ℳy name is Mallory and I have been co-Admin here for most of the site's existence. I kept it quiet for a few months though, as I was new to bb as a fetish and wanted to pick the brains of all the men here in chat, without the Admin title getting in the way of pure honesty and openness. It was a very exciting time, as any new discovery is, and I had a million questions with a genuine interest in holding an intelligent conversation about this fetish and all of its deliciousness  ツ

I wrote my profile early on and haven't updated it since, so this will serve as my update and Interview. Since I have been here, I have also played the resident therapist :) Guys tell me all the time that I'm so easy to talk to, so they share their girl problems with me and ask relationship questions. Please feel free to ask those too here in this space...in fact, ask anything. But please, read my profile first to avoid repeats and to get my initial thoughts on rrrreally wanting to hurt some nutts...that's not evil, it's playfully mean:P  https://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/profile/Mallory

So what sparked my interest? Two things, specifically: One day, Dvhour and I were having a conversation about S & M and he divulged his love of bb to me. I'm pretty openminded and understanding, so I was truly curious to learn more. Then, he accidently sent me an invitation to join his new ballbusting site hahaa...and the rest is history. As he says, he created a monster :P The other thing that sparked my interest was when I saw this video of a guy (who I would later discover was Joe Guy) being kneed against a wall by a girl over and over and over again...I could not believe the effect that video was having on me! It was insanely arousing to me, as it is in real life...to see and to hear and to feel: the way a man moans, the way he breathes, the faces he makes, the look in his eyes...meeowww. A man's reaction is EVERYTHING in bb ;)


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Mike, I don't recall ever having a conversation about bb before this site went up...
then again, who knows what people do behind closed doors. Even when I spontaneously
brought hard squeezing into foreplay with my ex, I didn't think of it as a fetish and I
certainly didn't think to kick or knee his nutts--that didn't come till years later. Who
knew that I would love it so :) What I am saying is that I am positively certain that
there are tons of women out there who are not aware of bb as a fetish and if they
were to try kicking a guy in the nutts for fun, countless would be absolutely hooked.

Of course you shouldn't cb her, unless she wants you to Shauny.
By the same token, she shouldn't bust you either, unless you want
her to. You should probably remember to fold the laundry though :)

Dear mallory....whats your opinion on cuntbusting?

DV and I strive to make this site a comfy home for all bb and cb enthusiasts.
Personally, I'm a bb girl all the way, Kelly...but I am all for consenting adults
enjoying fetish play together. And I've gotta say, I am a big fan of DHIM's
brilliant animation videos, which feature both cb and bb--they're hilarious :)

If i may venture a guess Harr- Mallory might like a naked man in her kitchen, frying bacon, flipping them with a fork, while hunched over clutching his sore, swollen, recently thumped ballz wearing one blue croc and one pink croc with red and yellow striped knee hi socks singing Nellie's song 'It's gettin hot in here" quite loudly! Then again, that might just be normal life, not a fetish, but at the very least... it's a run-on sentence!

My apologies to Mallory xoxo

Swo, the sore swollen bare balls come AFTER the bacon and eggs!! {true story heehee}

Harr, since this site went up, I have chatted with countless men about this and other

fetishes. Most have told me that it started for them from something that happened

in their childhood. They may have experienced being kicked in the balls by accident

in sports or on purpose from an aggressive girl, or perhaps they just witnessed these

things. Some have also told me they saw a bust in a movie when growing up and found

that they were aroused by it. I would imagine the same may hold true for the women

as well. But, more often I have read about women who get into bb because they tried

it with a boyfriend and found that they liked it. Some women do it just for their man,

but some actually grow to love it. For me, I stated sort of spontaneously in foreplay

with my ex-boyfriend. Like most women, I was not aware of ballbusting being a fetish.

It was then only hard squeezing, but I loved the way it felt to control him by his balls.

Much later, I discovered bb as a fetish and voila! I LOVE IT ;)

My question for you: The "Question of the week" is now 4 weeks old.  Sure, its a great question and it sparked a huge very interesting discussion.  Should it be Mals Question of the month?  :-P  Do you have a new question ready for April 14th?

Funny, I was just thinking that before you wrote this, lobstaboyyy! Yes, I suppose I should

change it to Question of the Month because I want to give people more time to respond.

I was stuck on that last question for a while because it was so good and I really enjoy

reading all of the interesting responses. And there is no time limit...you can go back

and answer any question at any time. New question coming very soon! Thank you to

all who took/take the time to respond and for all of the great feedback because this

communication and discussion is what our site is all about :) In case you missed it....


I want to conduct bb experiments of my own, Kev!! to measure levels of tolerance 

and degrees of pain from male to male ;) Seriously, reading all of your responses

in my discsussion WhatDoesItReallyFeelLikeToGetKickedInTheGroin reeeally

makes me want to because it's fascinating how it all differs from person to

person. And okay, okay I admit...I just want a license to bust nutts as much

and as harrrd as I want to hahaa :D But hey, I'll read any reports you guys

(and gals) want to share. Btw, this discussion is always open to everyone:


Hehe where do I sign up?  :)

I've been following your What-does-it-really-feel-like thread too, and I'm amazed at how wide-ranging the responses are.  And I'm a guy... I own a pair of balls, and I'm still amazed.  LOL

All testicles are sensitive, of course, but some seem to be a lot, and I mean a lot, more sensitive than others.  There are other variables in any ballbust, of course, like how hard the girl kicks, how accurately she connects with the balls, and to a certain degree the guy's reaction to the pain depends a lot on his motivations.  

Personally I like to try to "resist" the pain and stay on my feet if I can, even after a hard kick.  Kind of tough it out, you know?  (If I can).  Some other guys purposely like to do the opposite, and "embrace" the pain and fall to the ground and curl up and just experience it that way.  So the response looks and sounds very different even if the pain might be the same, the difference between "Whoa, he just took that!" and "He was down for 20 minutes!".  The guy just had a different idea of how he wanted to (try to) respond.

But even allowing for all those variables for the impact of the kick and the personality and motivation of the guy, the purely physical pain level that different guys experience when struck on the balls seems to vary incredibly.  

My RL experience is only modest so I don't know for sure but I think I may have a relatively higher tolerance for pain in my balls.  I don't mean that I am some sort of hero tough guy.  I'm not.  I'm a pretty regular guy.  I have just read some descriptions from guys here that indicate pain levels I find hard even to imagine.  I don't doubt their sincerity in the least, it's just interesting how different it is from my own experience.  (Please understand I don't mean this in a critical way at all - I just mean that I'm amazed at how two guys can experience the same kind of blow to their testicles and feel such different results).  On the other hand I've seen some reports and videos here on the site where some guys take so many hard female kicks and knees to their balls and remain standing and ready for more that my jaw just hits the floor in awe, LOL.  Their pain tolerance is astounding.

Anyway, the sensitivity of guys' balls seems to be all over the map.  So Mallory I think you need to get your ball-kicking experiment going right away, for the good of science of course!!  :)

Mal, why not set yourself up an experiment?  I'm sure there are lots of guys here that would be willing subjects.  Heck, you might just be the first woman to ever set up such an experiment!  Imagine that??

Your data might be a bit biased though.  When considering that most of the guys would be from this site, I'm sure that guys that are into this are a bit more tolerant to it as compared to guys that aren't into it and have a dreadful fear of it.  Wouldn't you think?  From my own personal experience, I've noticed that I became more tolerant to it the more and more gf's play around and get into it with me.  It's almost like you girls create tougher nuts without realizing it.  LOL



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