A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
I've been aroused by BB since I was 12 or 13, but I only was comfortable telling women about it starting from when I was around 26 or 27 (5 or 6 years ago...ugh getting old). Since then, I've brought it up with about a dozen women. I always ask if they've ever kicked a guy in the balls (in a sexual or non-sexual setting), and of the dozen or so, only one has said yes. It was actually a hot story--she was a very petite Asian girl who kneed and kicked some fratboy douchebag at a party in college and completely humiliated him in front of everybody (kind of my fantasy).
But I digress. My point is that I believe that, as much as we like to think bb happens all of the time, the vast majority of women will go their whole lives without ever kicking a dude in the nuts. Am I just meeting the wrong women, or is this closer to reality? Any thoughts?
This is a direct quote from Wutchaknoboutdat ... I think every male on this site needs to read it cause its quite brilliant.
There are more women out there than the categories of (1) "liking ballbusting so they do it for hours and hours for free" and (2) "not liking ballbusting at all so they charge a lot of money to do it." There are also:
(3) Women that have never heard of ballbusting before, but would try it out if they were introduced to it.
(4) Women who have never tried ballbusting but have past bad feelings towards males and so they'll do it.
(5) Women that thought they would never kick a guy in the groin but then do it and have fun with it.
(6) Women that consider themselves the most sadistic of all, but then run away when asked to do ballbusting.
(7) Vanilla women who will try ballbusting on you but will remain vanilla outside of that and won't do ballbusting to anyone else.
(8) Vanilla women outside of the lifestyle that will do ballbusting to anyone because it's funny.
(9) Females that will do ballbusting to you because you're their friend or significant other.
(10) Etc etc...
I can go on and on with these categories. There are so many varieties of women out there, not just the two extremes in which we bb males tend to cluster them. I have met at least one girl in each of those categories. It's important to have 2 main things in mind:
(1) Compensation. I didn't mention compensation on any of the categories of women that I gave you, and I did it for a reason. Many bb guys think that they have to pay a woman hundreds of dollars for some bb. Many bb women here accept that because they're being paid for something a guy wants. It doesn't mean they're bitches or gold diggers (though of course there are always a few exceptions that give the rest a bad image). It just means that that's what men have been willing to pay them and that's that. It doesn't have to be this way. On the other hand, it bothers me when bb men want women to drop everything they're doing and meet the man for hours on end, fulfilling all his bb fantasies and everything, yet not compensate her in any way. In many places it would be illegal to pay someone for this type of thing; nevertheless, the idea of getting something for nothing does make me upset. You don't have to pay a woman a lot of money for ballbusting. There are women out there that will do it for free, but it's always better to provide some sort of value. If she wants money and it isn't illegal then that's for you to decide with her (even then, you probably won't have to break the bank). If she needs something else, be willing to help her out with what she needs. Does she have fantasies of her own that she would like fulfilled? [Note: if you meet women at munches/events than this will be huge, so learn how to spank/play with rope/wax/flog/any other common fetishes that women have. Be willing to open up and explore their interests so they can explore yours]. Does she need rides from some place to another? Is she in need of finding a job? Is she safe? Can she need the help of a man in any way in her life? Does she want some shoes? Hell, could she use some groceries or does she need her lawn mowed? Some of these sound lame and I haven't tried them all. THE POINT I'M TRYING TO GET TO---> bb men need to think more about giving than just think about receiving. One of the biggest reasons for why kinky women won't do ballbusting is because bb males are among the most selfish men in the whole lifestyle. To all bb males out there....STOP IT. Give and take, be of value to those you meet.
(2) Teaching and training. You might not meet many women that are already passionate for ballbusting. [Spoiler: not many of those women exist anyway....while there certainly are women out there that enjoy bb, the majority don't enjoy it through the same lens that we men do....and that's ok, they just experience it from another position, but just thought I'd clarify this so that the average bb male who reads this can step out of his fantasy land looking for that preprogrammed mega-ballbuster.] However, never underestimate the power of introducing new women to ballbusting, teaching them about it and training them on how to do it. Don't be creepy when approaching them. [In other words, don't tell a beginner to "step on your balls with heels until the balls are destroyed" or to "kick them as hard as she can and be merciless about it" or some other heavy-duty thing]. You have to start by teaching them how to kick properly. Remember the days in elementary and middle school when girls used to kick boys in the balls in a very simple way. Have them learn how to do basic kicks with you standing, kneeling, etc. Have them knee you. Do these things in a very basic way. Let the girl see that you can tolerate those basic hits without crumpling around like a wounded animal on the ground. Go to munches, attend local fetish events. That's where you'll find women that are a little more open minded than vanilla girls. Even if you get women at munches and kink events refusing to try bb, they at least won't judge you for it like some vanilla girls would, because they're used to kinky people having fantasies anyway. You're 52 years old, so you should probably abstain from the typical vanilla woman on the street who won't want to hurt you. Go to Fetlife events in your local area.--->THE POINT I'M TRYING TO MAKE IS: If you don't have pre-trained ballbuster women in your area, then create them...find them and train them yourself. It takes work, but so does every other valuable thing in life.
Sorry for the CAPS in the end of each paragraph. I don't know how to write bold letters here so that was the best way I could get them to stand out. Best of luck to all males here wanting to find women for ballbusting. I hope this helped.
This is a direct quote from Knave! ... I think every male on this site needs to make a Certificate of it
....You have to pursue what you want, or you're guaranteed never to get it.
I see a lot of posts and threads online in the community written by guys that want to be busted. These posts often come across as whiny, and I can understand why. A lot of people feel disenfranchised or powerless in the face of their fetish and the options afforded them. Vanilla dating is much easier than finding someone to kick you in the balls. Or at least that's what I used to think when I was younger.
Back then I forced myself to take the initiative and meet people for the sake of meeting people. I got out of my shell and I made myself into someone that I would want to be around. I met a ton of really interesting people. Punks, Emos, Goths, Kinksters, Professionals, Models, Exotic Dancers, Multimedia people like me, and a lot more. A lot of those relationships didn't grow or remain, but some did, and some even led to the best ballbusting play-dates I've ever had.
Somewhere during a string of really bad relationships, I forgot how to take that kind of initiative. I became timid and weak and I treated myself like a victim. I can empathize with those hopeless posts because I was there at one point. I felt like my life was no longer in my control and like I was reacting instead of acting.
Then I dumped some people and got back to being happy. I firmly believe you have to learn to make yourself happy before any person or event can do it for you. This won't slip into psychology talk, I just needed to say that.
So now that I am with someone who loves me for all that I am, and whom I can love with all my heart in every way I want to, I am emboldened again to really take control of my life. You can do it too.
To every guy that has ever asked me how to get busted, I can say it's not as hard as you're making it out to be. Get out and meet kinky people! Meet tattoo artists and piercers! Go to punk shows and metal shows and shows that endorse counter-culture. Find people that don't like the status quo and be a good friend to them! Concentrate on being trustworthy, honest, genuine, fun and sympathetic. Put yourself in other peoples' shoes and let yourself be honest with the people you cherish the most. Help people and let them help you. Sleep isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be, so when folks are sitting around late at night chatting, don't leave because you have obligations in the morning. It's then that we talk about what really matters to us, and those are conversations that will help your spirit grow into what it needs to be.
What does all this lovey-dovey stuff have to do with getting kicked? Well first off you need to realize that getting kicked is one of the least important things in life. When you put it on the back burner, you'll see that other people, when they know who you are and what you enjoy, will bring it up FOR YOU. The best sessions I've ever had were with counter-culture girls who were my friends and confidants. They trusted me, I trusted them and we had fun together. You also need to be open to playing out other people's fantasies. Learn how to spank someone hard and accurately. Learn how to choke someone without endangering their lives. Learn how to pull hair without really hurting their scalp. A lot of girls have these relatively simple kinks and if you're the kind of guy that has kinks of his own it's a great idea to learn about every other kink that exists and do some research into it. If something "isn't your thing" MAKE IT YOUR THING! You'd be surprised how changing your eyes or your perspective can make something arousing. One thing I've learned is that helping to fulfill someone's fantasy is ALWAYS rewarding.
First and foremost, realize you have control over your life. If your girlfriend won't kick you, don't sit around complaining and feeling cheated. Don't CHEAT on her either! Don't sulk and don't play the victim. If getting kicked is that important, then it behooves you to respect her wishes, and talk seriously about it. If you need to, part ways. Also, don't pretend or lie to yourself that BB isn't that important in your life. If you're a member of this forum, then it's a part of who you are and you owe it to yourself to be honest and admit it.
So, knowing you have control, take risks! Take chances! You'll fall on your face TONS of times! Get up, dust yourself off and get back out there. Learn everything you can. Meet everyone you can. Practice ballbusting on yourself so you'll have a decent tolerance by the time someone really wants to kick you. And don't ever commit the sin of being too afraid to approach someone. The worst that can happen is they'll say "no". Other people will say "Yes" and I promise if you're a good person who is committed to getting what you want and giving what others want as well, you'll find more people saying "Yes!" than not.
If you have questions or need specifics, e-mail me at knavebb at hotmail. I'll reply to every one, like I always do. Thanks to everyone that has helped me on this forum and others. I hope to give some of that back :)
I'm glad I stopped by to read this. I enjoy a good reading from a different perspective, and now I got one! Some thing I was already aware of, but it's still good to give a refreshing to sour perspectives at times. Thanks to all that have responded, for I am listening, learning, and attempting to apply the knowledge now!
As for the question: This may be over-generalizing it, but from my experience I've learned that a lot of women don't like to discuss inflicting harm on men to men, but far more women than normal have ballbusted a guy before. I believe women simply don't like talking about inflicting harm on a guy's nuts, because it may make her look like a horrible person, it may cause a negative reaction with the guy she says it to, or she may simply be scared to be truthful. I've spoken to a lot of women who say initially they don't like ballbusting, but then after talking with them and getting more comfortable with them, I find out that they are practically seasoned veterans.
In saying that, once women are comfortable around me and come to respect my fetish, I hear a great deal more women than a few that admit to ballbusting a set of balls. And that's across the spectrum of ages from just legal to darn near 70! One lady I work with in her 60's used to bust her brother. Another lady in her 40's actually hosts kinky parties and enjoys doing a near limitless amount of activities in the ballbusting department (I should know, she's worn my nuts through a good number of times)!
If you want the lady to reveal history that she might be uncomfortable revealing, first make her feel comfortable. Work on making sure that the information she reveals will remain anonymous and confidential, and you'll be surprised how many ballbusters you'll truly find!
Lady in 60's bust her brother??? What is story,she bust him all life or...
@playfight. Yep indeed! The lady used to tell me initially that she thought ballbusting was simply wrong and that a woman should never do it. After working with her a bit and she began to get comfortable with me, her story came out. It all started when I decided to come out of the closet with her. I had a crush on her (she has a soft, loving demeanor that makes you feel like she'll do anything to make you happy. Submissive to a degree, but oh so wonderful!), and when she found out I had a crush on her things took a happy turn down intimacy road. That's when she told me the revised version. For some odd reason her brother used to ask her to walk on his back to aid his aching muscles. She eventually got really good at it, both walking on his back AND his front. One step led to another, and must I say more?
@kingnate-Thanks for the update there! It's amazing how just a little communication can change common and (in my personal opinion) lame social interactions amongst men and women! Thanks for validating my ongoing and evolving theory on social communication! :D
Yeah, there's loads of people who have never kicked a person in the groin. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it lol.
Some girls would never dream of it, a lot of girls would but much fewer would want to do it to a masochist in a sexual way. That's what I think anyway.
You may be right but I think its becoming more common.
Girls were once taught not to hit a Male in the balls because of possible long term damage to the Male. The situation has now changed and Girls are even actually encouraged to kick or knee a Male to settle a confrontation or if he is making a nuisance of himself. It is now quite rightly fair game.
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