I didn't know weather to make this a blog or a discussion so I just went with a discussion, maybe it will generate some feed back.

I see some people have a problem with the KITG becoming a subscription site, and we will probably lose some good contributors because of It. That being said, I think it is a great idea. Some seem to think that paying 20 bucks is a rip off , especially for a site that isn't constantly updated with a plethora of videos or whatever some people are looking for. I never really thought that was the purpose of this site though. KITG always seemed like a place where people can go to connected with others with similar interest, on a topic that is judged and ridiculed, or considered taboo or what not. This is a place where people can talk about this kind of shit and not worry about being judged for it, or be uncomfortable with that part of their own personality. If you want something to just get off to, there are plenty of other sites out there, all you have to do is google it.

I think making this site a subscription site is an opportunity to improve the over all quality of our site, as it will cut a lot of the bullshit profiles, trolls, and lurkers. Some of the stuff on this site varies from causal, strange, to down right fucking crazy, this is a ADULT site, so it will deter under age individuals from trying to sign up.

Out of the 6086 members there is only roughly a hundred or so that donate, and actually contribute to the site, and I know those people are worried that KITG will become a ghost town. That can only happen if YOU, the contributors, stop coming to the site. A community can never thrive and grow if there is no one to support it, same implies for KITG. This is your site as much as it is Mallory's and Dvhour's. What would be he point other wise?

20 bucks a year is nothing. That makes it what, $1.67 a month? I can find that in my couch most of the time. I think that we should be more focused on how we can make the site better from here on out, and come up with new ideas to improve the quality of our site.

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I was thinking the same thing, then you don't cut complete access off to new users. It will give people a chance to check out the site for themselves and then decide if they want to stay or not.

So nobody even looked at the suggestions I posted on page 3? I'm trying to help but I feel like some people are more focused on fighting and taking sides more than trying to group together like this site was meant to do. At least look at them and if you don't like them give me constructive criticism so maybe we can come up with something that might work 

I thought there was some great ideas there Reezik. I love idea of exclusive content and with a more limited membership, perhaps I can convince the wife that it's "safe" to start sharing some clips of our own myself. Wu and Kat and Joe make content that in my opinion is better than anything offered on any fetish site out there, and they seem to be fairly exclusive to here except for when their stuff gets ripped and posted on youtube. That new youtube dude "Unbreakaballs" has some fantastic content and appears to be kind of new to the scene. I sent him a message to tell him he should check this place out because he seems to have the same kind of, casual, hobby like approach that makes Wu so successful. Wheezy has great stuff, Damien, there's lots of active members here who make fantastic content that always seems to turn up here first. But it does usually eventually make the rounds. Perhaps the fee will limit the lurkers and "leechers" a little bit to the point that contributing and subscribed members like myself will feel comfortable enough to begin sharing, rather than hold back due to the likelihood that the clips posted here end up on bbtube and then ultimately youtube. I think that's a very real, possible, workable suggestion we could explore.


I also like the app or game suggestion. Just something silly, fun, funny or cool like that could actually be really neat. I know the wife plays all these ridiculous facebook games that I can't understand but they seem to amuse her, so ballbusting apps or games could be fun for all.

I'm not big on the DVD idea because again, the privacy issues. You submit the content, then it becomes part of a DVD that is sold, then the buyers turns that DVD into clips posted all over the internet to be enjoyed and exploited by non members unwilling to invest in the community. I'm not too big on that DVD idea but I like the exclusive content thru video and/or pictures. If the site were to remain subscription, I don't think we'd want to pay for the videos after already paying to be a member, but it could be an alternative to open membership across the board again at some point, welcoming the new and curious people for free, but in lieu of "donations" charging for content such as exclusive pics or videos to raise the funds needed to support the site seems like a very decent idea or plan. If we just stick with straight membership, if the contributors as well as the paying members who view the contributions are willing and committed to keeping the content exclusive to KITG, it could be a great reason for people to sign up and willingly pay a membership fee if they're on the fence about doing do. Defiantly good suggestions in my estimation.

We'd only put content on DVD with the consent of the contributors. If they wanted videos just to show only on here and aren't comfortable with their material being put into a DVD that's perfectly fine. We would make a terms of agreement that they'd have to agree to that keeps it exclusive but we'd also have an optional function that lets them decide if they want their exclusive content. As for people uploading the DVD content on other sites I have a contingency plan for dealing with that as well. Myself and possibly other people who want to help the cause would scour the internet and see if we come across any of that content elsewhere and if we find it we'd report a claim saying they stole the video content from us that way they'd be forced to take it down. Our videos would NOT contain nudity so porn sites would have no interest and that only leaves Youtube and a few other places and those places have strict rules about copyright claims so finding it and reporting it shouldn't be much of an issue

Sorry. That sounds like some good constructive ideas, thank you for actually responding to the original question. Not too sure about the DVD, the exclusive content is a great idea though. Keep them coming, any idea you got.

@ D. Lloyd 

we appreciate your candor sir and your support. It means a lot to us how you feel about us. We are not unreasonable people and will do our best to make this site affordable and manageable for the folks out there. Its not like Mallory and I are fat kats living high on the hog we are regular people working hard in our daily lives just like you and the many others out there. Please feel free to email me any time if you have any questions, solutions or thoughts dvhour@gmail.com

FACTS: Not enough content is being uploaded for this to be a paid membership site

It was never about the Content.

Hello Deezy, 

KITG has never been about the videos and photos. They are a bonus. 

The mentality of the BB culture has always been a dark, dungeony, CFNM, humiliation driven, callus, cold and distant solo kind of feeling. I'll be frank I prefer and purchase that content more than anything else. Actually thats all there is and thats the point. I embrace that side of BB, I enjoy the aspect of that kind of BB but its not the core of who I am. I am a masochist who's sensual... Many men are... yet the BB culture makes men to feel like they are losers, and pathetic and worthless and that they should be ashamed of loving it. Just look at the videos out there. Dominant, cold, abusive, callus women beating the fuck out of naked, sniveling, cowering, "creepy" men in a hood. The BB mentality in this scene on the forums do not respect other paid BB or CB producers like we do here... what I mean is BBtube has permitted the use of my Old USBB material and I did not authorize that. They don't ask producers if its ok they allow their users to upload illegally other paid BB or CB content... which takes food out the mouths of people who invest their time energy and fortune into it... We DO NOT allow that and we have always tried to preach support BB culture and purchase content we never allow paid content on here UNLESS its uploaded by the creators themselves. The point is we are the only site out there that tries to bring a big brotherly and sisterly responsible guidance. We can claim this because we have done this for 4 years consistently and that will never change. 

Deezy... Mallory and I value your massive contributions and appreciate the fact that you have been inspired and inspire others. You guys offer playful casualness, there's very few sensual and whimsical couples like you guys... You both are welcome here you have contributed plenty and we do not have a pay cap on people like you. And we are about to have a BB video hosted server after this change over so you no longer have to upload through Youtube. This will be something that we will be promoting. Hopefully that will be a nice addition for the site and for producers like you. So do not worry you are welcome here always sir and that goes for all the BB and CB producers. You all are honorary members. 

Please note this is A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network. What we offer is community and social gathering. Its the conversations in chat and the forms that bring this site value and thats what we bring to the table. We moderate the community vibe and tone here and we carefully manage the content. This is the first and only non-porno, CB and BB community that is female friendly. What brings casual observing women and men here is the fact that we offer a PG-Rated tone and we enforce and protect them from abuse and harassment. That alone is meaningful. Anyone can create a repository for videos and photos but very few will keep the tone and vibe respectful enough and comfy enough for casual viewers to converse and interact. 

The difference between you and me DV is I speak realistic not positive or negative It's realistic view of the world and the Internet. you talk about all this data, and this whole thing last year was to upgrade the site to have more video content, the simple solution would be to not allow videos to be posted here and let people link them to youtube or other free upload sites, which takes 1 click and would save you a HELL of a lot of money.

and yea think use your head for a minute your a female, your curious you Google kicked in the balls this site comes up, do you think shes going to want to pay $20 US DOLLARS (yes as I said US it could be 30 like it is here) out of just being curious ?? are you going to make this site viable at all to non subscribers?? are they still going to be able to read the forums but just not post and see chat?? if thats the case you may get a HELL OF a lot of lurkers but not many posters anymore.

I was also ready to donate until I seen the word subscription as soon as you did that, it's no longer the word Community.  now donating would not even be worth it because of the lack of activity that is about to happen.

Frame my words do it use it for motivation and prove me wrong at least I have given you some kind of motivation.

Kingy is now a member of Kicked in the Groin on Oct 26, 2009. 

You joined as a member here 13 days after this site was created. In that time we have had 4 donation time periods. The first two years we asked for $1, in 2012 we asked for $3... I hardly call that greedy yet each time 100 people came to the rescue and saved the site... my point is in all that time we were offering FREE FREE FREE and trying to rally people around this site. That route did not work so now we are going subscription and now that we are no longer free you cry foul. Had you and the other 6000 members dug into your couches and found spare change help us come up with some solutions for the site it would have been nice. This site isn't titled the Mallory and Dvhour BB and CB site its a community gathering.. we are merely two people trying to make a community. We were crowd-sourcing for funds so that WE were able to fund OUR community. By your logic Mallory and I need to do all the work around here plus foot the bill only to be accosted by someone hostile such as yourself. All you see is Mallory and I as Corporate fat kats trying to make a buck or that we are stealing all the free content... YOU CAN"T MAKE MONEY in this scene fella I hate to disappoint you. 

MR KINGY you are a world class bullshiter of the highest order when you say ..."I was also ready to donate until I seen the word subscription as soon as you did that, it's no longer the word Community." Its bullshit because you NEVER donate and you have nothing but seething hostility and its unwarranted and not necessary. Now I ask again what is your angle and why are you acting like we are your enemy and why are you doing your damnedest to try to alter the energy here now??? If you don't agree with the new policy offer some solutions or step out of the way gracefully rather than sounding like we owe you something. You skated free for four years be happy with that and move on sir. 

Kingy, do not take the Dictator's abusive insults to heart.  You have spoken the truth.



As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.

  1. Dvhour (Site Owner)
  2. Square initials TR
  3. PayPal initials DH
  4. PayPal initials ZC
  5. PayPal initials TD
  6. PayPal initials PJ
  7. PayPal Smoo
  8. PayPal initials MB
  9. PayPal 2swollen
  10. PayPal init' SdB
  11. PayPal initials JK
  12. PayPal initials NM
  13. PayPal initials ES
  14. PayPal initials BB
  15. PayPal initials EJ
  16. PayPal JK (again)
  17. PayPal PJ (again)
  18. PayPal initials DG
  19. PayPal initials JR
  20. PayPal initials SS
  21. PayPal initials EZ


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