I didn't know weather to make this a blog or a discussion so I just went with a discussion, maybe it will generate some feed back.

I see some people have a problem with the KITG becoming a subscription site, and we will probably lose some good contributors because of It. That being said, I think it is a great idea. Some seem to think that paying 20 bucks is a rip off , especially for a site that isn't constantly updated with a plethora of videos or whatever some people are looking for. I never really thought that was the purpose of this site though. KITG always seemed like a place where people can go to connected with others with similar interest, on a topic that is judged and ridiculed, or considered taboo or what not. This is a place where people can talk about this kind of shit and not worry about being judged for it, or be uncomfortable with that part of their own personality. If you want something to just get off to, there are plenty of other sites out there, all you have to do is google it.

I think making this site a subscription site is an opportunity to improve the over all quality of our site, as it will cut a lot of the bullshit profiles, trolls, and lurkers. Some of the stuff on this site varies from causal, strange, to down right fucking crazy, this is a ADULT site, so it will deter under age individuals from trying to sign up.

Out of the 6086 members there is only roughly a hundred or so that donate, and actually contribute to the site, and I know those people are worried that KITG will become a ghost town. That can only happen if YOU, the contributors, stop coming to the site. A community can never thrive and grow if there is no one to support it, same implies for KITG. This is your site as much as it is Mallory's and Dvhour's. What would be he point other wise?

20 bucks a year is nothing. That makes it what, $1.67 a month? I can find that in my couch most of the time. I think that we should be more focused on how we can make the site better from here on out, and come up with new ideas to improve the quality of our site.

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@Foo Bar

My challenge to you sir is to find some profitable way to  keep the culture and PG-Rated vibe of this site and most of all try to keep the site FREE to the masses. If you find some viable solution for this site to better operate then by all means express it. I will be more than happy to debate with you but all I"m hearing from you are complaints and mutinous challenges. Look we are not your enemy, what's this all that about really?

I believe in free speech, free enterprise and having a free collaborative community. All that you say is quite valid and I support it. But in some domains and under certain circumstances that way of thinking works in theory and not in in reality. This is not a profitable venture…. we are just two regular hardworking people who get ZERO profit for upholding the peace, balance, well being and content for this website. We do not have an evil global plan like a Google or Facebook or Microsoft we just simply want to keep a BB and CB social site running. THATS ALL. 

Yes it would have been nice to keep the site free but hell we have done a good job of this for 4 years and each time its the same response, people like you complaining about donating and seriously we didnt and don't pressure people beyond that we ask to make a donation we don't force people… ANYWAY those who have contributed content generally are the ones who donated so in essence they will be returning so I seriously don't see a problem.

The people who never contribute or donate … what exactly is their loss going to mean? ITs nice to say we have over 6,500+ members but really all that bandwidth is whats driving up our costs and frankly I have no problem with them not returning if its going to streamline the site and possibly trim our overhead. 

Your talk about privatization and about us betraying the trust of our members you need to save that for big corporations who have an agenda… you are fighting the wrong battle for the wrong reasons. AND see this is exactly my frustration with the mentality of some members on this site… why am I defending the sincere consistent vibe and intent of this site? Mallory and I have to deal with frustrating conversations like this regularly. Responding to unnecessary revolt talk does nothing positive for the energy or vibe of this site... OFFER some solutions rather than complain and sound like a 3 year Social Science student!!!! ONCE AGAIN this is not a business we are fetishists who just want a site…

{warm n fuzzies}  from ball bustee :)

My sentiments exactly. 2 thumbs way way up.

well said wutchaknoboudat i just cant understand what the fuss is all about.it was 10$ what can u get with that even 20$. i have made some good friends on here when i see there names i know i am in for a good chat not always bb which is what is so good    

well the site is NOT going to attract new people at all, the average new person who googles kicked in the groin will see this site and think ohhh crap they want money? they will click back straight away and look elsewhere

The only people that will now come here are those that have come here since the beginning and a willing to give cash to chat to the same people they won't chat to anyone new at all

Think of it its the sad life about the world you see a $30 CD, do you go drive down there spend petrol money buy the CD for $30 or B download it in your own home in 10 mins for the exact same quality? now that you are compaing shelter and food I thought I should compare the REAL world which is the internet  and the world we live in where Social Media is all free, now I know for a fact 1000s of people on here are inboxing each other their emails facebook twitter fetlife etc  so that they can continue to chat.. if I wanna chat to someone about a topic if its BB or talking about the god damm weather I am not going to pay someone money for it.

I agree with the donations to keep a site going donations are important and that''s exactly what they are. the people that have all donated now (and Yes I am not one of them I know In stingy right now with my own life expenses) you might as well say they are NOT donations.

and I predict this same time this year the site will no longer exist why??? because you will have already diminished your membership by 80% and half of the people next year won't pay and then guess what?? you won't have any more to keep it going at all.

you don't see sites like video game forums charging a subscription to talk about games, If you can't find the site feesable at all then maybe shut it down completely rather then put it in the users hands

All I got to say is Ballbusting Tube is about to get a lot more members...

That was the whole point of the discussion, how to keep people interested in the site, and how get more people to join. All but a few responses have been people bitching about why we shouldn't pay. I don't care.


Oh and me personally, would go down and by the CD, because I don't rip off the artist I enjoy listing to. I cant believe that you compared this to video game site. Are you serious, do I even have to explain the differences? Video game community is enormous, and you got companies and developers backing them up. I have talked to a lot of people on here and i know for a fact that they are not going anywhere.

Oh and me personally, I cant stand Ballbusting tube and dont go there very often. Just something about a website that looks like it can give my computer a disease makes me hesitant, and when do go I am afraid my hard drive going to start melting. BBtube is a porn site; This is not.

As there is not much time left to do so, I finally want to thank the site owners for their work as well as the donors and people, who contributed a lot of stuff here like f.e. bronson.

And even though I am not using the surely very nice chat function (as there is nobody living near to my place as far as I know), I benefited a lot from free videos, pics and stories I could get and read as well as participate in some nice talks in the forum.

I understand the situation, but I can't be part of the community any more as it seems. I don't have paypal or a credit card. And I don't feel ready for this to me totally unknown virtual visa card. Besides it is unclear how many people will stay now - and after autumn 2014. As mentioned I am not using the chat, most stories, videos and pictures I see in other websites for free and with less members and postings from people, paying would get me a membership with probably less benefits.

Hope you don't get me wrong - I wish you all a good time and a nice, functioning community. It was nice here. Thank you very much.

"It was nice here. Thank you very much." Those words mean a lot, especially coming from a long-time member. I am happy that you enjoyed your time here, Michael, and hope that you return someday. As Site Admins, Dvhour and I wanted everyone to feel welcome here, because having this fetish can leave one feeling pretty lonely--especially for the men, as I have heard here countless times in private chat. So, we wanted to make this a HOME,  a place where everyone can be free to be who they really are. 

But, unfortunately, freedom isn't free...and we cannot keep this site online without support. Mostly, it is the same 100 core members who we all have to thank for keeping us around this long. However, majority rules, and 6000 members chose not to support the site. To be honest, it saddens me to see these comments and complaints bashing DV and me, when all we have done is pour our blood, sweat and tears into this place. And I feel reeeally bad that it has come to this crossroads because I loved our site just as it was...but, THIS IS NOT OUR DOING. It was in the hands of our members, and only 100 or so wanted to help us stay online. DV and I have jobs and lives outside of this site, but we are still here every single day to sort through the loads of new members, content, emails and problems to keep this ship running smoothly AND peacefully. All of this takes up a tremendous amount of time, and we don't get anything for it. It's been a labor of love, pure and simple. So, for our detractors who are saying we should have asked nicerI don't know how much nicer we could have been that that. It's been a thankless job, and yet we rolled out the red carpet for each and every one of you every. single. day. Why? So that our fellow freaks could have a safe haven from the outside world... a place where you wouldn't be judged or ridiculed for your love of this fetish... a place where you could socialize with countless others into this and realize that you are NOT alone... a place where you are among friends... a place that you could call HOME. That's all we've ever wanted, peeps. 

Thank you Nate, for posting this discussion and for wholeheartedly offering your support and cheering us on--we need that right now. I want to send a special thanks to the countless guys who have shared so much with me in private chat (not the ones just looking to get off--y'all can hit the videos for that ;) I mean the ones who offered intelligent conversation on this wonderful fetish, and shared so many deep and personal feelings on the hows and the whys, which I've always had great interest in, especially during our first year. I always joke that I am the resident therapist here, having helped many of you come to terms with ACCEPTING that this fetish IS a part of who you are...to be able to talk about ballbusting! to be more open about it, and to realize and admit that YES, you do want to experience this with someone special to you, be it a friend or a partner. But, guess what...in this whole process, YOU have helped me to accept this part of me as well, so thank you :) Thank you to all who are sharing your kind words here in this thread as well. And to those who have no kind words, we are open to constructive criticism always, but please do offer some helpful suggestions along with it. To those not returning to KITG, I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed your time here and I ask you to please come here to this space to express any parting thoughts, share some special memories or even just to say good-bye, as Michael did. Regardless of opinion, I wish you ALL well and I thank you for visiting our home. And most of all, our undying gratitude to the loyal members, old and new, who have supported us through the years. You made it worth alllll the daily hard work to keep it going. ((((THANK YOU)))) ❤ Mallory ~

Thank you Dvhour and Mallory, whatever happens in the the future, I can't deny, it's been a fun 3 year stay.

OF course I am thankful and I understand the difficult situation for you. It is your site and you alone decide what to do. Nobody but you can do that because in the end you are responsible.

My explanation, why I leave, was not meant to sound negative towards you at all, I more or less wanted to excuse myself, that I can't share anything anymore because of the for me technically too limited possibilities to pay for the site. Maybe someday I consider getting pay pal, but right now I don't feel like I really need it.

I really hope your idea works out for you and the people who buy a membership.In my opinion you would even deserve a little financial benefit after all for your work - not only to pay the bills to ning. :)

But to all those who complain about that fact that not everyone is willing to pay 20 dollars... please accept that it is some money and especially out of the United States it is not for everyone just some little money. You live in a country with a relatively high income. I was raised to value even small amounts of money as I wasn't raised from very wealthy people.

I don't know about paying 20 dollars for this site. I like to come on here when im in the ballbusting mood, and enjoy all the messages and attention i get, but i just don't know. 



As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.

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  2. Square initials TR
  3. PayPal initials DH
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  5. PayPal initials TD
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  9. PayPal 2swollen
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  12. PayPal initials NM
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  14. PayPal initials BB
  15. PayPal initials EJ
  16. PayPal JK (again)
  17. PayPal PJ (again)
  18. PayPal initials DG
  19. PayPal initials JR
  20. PayPal initials SS
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