E&CBB SHOE SERIES! Episode Four: Boots & Booties


The premise is simple: her collection has been broken up into 5 separate categories (sneakers, flats/sandals, heels, boots, and random shit), each shoe gets 5 kicks at roughly the same power level/intensity, and we deide (as objectively as possible) which shoe is the most effective at demolishing nuts.

Sorry for the little hiatus there folks, but here's Boots/Booties for you all. Hope ya dig it. A few of these kicks really knocked me on my ass.
Is this formula getting redundant yet?

Leave a comment, like, favourite, whatever you wanna do we appreciate all of your feedback. But definitely don't share it! Thanks all.

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Comment by bustmynuts on October 27, 2017 at 11:09pm

I must say took those like a champ some high heeled knee highs would be great but thanks for sharing did love the wedges one of my favorites

Comment by Thomas on October 27, 2017 at 9:43pm
No of course not Eric, we appreciate all the time and effort for each of your videos! Thanks for the uploads they are awesome!
Comment by Eric on October 27, 2017 at 7:51pm

Glad you guys aren't sick of these yet haha.

@John Ashton, yeah.. science.. lol good to know, I'm definitely a tights/socks guy too (and C has loads of em) so you'll be seeing lots more to come!

@Jared, Ha a gif would be prime. So long as people don't start fuckin tumblr-ing it all over the place lol.

@Dustin, haha thanks dude, yeah I was definitely sore. That shot at 9:25 was gnarly.

@jennaro, yeah full force kicking seems to be a popular topic of discussion here lol. Not sure if there'd be a place for her to just kick my hand full force in a video though haha. And yeah we'll chat, no promises though. We don't usually like to take requests or ideas from other folks, just for the precedent it sets. But we're absolutely more than happy to hear ya out!

Comment by Weak dude on October 27, 2017 at 5:07pm

wow, sexy, cool and a women how to know how to aim!

Comment by jennaro on October 27, 2017 at 1:53pm

@Chaiyles @eric I want to say that is all Awesome, and I thank you guys for all the video you posted till now here! :)

I got two proposals and suggestions I'll be glad to expose you : 

Chaiyles talked about : full force kick on his hand ( honestly that the same thing I did with my GF) that would be super nice to watch.  So we can see the total force she could produce with her kicks.
that's pretty scaring.

and the idea number 2 is to make a game. If you're interested contact me in pvt to avoid to spoil the idea, and make a community surprise :) 

Comment by Ted on October 27, 2017 at 3:45am
Holy sh1t! Wow brilliant
Comment by Luis Moran on October 27, 2017 at 3:30am

This is easily one of the best videos and this website, :D

Thank you guys for this. 

Comment by Tobias Z on October 27, 2017 at 2:47am

Great! But I am really missing some high geeled boots in there

Comment by Dustin on October 27, 2017 at 1:51am

12:35 was second best. Bet you were sore Eric!

Comment by Dustin on October 27, 2017 at 1:48am

9:25 - absolutely the best part! That shot was awesome!

Epic video guys, Love the idea and y'all are great.


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