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Hello. this is a great site! The only thing I can think to improve things would be to include response comments from people in forum threads.
Thank you for being the first to cast a discussion on this forum. It is very important that people like yourself express your thoughts, because I really really want people to make this site a home to all things BB. At this time the site is about 5 days old so i don't expect a flood of people yet. Over time as more content is added and more people join i suspect more brave hearts will step up.

J K said:
Hello. this is a great site! The only thing I can think to improve things would be to include response comments from people in forum threads.
You need to get more people on the site!! Go to the forums (femaledom.com forum and kramtoad first of all) and publicize your site!

Also you should put some pics to get without registration: people hates registrations!!!!!
This site is only 1 week old and it already has 600+ people. I think thats a lot considering most forums have around 3000 members. I've been sharing links on both Kramtoad and TLCNET but I haven't really promoted it other than the videos, I will definitely write a more comprehensive statement on both sites thanks bro. I was shying away from Femaledom but now that you mention it, they are pretty cool about people posting BB related links so yeah thanks for that tip as well.

Yeah I know people hate registrations, but no community can function without some sort of commitment. I mean Kramtoad functions fine with out a sign up but TLCNET also thrives with a signup... I'm just trying to strike a balance. I hope peeps will bare with my stumbling. Thanks for your suggestions, I appreciate your words.
Is it possible to set up a chat room on this site? That would be really cool.
I will consider that. Sir :)
more pics and videos that are not professional pics
def too many cartoon pics need more real pics
If you have any please post them - We need to find photos that are not from other paid bb websites. We can not use professional picts we weil be in direct violation of copyright. The site will be taken down. We have to use what is in the free domain... so if you have something or know people who do then please tell them to upload... oh and they cannot be nude photos. I will look into a chat room, right now I'm taking baby steps . Thanks for contributing these comments.
Please see my last post in the M/F BB forum
A chat room would be great
You are the 2nd person to ask for this. So its something that is on my list. :)



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