I had an idea:

I think it would be WAY hot if some female members into busting could put some instructions here on ways we have to bust ourselves. I got the idea from some porn I watched.

Eg, a buster could come on here and say, all you guys have to sandwich your balls between a phone book and a table for 60 seconds, and then we all report back to say if we made it, then on to round 2.

the prize could be anything from nothing at all to a nude shot of the buster if she were game

any takers?

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First of all thanks for creating this thread. I actually I dig your idea about female participation, this sounds like an enterprising idea and I encourage your enthusiasm. This would work if we had real time video streams on the site, in order to confirm that the person was really doing what he or she says they were doing... but we can't do it anyway, please note the No Nudity disclaimer at the top of the main page. Like I said I like your idea it just needs to massaged out, discussing it here in this forum is a good start.

One thing I will note is that whenever I meet a gal for the first time, I offer good conversation and flirtation... I never offer my nude balls until after we have a established an intimate comfort zone. I think it would be healthy to excersices the same restraint in a forum. Thats just my thoughts at least. Anyway bro, I appreciate your contribution keep the discussion alive I think you are on to something.
May I say, my bad. I didn't realize the tone you were going for in the boards. As such I have some suggestions. Please try and take them as constructive criticism because I may end up sounding like a dick.

You are trying to build civilized forums around a sexual topic. I can imagine this will be difficult. What you need are sticky's that explain the tone required in their title. The ones you have now are not confronting enough and too ambiguous, that's why I didn't read them before I posted. I came to this website with expectations of a porn/sex forum, and that is clearly not what you're going for, and I did not find ample indication that it was something different before I posted.

You should have a sticky called "WARNING: NO NUDITY" or similar, and ANOTHER ONE called "KEEP CONVERSATION CIVILIZED" etc etc. and then in the topic attached to those sticky's some text like you have under the attention all members thing atm. The sticky's should also be at the top of each of the 4 individual forums as well, not just the main forum page.

Putting all the warnings in one sticky with an ambiguous title like you are doing now is not effective enough to stop people posting like I just did. If you insist on doing it this way, at least call it "WARNING: READ THIS BEFORE POSTING" or something like that.

Also, putting time limits on editing is lame IMHO

Hope I didn't come off too dick-like
I totally appreciate what you are saying and to be 100% honest, I value your constructive thoughts. I mean The forum template for this website is totally different from other forums that we are used to, so I'm kinda discovering its flaws as we go. Yeah I don't know what the deal is with the edit your response in 15 min, i think thats completely backwards. I will most certainly do as you say with the notations for each of the 4 main categories, it is exactly what I am intending to communicate, it just took someone like you to point that out to me.

Keep in mind I just created this site last week and its grown more rapidly than I expected. With regard to setting the tone, what I have in my head just may not be what other people are used to hearing so I can imagine that I'm probably gonna be bumping heads with people from time to time. My partner and I tried to set a similar tone back in 2003-2004 when we created USBBONLINE, a PG-Rated ballbusting website, we shot acted and edited in them and we casted local females (not Dommes or Professional women) in the NYC area. That was totally unheard of at that time. Too bad we shut down almost as fast as we got off the ground. Only Hundra was putting out free videos that were from regular movies at that time. I really think we carved a niche in the BB community and offered an alternative to the always on X-Rated content being put out there.

I guess with regard to this fetish, I envision it the same way as the entertainment industry. You have Rated-G, Rated-PG, Rated-PG13, Rated-R, Rated-X & Rated-XXX... The general expectation of Paid BB content ranges somewhere between Rated R to Rated-XXX. Now, I'm as freaky as the next dude, when I pay for my content, I prefer to see what I am paying for... CFNM ballbusting!!! Well this is a free site so we must not hold this site to the same expectation of Femaledom or California Mean Girls. Kicked in the Groin as stated earlier is barely a week old, so it is in this kind of discussion that it is discovering its voice and the right balance in tone.

Look I'm not trying to tell people how to get off on this fetish, but there is one thing that frustrates the hell out of me and this is the way dudes come off in a Youtube thread, in a blog post, or the forums. It totally turns off these women and makes it impossible for them to even entertain the idea of engaging. I think back to my 10 years in the online BB community and we rarely hear any female perspectives. Even back when we were doing USBB the girls were hip to the idea of busting, but wanted to change it up a bit, totally not what my partner and I had in mind. Women and men obvious have different priorities with regard to how much the discussion should be about BB as opposed to a mix or an entirely other topic. I figure if we play around with topic headers mixed with BB and maybe some categories related to subjects like, shopping for shoes, health and fitness, a book reading section, who knows maybe it could work. I have never seen it done before so its worth exploring. There are about 50 women in this forum, thats about a 10 to 1 ratio. I really want to change the social dynamics of this site even if it breaks protocol with what we are used to then so be it.

Those are my thoughts I think I covered a lot of my ideas, but this is the first time I'm writing it down. Thanks for helping me get all that out sir. :)
I completely agree about the way people come off in youtube responses.

That kind of forum was totally what I thought this site was though when I signed up since you were posting on Kramtoad. Hence my suggestion to the make the truth more obvious or else you'll have more inappropriate posts.

I am glad to discover it is in fact something different. I have not been in to this long enough to have known USBBONLINE, so to me this is all new and I think it's a great idea and wish you the best of luck. I'm glad I was able to help slightly.
I remember USBBOnline! I think I still have some of the teaser clips from when it was up on my computer. Sad to see it go and I like the PG idea. Thats why I dont do any nude on my c4s site. Ballbusting, but keep it real and tasteful. Best of luck on this new endeavour.




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