Being a girl, I will never know what it really feels like to get kicked in the nutts. I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact, at the moment of impact and immediately after. And besides the obvious pain, what other sensations are you feeling physically throughout your body? I'd like to hear the cb take on this also. So describe to me in detail...what it really feels like to get Kicked In The Groin ツ

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For me its about being kicked with high heels. I'll tell you right now that any guy that tells you it doesn't hurt is full of it. When I see a girl bring her leg way back getting ready to kick, I feel both excited and scared. I love and fear the pain at the same time. When I get kicked, it hurts a lot but yet I don't cover up so I cam get kicked again. I may have raised more questions than I answered but that is how I feel before, during and after the kick.

I suppose the best way to describe it to a girl would be, it's like a stomach ache only affecting a smaller area between your legs. If you get kicked hard enough the pain seems to actually rise into your stomach, feeling pain in the balls and stomach. If you have ever had that intense dull stomach ache that doubles you over, well that's very close to what a guy feels in his balls with a hard kick or punch squeeze etc.

    My pain tolerance is very high but But I'm human too! Ive been punched and felt a knee many times. Hella foreplay-

    changing power control       

    One time while practicing for a race  I was tossed forward on my bike and landed on the gas CAP that was raised and     it and only it hit  crushed my balls! 1. I went into a sweat and insta pain  I doubled over and gasped for air,  eyes          watered, the pain spread  from my balls out. but with all that I was not feeling like I'm gonna hurl or pass out!.             



My thoughts can be extremely varied as to the situation.  So for that part of the answer I will assume that the BB is part of foreplay. Before she busts my nuts I'm thinking how, how hard will she bust them, and when.  There is anticipation of what I will feel in terms of both pain and the after effect, because that is totally up to her and what she does to my balls.  In my experience it surprises most girls that a light squeeze at the right time can be very pleasurable  and not in the least bit painful (even though at any other time the same light squeeze would cause moderate discomfort).  As to the moment of impact its hard to say it is so short with so many thoughts, but often the prevailing thought is do I try to stay standing and fight the pain or do I sink to her feet and let her have her way.  Immediately after a good bust depends on how hard she busted them, but it is either relief that she let me off easy or Oh My Balls.

As far as what it feels like is pain extreme pain.  It starts out as extreme pain localized in the testicle itself similar to smashing a toe right at the nail bed except it is a 100 time more intense and maybe a 1000 times more painful.  Next after .5 - 2 seconds the pain quickly shoots up into the cords and up into the stomach (unless the blow or pressure is applied directly to the epididimus, the area at the back of the testicle where the sperm is stored and the nerves and blood vessels inter the testicle, in which case both of the previous happen simultaneously, which cause an extremely agonizing an immediately debilitating pain).  This is the causes the stomach muscles to tighten which in turn causes the bending, dropping, curling up, sick to the stomach, and difficulty breathing (basically all the pain you see).

The relief happens in the opposite order, with the pain residing in the centre of the testicle an a residual throbbing in the epididimus. This rush of blood causing the throbbing makes the testicle extremely sensitive to both internal and external pressure, which brings me to the after effect I mentioned earlier.  Orgasm at this point is extremely intense and quite unique.

I've seen girls get busted and it looks quite painful and I've wondered how it feels for them. I've also wonder exactly what it is about busting either BB or CB that girls like.

Felt this sudden tightness in my lower abdomen and an instant later my legs crumbled beneath me as Candi(Vicki's girlfriend) was standing over me grinning ear to ear. Come to find out Vicki has been teaching Candi the finer points of a surprise bb. She kicked me from behind; never saw it coming, all I could feel is my legs giving out from under me, She said she was demonstrating the power and swift ability to incapacitate  males, she being only a 5' 3" 112 lb. female!  Lots of giggles from the ladies, but I was back on my feet(nuts a little sore but intact) in less than 10 minutes.

Though I've only really gotten sports injuries, i'm sure the pain would be much akin. It ranges from mild discomfort/slightly erotic (pain that you would get from either a light kick, or something lightly/slowly hitting your groin) this is basically where the pain is there and local in the groin sometimes around the pelvis but is is minimal and the tingle (active nerves) afterwards is somewhat pleasant. After that there is crippling (mid-force kick, or something thrown with effort), here pain is overwhelming (stops being pleasant for most people) and most fall to the ground followed by rolling into a ball due to ball pain. Here pain is in balls (heavy like smacking your funny bone with a metal pipe) and generally in the pelvis, and lower abdomen/belly. Then there is full force, this is exactly what you would imagine and pain is extreme (lightning bolt basically) pain is all over your body and can cause lasting damage or worse. I have real only experienced the first 2, haven't experienced full force. Then there is a psychological factor, to summarize this think of fear, anxiety, anticipation, and a bit of euphoria all happening at once. Of course this is broadly speaking so pain levels might change from person to person (pain tolerance) but generally that would be accurate. 


 Brett incapacitating,severe pain all while you hold your balls, But the best really for me, is a steady squeeze to bring my eyes and change my voice only to have her bring pleasure,just to take it away and back to that pain till she builds it up to higher and higher levels Now that for me is a bust, slow and long~~~~

For me its the weirdest feeling to explain. When it happens I want to be realy mad, but get real turned on at the same time. It hurts but at the same time I want to cum only more and it to keep going. I guess for me its like a good addicting pain. To have em squeezed is a bit of feeling in my stomach and probably hurts more then the hitting but I always want more to feel her soft hands crushing my balls between her fingers gets me going. The punching is all good pain that I only want her to go harder on and even tempt her to try to make me go down :) All in all its an experience that coincidentally can hurt and get me going at the same time :x

So while your nutts are being squeezed, the pain is constant, but you are also aroused because a GIRL.IS.

TOUCHING.YOUR.BALLS. hahaa... I like sending those mixed signals ;) This reminds me of my early days

in bb, when I was having a conversation with a close friend: He always said he hated having his nutts

squeezed, yet on this particular day, he revealed to me that he wanted me to squeeze them. I reminded

him of his extreme dislike of squeezing, to which he replied that even so, he would still like for me to 

squeeze them. And no no no, he was not just pretending because he had expressed his dislike several

times beforehand. That got me thinking....whyyyy would he want me to squeeze his nutts if he sooo

disliked nutt-squeezing?? And then I thought.... because my hands would be all over his bare balls, that

sneaky bastard hahaa. Duh. Fast forward: I ended up squeezing his nutts. A lot. And he fucking LOVED it did I ;) Cheeeers to those mixed signals, Ult. Rugal....enjoyyyyy!

Mallory, you can add to that list the fact that (speaking for myself at least) a gentle to moderate ball squeeze actually feels super pleasurable.  I mean, like rev-me-up oh yeah hello there!  Not painful, just a turn-on.  A big one.  :)   And it's not just "a girl is touching my balls" (though that is a great thing!) I mean it genuinely feels really good.

A hard squeeze is different and can be intensely painful, as others have described.  But even then, despite the pain being overwhelming, that sensation of pleasure is still mixed in there somewhere, at least for me. Toss in the female empowerment and the "a girl is touching my balls" feeling and you've got something potent.

Hard squeeze all the way ;)

yeahhh I fucking LOVE making a man squirm...especially when his nutts are in my vicious grip ;)



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