When I read a lot of the girl's ballbusting stories on here, it seems like a lot of you girls are into ballbusting strictly as a means of empowerment(even if sexual arousal still results from this, I simply mean you enjoy busting guys who aren't consenting/do not wish to be busted).  This kind of confuses me when I compare it to my own particular reasons for liking ballbusting and it poses one major logical flaw to me that was wondering about. 

I read a lot of stories about girls busting guys for flashing them/being creepy/seeming to be a threat ect... rarely in any of these stories does the victim actually make any violent moves at the girl...much of the time it seems to be a less than a preemptive strike on the girls part which would probably be looked at as illegal and not justified in self defense in the eyes of the law. What confuses me about this is HOW a girl would get a sense of arousal or empowerment from an act like that? For example, my fetish would involve me play fighting my girlfriend (pretending) to really try to win. When she busts me, and I go down, it would insinuate that I TRIED to win but couldn't. If one were to take the girls perspective in this situation, I could completely see how she would feel empowered knowing a bigger, stronger male did everything he could to win against her but ended up losing due to his vulnerable genitals. 

But I don't see how kneeing a guy because he danced too dirty or annoyed you or otherwise did something to piss you off (but not physically assaulting you) could give you a sense of empowerment that would be specific to ballbusting (using a mans vulnerability against him). I mean taking somebody out with a surprise blow when they aren't expecting it ISN'T something special and can be accomplished by attacking any part of the body. It doesn't PROVE anything. Not to be rude, but it almost to me just seems like a random act of violence, hitting a person who isn't physically hurting/trying to hurt you in any way. It would be no different than a man walking up to a woman (or even another man) and punching them in the face during a verbal confrontation. Just about anyone can end most confrontations with anyone else if they resort to using violence when another person completely isn't expecting it. 


I am not trying to bash anyone here or talk down to peoples turn ons...I am simply asking HOW and WHY you find this a turn on as it seems to be logically flawed, as in the very aspect that should create a sense of empowerment (superiority over the bigger/stronger person) really seems like it would be lacking in a situation where the victim wasn't prepared/expecting/attempting to use violence. 


I would think girls would be turned on more by situations where a man was TRYING to get the better of them yet the smaller girl still succeeded in taking him down by crushing his vulnerable parts. I feel like this would be empowering for a female because she did something that a man COULD NOT do to her, and beat him despite his best efforts. Where as hitting somebody with a surprise blow when they aren't expecting/looking to fight doesn't seem like it would provide nearly the same feeling of achievement. 



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I completely agree with you!

It is funny, over time my view actually changed a little on this. I kind of get turned on from these situations as well now. Role playing a situation where I would say, pinch a girls back side and she busts me for it sounds like it would actually be fun. Still would like to know why the girl involved would feel the way she feels about it thought!

Yes....I agree with you Pinballs.  I do not like busts that are too serious....like where the woman is being assaulted.  I really don't like violence of any kind.  Yet when it comes to a woman kicking a man in the balls for him pinching her butt....it is the hottest thing on the planet! 

That’s a long and complicated question I think. I’m sure it’s different for every woman/girl but I will try to give my viewpoint.

There definitely is a feeling of dominance in the act of ball busting whether a guy expects it or not. The very fact that even light taps elicits a fairly painful reaction plays a key role in this.

Males are generally considered by society to be the “dominant” or “stronger” gender. We have been fed this since we were little girls either directly or indirectly. So the discovery of a guy’s balls and its inherent weaknesses is a major ah ha moment for us. It dispels the myth of male dominance and in many ways turns that upside down.

I really don’t think taking a guy by surprise diminishes the dominance or dare I say superior feelings in anyway. Now before you all get into an uproar I am not under any delusion about a man’s physical strength and how I match up against that. I consider myself a very physically strong female but an average man could probably snap my neck and throw me across the room like a sack of potatoes without trying.

Even in a fight though I know if I do get to his balls first I more than stand a chance. If I can grab hold squeeze, pull, and twist I think the fight is probably over with most guys. If I get off a vicious to semi-vicious kick at the very least I stand a great chance of getting away. He might even have some bruised or ruptured testicles to remember me by.

Since the balls is a male sexual part of his anatomy I think I am within my right to get a little satisfaction out of being able to hurt them with just a flick of my finger. And yeah it is a power trip big time. Maybe not so much in being about to cause pain to the fragile balls, but in the pride of being female.

Katie that's an enlightening answer for me as a man.  Thanks for explaining your perspective.

And it's exactly what I like most about ballbusting.  The best part is that the woman busting me is feeling the power trip that Katie described.  I like sensing her enjoyment and her feelings of control and power even if I'm on the "losing" end of it and my balls are hurting as a result.



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