Told my buddy I wanted to tie him up next time we played, and he obliged because "How can I resist those eyes?". Very funny to me because in the past he's also said, "I don't trust you, I'm never letting you tie me up."

Alas, he gave in pretty easily since he knew how excited I was.

I wore my hose that he got me and a low-cut, dark red 3/4 sleeve dress with a push up bra. I knew he would drool when he saw me in it, and he absolutely loved my outfit. Says I'm yummy... but he's also yummy! That man looks GOOD in a black tshirt. Really fills the sleeves out with his arms. Unfortunately/fortunately he stripped down to his boxers and lay on his back in front of me. He really likes looking up at my fully clothed figure.

I sat in the chair while he massaged one of my feet while I played with his cock and balls with the other. I was stroking him and squishing his balls around, making him twitch and shiver. I really like putting pressure on a nut and then feeling it shoot out from under my foot, and he seemed to enjoy that too. Except every time I did that, he would stop massaging my foot. Annoying.

"Next time you stop massaging me, I'm tying you up." I tell him.

"I'm not stopping I'm not stopping!" He protested, and doubled-down on the massage. I really wanted to tie him up though, so I started getting harder with my feet on his balls. Stomping a little bit and kicking lightly with my toes. He's gonna give eventually, I thought to myself.

And he did. His hands were shaking after one particular stomp, and he let go of my feet for at least 10 seconds. That's a long enough time to count as stopping, so I got up. 

"I didn't stop, you distracted me!" He protested again, and I laughed. I sat down beside him, laying against his side with my right arm draped over his chest, facing him. 

"It was long enough, I'm gonna tie you up now," I gave him a wicked grin. I was excited! We talked a bit about positioning and what would be comfortable.

I used a double-column tie to tie his forearm to his bicep. I had a really long rope, so I used the rest of the rope to do the same tie on his other arm, putting them above his head as he lay on his back. I also tied both of his legs futomomo style (a pretty word for thigh binding) that left him in a frog leg position. 

Then I stood over him again, planting my foot on his chest, grinning down on him. He looked pretty good, tied up in pink and blue ropes. I moved between his legs and started tapping his nuts gently with my feet. I didn't want to go too hard yet. I wasn't sure how he'd respond, and I also didn't want to immediately lose my tying privilege from going too hard. I sat down in the chair again and started pressing into his nuts, alternating between kicking him, squishing him, and stroking his cock with my feet.

Apparently being tied up makes him WAY more squirmy, because he was wiggling around like crazy. Very cute, very hot, very sexy. I can empathize, I've definitely been so turned on and hot and heavy that I wiggle and squirm like that.

At one point I straddled his belly and stroked his dick with my feet while I shoved my tits in his face and he bit and sucked on my nipples. I started moaning a bit too, and may have left a mess on his belly when I stood back up. Oops. 

I must've played with him like that for a looooooong time, kicking him hard and soft and stroking his cock with my feet. I love the look in his eyes, the lust, watching him struggle against the ties, twisting and moving.

All good things must come to an end though, and we finished up. He had to pee. Bladders. Anyways I made him untie himself since my ties were not ideal. He probably could've escaped at any time...had he not been overwhelmed by getting busted. I know now that I'll have to tie him tighter next time... hahahaha

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Comment by nolizards on January 15, 2025 at 6:43pm

That’s hot!  Well done! 


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