get a proper bite on.
She raises herself from my mouth and starts hovering with her bottom directly above my face. I gasp for air...
Her tights in the groin area are dripping wet.
I turn to the left and next to me i see the other girl still sitting on the other boys face, who lay down motionless.
At one point as i'm in the middle of inhaling air, she suddenly sits down plumb on my face causing a suction effect to occur. She covers my entire face and everything turns dark. I feel an intense heat radiating from her and slip into unconsioness...
Am i pretty messed up or what? :)
My fantasy is that a woman of about 40 0 50 years seduce me , undress me and excite me as she is fully clothed. I ate and I show her bare feet for the kiss and when I do that I hit a tremendous kick in the balls and go laughing at me.
Being that sweet and innocent geek :P
hi, i write some short one,
Imagine in this fantasy i have very low pain tolerance, (a medium kick would drops me for half hour)and fighting with wrestling girls.we exchange a few punch and slap.(while making some bb videos.)
sh punch me in my balls so she can do some figure four leglock (a few minutes to torture my legs). then she get on top of me and give several medium knees (my pain tolerance is low so it torture me) she kiss my lips with some sensual grind. then the finisher could be 3 butt bombs, it hits so hard that i ejaculated and fainted. Then she keep teasing me by showing the video.
it just in fantasy..
personally mine is to be ruptured and castrated by her kicks and knees whilst i beg her to do it being balbusted harder and harder by her util the pain becomes unbearable then begging her to completely destroy them.
Well, I have two really. One is just something I think about and is never actually going to happen though.
The first one (the one thats not happening) is a bit twisted:
I always wonder what it would be like to actually break a guys balls, like permanently. I could never actually do it, but i have thought about it, alot lol. There are a few ways i would want to do it. First squeezing, so i could really feel them smooshing. Then stomping with one of those cockboard(?) things with the hole cut out. Last would be to have a guy tied up and just kick and knee him all out until theres nothing left of them. So yeah like i said that one is staying in the fantasy realm, because even if the guy was willing, I just couldn't do that to someone.
Number two is more realistic.
I want to either bust my bf and another guy at the same time, or find another girl to bust my bf with. I would want it to be with someone we know and are comfortable with though, so that kind of narrows down our options. Anyways, having two guys at my mercy would be such a huge power trip! And with another girl, it would be fun to give my man a bit of a show while he got his balls worked over :)
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