Meet Rae Sample 1 kick knock out

Ok guys this is our very first meet up. Unfortunately I'm only able to show you one kick right now.we decided to make sure there was no practice kicks or anything before we started filming. The plan was to press record , do 2 light kicks then review the tape to make sure we were standing in good position and make sure the lighting was right. So she gave me two light kicks and she just went completely brutally on my nuts with crazy hard kicks like you see in this video. She albsolutely demolished me for 3 minutes and when we checked the tape half of it was off screen. We were under extreme time constraints and didn't have time to read shoot so we decided to get the camera right and at least get one good last solid kick for you guys to see. Which is the one you see here. However we did get some of the other good kicks so in the next couple of days I will show that video as a blooper reel. Sorry for not delivering the way I wanted to on our first meet up but don't worry we are going to make many more.Also this is my first time being hit in the balls in over 2 years and my balls were back to being virgins lol so yeah I got screwed up pretty bad I hope you still enjoy this kick

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Comment by 2swollen on June 1, 2018 at 6:00pm

Great stuff, loved how you thought 'damn, that was a hard kick, think I got this tho'. And than NOT. Destroyed.

Go Rae!!

Comment by Ned The Second on June 1, 2018 at 5:24pm

That is a freaking hard kick!   Holy shit

Comment by WeeZ on June 1, 2018 at 5:19pm

Lol what advice kane?

Comment by Kane Andretti on June 1, 2018 at 5:11pm

i feel like you took my advice lowkey lol but glad to see ya back man

Comment by WeeZ on June 1, 2018 at 4:19pm
Thanks everybody for all of the comments so far.
@ ermac . No I am not still alive lol I am now a zombie with balls that still hurt

@joe &Violet . That was definitely on of the most painful kicks ever. I tried not to jump at all to make sure she got full contact. I laid there for a long time.

@knave on the ground I said ok Red. Which is the minor safe word. Meaning she vcan still inflict pain but no impact at the moment

@Susan I'm truly hurt you wasn't reading the description lol.....and haaaaay

@i definitely realize if she did this to an average unsuspecting guy he would probably die lol

@ Eric thanks man I should have at least 3 more vids by next Friday

@jorsan thanks I hope they hold up too cus Rae scares the shit out of me lol
Comment by Jordan Roberts on June 1, 2018 at 1:39pm
Nice video, and congrats on coming out of retirement! Here's hoping your balls hold up for many more XD
Comment by Lord Plums on June 1, 2018 at 12:52pm

hmm,this asks for a password.How does that work ?

Comment by Eric on June 1, 2018 at 12:13pm

Holy fuckin tit Weez that was gnarly man! God damn you are a champ. Stoked as fuck you're back in business and can't wait to see what you two have in store! 

Comment by volcan51 on June 1, 2018 at 11:42am

That was a missile, kudos for taking that. Are you concious that would be a ko even if she kicks your leg or ribs?

Comment by Susan Bell on June 1, 2018 at 11:13am

Thank you, Liquid Metal. I just need more coffee!


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