I keep reading on here and people chatting to me about popping balls, what is it that actually pops?? is it tissue inside? does a pop mean a rupture? like if someone pops their shoulder sorta like a dislocation.

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hhmmm......i think what people mean when they talk about popping balls is that the testicle itself pops...or bursts...thats what comes to mind anyways

That is exactly the term
Without the Sack :)

I have been told by my doctor that the tough outer shell( Albugina tunica) I think that is how it is spelled; breaks open(i.e. "popped nut") and the tightly packed semiferous tubules pop out thru the opening in the shell...the tubules is where the sperm are manufactured...Surgeons can usually stitch the rupture back together unless the rupture is so large the entire nut collapses.  I hope that explains it for you...

I just always imagined it's like when a water balloon hits the ground and just pops lol

when a testicle "pops", the actual term would be a rupture.  What actually happens is the tough, outer covering of the testicle itself rips.  In todays medical world, many ruptures can actually be repaired and the testicle saved.  However, I wasn't so lucky.

So it is kind of like a water balloon :). So what made the difference of being lucky verses unluckly? Is it the amount of time before you get help?

I wouldn't really say it's like a water balloon at all.  As I understand it, a lot of it has to do with how much of the contents of the testicle actually "spills out" into the scrotum through the rupture.  (this isn't liquid, more like a series of long tubes from what I hear).  So the size of the rupture is a huge factor, as well as any further damage after the rupture takes place. 

In my case, I'm convinced my testicle was ruptured, then I took a couple more powerful kicks before I could get her to stop.  I'm sure that's what really did me in.

That is bad luck! You could tell something was damaged? And then copped more - taking more kicks to the balls when your sore is something you need someone else to do for you but how can you tell when enough is enough?

probably 99999 out of 100000 it's erections that pop up.

id be interested to know what the inside of a ball looks like seriously and see all the tubes and all to know what it actually is that makes it so painful

Yuka...you are so funny lol

I think when people talk about popping balls, it could mean several things to me.  

1.On a castrating level, the pop is when the ball receives enough pressure or force to rupture, which could result in a "popping" noise or just a mild "squish".  Never really talked to a guy who had a nut actual pop in that fashion, but I heard it's possible given enough force and effort (nuts are quite durable).

2.Popping of the balls could result in the sound created when a ball is slapped, be it from hand, foot, or other means.  This I believe would probably be the more common form of the "popping" of balls, for it can create a sheer amount of pain/pleasure with minimal effort from the and still create that noise of something popping.  

3.The last idea I could possibly think of would be grind popping (this technique probably has an official name, but I don't know it yet, and haven't thought to research it just yet).  This pop takes place when the balls and/or penis is contorted about until a small "pop" emits.  Sounds painful, but it is really about the same thing as a person grasping their nose and moving it back and forth till it pops.  This pop can be felt directly if a person manipulates the balls by hand/foot in a massaging fashion.  That's how I figured it out, and I contributed the noise to be a sign of tightness or stiffness in my lower region.

Hope this helps you out!



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