I love ball-busting alot. Im only 19 and have yet to get a real bust from a lady, but ive been self busting for around 5 years. All i want to make sure is i can have kids when im older. Is this likely?

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I've been busted for years.  I love getting kneed and kicked with boots.  I have two kids now and it only took a few weeks for my wife to get pregnant both times.  For what it's worth though, I don't like the actual pain of getting kicked/kneed so she usually pulls her kicks slightly so she makes contact without smashing them.  Sometimes I'll get busted for 20 minutes straight and I rarely have gone more than a day or two without a few (or several) good kicks/knees. We're still young, so I don't know what it will be like when we get far into our 30's, 40's, or beyond.  As of right now though nothing has me worried.


On the other hand, some guys get thoroughly crushed.  I have my doubts on how good that is for your long term health and virility...

Yo sb, testicles, while highly sensitive organs, are extremely tough and durable.  They are built to take abuse.  By design, they generally move out of the way of most blows before being crushed, are quite plastic as in they can be squished pretty damn hard and bounce right back into shape, and the groin actually has a fair amount of padding around it to cushion most impacts.   However, having said that:


So... go ahead and bank some sperm if it gives you peace of mind to go out and get your nutz crushed!  Enjoy!!

A theory I have always wanted to test. I always here how durable they are, but I really want to see just how "durable" they are. I have a feeling I would be disappointed ;)

I cant even imagine what your sexy talk must be like in real life. You'd prob have to bust me for blowing my load just from you talking

Just listen to your body.  Immediate pain from a blow to the testicles is normal and it's what we all enjoy so no worries there.  Just make sure that after a while the pain has subsided and you feel recovered.  It's fine to feel a little tender even for days after a good solid busting session but if your balls really hurt for a long time, then take a break.  

I think the only time you're taking a real risk is when you are busted repeatedly and don't give your body a chance to recover.  Avoid that and you ought to be just fine.



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