ℳy name is Mallory and I have been co-Admin here for most of the site's existence. I kept it quiet for a few months though, as I was new to bb as a fetish and wanted to pick the brains of all the men here in chat, without the Admin title getting in the way of pure honesty and openness. It was a very exciting time, as any new discovery is, and I had a million questions with a genuine interest in holding an intelligent conversation about this fetish and all of its deliciousness  ツ

I wrote my profile early on and haven't updated it since, so this will serve as my update and Interview. Since I have been here, I have also played the resident therapist :) Guys tell me all the time that I'm so easy to talk to, so they share their girl problems with me and ask relationship questions. Please feel free to ask those too here in this space...in fact, ask anything. But please, read my profile first to avoid repeats and to get my initial thoughts on rrrreally wanting to hurt some nutts...that's not evil, it's playfully mean:P  https://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/profile/Mallory

So what sparked my interest? Two things, specifically: One day, Dvhour and I were having a conversation about S & M and he divulged his love of bb to me. I'm pretty openminded and understanding, so I was truly curious to learn more. Then, he accidently sent me an invitation to join his new ballbusting site hahaa...and the rest is history. As he says, he created a monster :P The other thing that sparked my interest was when I saw this video of a guy (who I would later discover was Joe Guy) being kneed against a wall by a girl over and over and over again...I could not believe the effect that video was having on me! It was insanely arousing to me, as it is in real life...to see and to hear and to feel: the way a man moans, the way he breathes, the faces he makes, the look in his eyes...meeowww. A man's reaction is EVERYTHING in bb ;)


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lol fairy snuff, In my opinion that gets to the main crux of the question-being responsible for the pain.

Hi Mallory,

I'm a longtime reader, first time commenter. How are you going? :)

I was just wondering, you've said that ballbusting is a really intimate thing for you and that you won't just bust any guy. I was wondering what you're thinking when you bust a guy in his manhood?



I'm thinking MORRRE and HARRRDER heehee... that's true actually, Used. After one kick, I just wanna

keep going because it's like a high. It's intoxicating to be able to unleash POWER on a man's most vul-

nerable area, so a mutual trust is paramount for him to give his balls up to me. On the sensual side

of it, I'm thinking about how yummmy his nutts feel squished tightly in my hand or feeling the round-

ness of his balls on the soles of my feet while I squash 'em like grapes hahaa :D The look in his eyes

after a hard-as-fuck stomp or a long vicious grip is MOST delicious... and then after, I'm thinking

whyyyyy do these guys let me do this to them?? And whyyyy do I love this so much??? hahaa :D

Hmm...I don't see why they wouldn't...and I dunno why you love it so much, but I'd guess most here agree it's a good thing.

Mallory, I think my domme has the same mindset as you do. She truly enjoys kicking and stomping me hard and crushing my balls under her shoe. She loves the pain it causes and my reaction to it, just as you do.

Sounds like it, Charles...maybe it's a Latina thing ;)  I dooo truly enjoy kicking and

stomping nutts hard as fuck. And I have been way into crushing 'em lately too, but

in my soft socks, not in shoes--I love the feel of crushed nutts under my feet mmm~

Mallory, you should post some videos of you busting nuts. :D I think they would be amazing. *^*

I'm with Charles, I really love the thought. Can I take it like he does? Probably not? I'm a bit soft - the thought gets me. I would love a dom who really enjoys it though ...

Three lovely hours...but these men and those balls were quite
exceptional, so don't try this at home. Better yet, DO try ;)

Hey Mal, got a question for ya.  I read what you said about a man’s reaction being everything in BB so what would your thoughts be on either faking or exaggerating a reaction.  In my case I see this girl every few months to get together for a busting session… at first she was a bit nervous and very hesitant but that’s partially because we met online and really didn’t know each other before.  By now we've been meeting up over the past 2 years a total of maybe 9 times and we have a much more relaxed, sensual, and friendly relationship that has grown to incorporate sex into the experience… but only after she’s worked my balls over for at least an hour first.  I can tell she’s still holding back though, at least a little bit, and her kicks and knees aren’t hard enough to actually drop me, usually my “reaction” is that she can clearly see it turns me on or when she gets a good shots I'll moan, "ooof", or she'll see my facial expression wince.  The past couple of times she’s expressed to me that she really wants to drop me to my knees, I’ve encouraged her to hit harder because I can take it this far but I'm not sure if this is the limit she's comfortable with or its the limit she's capable of but either way, since I know its something she really wants do you think I should umm, take a dive as it were.  I mean it that's something that would be hot for her I dunno if its better to play along to make her happy or should I hold out to motivate her to go even harder?  I'm certain this is not a situation you would ever find yourself in because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be interested in stopping the kicks until the guy went down but I figured as the representative lady ballbuster I'd see if you have any advice to offer :)  Thanks in advance 

PS - anytime I see or hear any references to catwoman I cant help that the first thought that comes to mind is "Mal." :) 

Never fake it, Jax...a genuine natural reaction is what is so hott. I have found that two men
that I've busted many many times, react specifically to what I am doing to them...I know how
their bodies react to certain things. What I am saying is that she will know you're faking it if
you two have been doing this for so long. And just like any girl faking it, my question is whyyy
would you want to?? Be honest in your requests and your reactions...believe me, a true bb girl
will lovvvvve the challenge :) Glad that you two are having funn with it. Meeowww ;)

Hey Mal, thanks for your reply... I read it a while back and I just realized recently I hadn't thanked ya for your advice.  I did take it, btw, and I agreed with it too... I don't think there's anything more important than being authentic but sometimes thinking about another person's feelings make me wonder how much I should tweek/soften the truth and other times just fake something.  She seemed slightly disappointed last time when I didn't drop but it wasn't that long before she was playfully threatening that next time I would be going down, haha, it was even cute the way she said it :)  So alls well, and she & I meet again next month for another round 8)  



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