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Being a girl, I will never know what it really feels like to get kicked in the nutts. I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact, at the moment of impact and immediately after. And besides the obvious pain, what other sensations are you feeling physically throughout your body? I'd like to hear the cb take on this also. So describe to me in detail...what it really feels like to get Kicked In The Groin ツ
"my balls feel fragile and vulnerable and they are about to be smashed"...pure poetry
to a bb girl like me ;) That statement reminded me of this one time when a friend
and I were talking in his kitchen and he was leaning against the counter, which made
his package protrude all the more in that position. Could I resist? Nooooo, of course not!
I had to kick his balls right then because they were OUT THERE, begging to be kicked.
Was his positioning intentional? Maybe...perhaps, but either way, I HAD to do it. As I
told him then, it's an odd thing that men have their balls "out there" at all times, even
underneath clothing, they're still soooo vulnerably "out there", saying KICK ME! KICK ME!
So I did, haha. And like your wife, I love to kick 'em hard...and repeeeeatedly, meeoww~
Nice breakdown on the mental aspect of a kick, Nate. Cheers to you and wifey :)
What does it feel like well mmmm It's as close in pain a man will ever get to child birth,Just not as long and the only crying is us!!!!
I don't get the disabling abdominal pain and nausea at all, in all the times I've tried. Just the kind of sharp immediate pain you would get from a hit to another sensitive body part.
I could try for harder hits, but would be risking injury.
I've been cheated by fate and my weird physiology!
It depends on whether or not it is a surprise kick vs. an anticipated kick. A well placed surprise kick is much more disabling for me; generally I feel a sudden tightness in the muscles in my lower abdomen and muscles in the lower back. Shortly thereafter ( approx. 1-4 seconds) I feel a paralyzing numbness from my waistline down to the tips of my toes, my legs feel like useless jelly and no long provide support for my upper body. Lastly, after about 10 minutes of paralyzing pain I begin to feel aching pain in my nuts and scrotum which can last for several days even as long as one week.
An anticipated kick to the nuts allows me to mentally prepare for the pain which means generally I have much more control over my reactions and can usually withstand a multitude of knee-lifts/kicks until the paralysis takes over and causes me to drop. After several minutes of paralyzing pain the remaining pain is in the nuts/scrotum for several days...an aching swollen type of persistent nagging pain.
Some quotes from a thread on reddit:
1. I once asked my boyfriend to describe what it's like to get kicked in the balls. His response: "It does not make you regret getting kicked in the balls, it makes you fear getting kicked in the balls again. You can't feel or even think about anything else. In those few terrible moments you are only balls, and you wish you weren't."
2. I haven't been hit in the nuts in at least a year, I'm starting to forget the pain. I hope I never have to be reminded.
3. I once had a car hood slammed on my balls, as well as being punched in my balls hard enough to warrant a visit to the hospital, so I feel like I can describe this adequately.
First, forget everything you know about being hit in the balls. This doesn't even compare.
The pain is absolutely excruciating to the point that your vision fails, and you lose at least some consciousness. It's difficult to breathe, as all of your muscles are spasming from your taint to your diaphragm. This, of course, makes it hurt worse. You'll probably be crying, and when your vision returns you won't want to open your eyes. You'll likely be on the floor with your hands cupped over your nuts unable to move.
The pain and spasms begin to subside, and a dull but excruciating ache takes over as your testicles swell and bruise. They become tender to the touch, VERY tender to the touch. You try to keep your legs spread so that they don't touch your testes. The only relief is from ice, and that's difficult because you don't want anything touching you there.
You arrive at the hospital after someone else drives you there, and you're accosted with a UFIA to examine your prostate for damage and swelling, and sent home with pain meds and instructions to ice the area. You spend the next several days with one foot on top of the couch and one on the floor, with a bag of ice in the middle. The pain gradually subsides and the swelling comes down.
4. Blunt force to the testicles results in an intense, overwhelming feeling of pain that is centered on the lower torso area. I break out into sweat and feel nauseous when it happens; some people actually vomit.
5. The worst part about being kicked in the balls is it's such a shock to the nervous system that it actually takes a second to register and sink in.
That half second of confusion where you think "Did I just get kicked in the balls?"
Immediately followed by what feels like all the nerve receptors in your body pulsating towards your crotch/stomach area. You keel over and there's nothing you can do but lie in the fetal position while your entire lower body throbs in pain. Really ruins your day, big time.
BB is totally sexual for me, so I can only share it with someone I'm reeeally close to. It's interesting
how you can differentiate your feelings, depending on who is busting you, Michael--as far as feeling
it as sexual/non-sexual. And it's wonderful that you are your best friend's stress-balls :D I had that
for a while and it was amaaazing. "I feel like I'm sharing my deepest self with her and she is accepting
it"....that's a beautiful statement, and it is truly a beautiful thing to share that level of intimacy.
When the kick really does connect with both my nuts, it's like they become pain incarnate, where I can't even hold them so I just grab my inner thighs since that's the closest I can get. The pain in my actual balls feels like a throbbing dull, but immense ache; kind of like my balls grew hearts of their own, and every beat sends a spasm of pain through them. I'm guessing maybe it's bloodflow causing the vessels to "rub off against" the pain receptors which are now in overdrive; I'm no anatomist or biologist so I don't know the real reason behind the throb.
After a few seconds, the pain spreads up to my lower abdomen. I've never actually felt nausea, but there's a dull ache in my lower abdomen that pulses in tandem with the greater ache in my actual testicles; not too painful that it causes nausea, but just painful enough that it stays at the forefront of my mind and I can't take my mind off it to lessen it. I also feel that the dull ache I feel in my lower abdomen gets amplified when I put weight on my legs, so I go down to lighten that load (and hopefully the pain). It's not that my legs "turn to jelly" like it is for some other guys, it's more like "I CAN stand, but I WON'T because it just freaking hurts even more!" I don't know if standing really does make the pain worse, or if it's just in my head, but it FEELS real enough that I don't want to remain standing. I can't even squeeze my legs together because sometimes my thigh makes contact with one of my nuts and causes a burst of pain, so I Keep my legs ever so slightly apart. My most common "post bust" position is on the floor, legs apart, sometimes with knees up if I'm on my back, and my hands on my inner thighs, doing everything in my power to try and ease the throbbing pain.
It usually takes several minutes before I'm able to make actual physical contact with my testicles, and when I finally do, they still send slight spasms of pain when I touch them, but it's "good pain"; similar to when a massage hits the aching muscle and sends a spasm of pain, but it's a spasm you don't mind. That's what it feels like when I cradle them in my hands, and the more the pain subsides the more I interact with them, from cradling to actually trying to massage the pain away.
This is one of the best descriptions ever, justaboy: "immense ache...like my balls grew hearts
of their own, and every beat sends a spasm of pain through them." :D Great detail throughout
...and funny too: "the more the pain subsides the more I interact with them"...haha :)
Maybe others here can compare the pain with a pain that a girl could experience. For example, is it anything like the pain of showering with water at the very hottest, almost scalding setting? Or maybe some martial artists here can compare the difficulty breathing with that resulting from a punch or kick to the solar plexus.
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