I have never posted here before but I want to say that one of the things that always turned me on about BB is the idea that a girl can take away my virility. Just one devastating kick or knee could render me sterile. I wonder if anyone else is turned on by this aspect of BB. It's not really castration that gets me going like the guys over at eunuch.org but just getting your nuts busted to the point where you are shooting blanks. I'm sure that there have to be some guys that get a thrill from this possibility. Hopefully some girls get a thrill from this also.

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Could not agree more with this i mean a castration with a knife isn't that much but as you said with one kick knee BOOM she can take away your ability to ever have kids have sex and be horny its a real turn on! and if its done buy her body parts
Lol yeah high school was a different story. I feel you on this one

Secret Bustee said:
A follow-up to my previous comment. A girl talking about how she wants to destroy your testicles is probably the hottest thing that can come out a girl's mouth. This is one thing that I miss about high school. There were a lot of opportunities for good verbals. Something about the hormones and immaturity must have made the girls do this.
To follow up, I think the verbal is extremely sexy but sometimes the thought of it turns me completely off the fetish. I actually get worried sometimes that pursuing this fetish is a very bad idea and it could lead to my biggest mistake. :(

Hey Secret Bustee,

I too have that fantasy, after we had our children but before the vasectomy, my wife would whisper in my ear while squeezing my balls.  She would say "no more babies" several times and it would just send me over the edge.  She will still say things like that to this day.  Every now and then, especially several weeks after a particularly rough session, I will tell her I think my balls are making sperm again...  :)

To pop a guys balls?  ooouch....  

I like to get kicked and rolling around on they floor, but to loose one ball is to much i think.
Satsuki Yamaguchi said:

It's one of my favorite things too! :D GIRL POWER!

gotta ring in from a female perspective, its not something i think i would ever really do to a guy for real, unless seriously provoked (violence/rape) but its one of my favorite things to say to a guy if i have his whole world in the palm of my hand lol. its just the idea of it, and what is implied. not to actually do it.

 For me, its him realizing that the fate of his manhood and his chances of ever getting to have sex again becomes 100% my choice!   and  just the fact that he knows i could do take his manhood away from him very easily is very hot!

Yeah, I have to agree with Mz Jhoana.  Actual injury for real isn't sexy, but the woman having the power to do it if she wanted to (even if she does not want to) is amazingly sexy.  

For me, when a woman "has me by the balls" -- and you can interpret that in many ways, all of them good LOL -- that's what is sexy.

exactly :)

I used to see a woman who liked to stretch my scrotum out and place this huge effing pair of shears around it saying, "one snip.  just one snip"  She loved the power surge. I could actually see it in her eyes. It was SO intense.  Later in our relationship she said we had to stop doing that because the urge to do it was getting too strong. Which of course, only made me want to do it more lol. I wonder if she's on here?

When she makes a threatening remark that she'll knee me so hard that I'll never have kids - I find it hot.  The simple reason is because I know that I'm about to get kneed... not because I actually want to be permanently injured.

The thing that turned me on a couple years ago was a GF of mine who knew about my fetish forced me int a corner of my living room and started squeezing me all of wich she looked me deep in my eyes and said "oh if you only knew what I'm about to do to your balls!!!!!!" mostly I'd ask what do you want to do and she replies I'm going to make sure you will never ever cum again.

Then she starts squeezing and after a lill while of squeezing she would say in my ear you know if I squeeze just a lill bit harder.........

Thats Really hot 

I find it really hot, to know that I have that kind of power. If I wanted to, I could take it all away. Its tempting sometimes.



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