This week I got a chance to do a little role play with a member on here. Sadly I forgot to grab the text from rounds 1 and 2, but did manage to grab round 3. Hope you enjoy it.
Me: Round 3. Opening positions - I'm flat on my back, you are straddling my torso. Appearal - I'm in boxers, you are in a sports bra, shorts and heels. Win condition for me - take off your heels. Win condition for you - underneath me lifting me up off the ground with your heels. Your move to start.
Her: I dont like the win conditions lolz
Me: who's? and why not?
Her: this is a wrestling match not a footlocker, you dont win by taking shoes off
Me: ok ... pick better win conditions
Her: the winner is whoever can pin the other to the ground for 10 seconds
Me: sounds good
Her: and since it is a fight I will stay barefoot, otherwise ill trip easily lol
Me: boooo
Her: hey im trying to win here:P
Me: so am I. whatever, your move
Her: ill wear the heels just for you ;) but since this is the last round obviously im not going to lose this one so I pull out all the stops
Me: oh goodness
Her: as I walk towards you you get all tense and scared but to distract you I flash you very quick and while you are distracted I walk swing my foot back and kick you twice hard and fast
Her: lol I use that on my bf all the time and it always works on him so i know it works
Me: it'll work with all guys
Her: exactly well?
Me: well ... I'm on my knees with my left hand holding me up and the right between my legs trying to help me feel better (btw - if this is the last round, I'm not going down easy!)
Her: oh im sure then as you are on all 4s I take the time to walk behind you and punt your nuts from behind
Me: I yelp outloud and I somersault forward. landing on my back with my knees up trying to catch my breath. I know I need to move ... but after two rounds, I'm having difficulty focusing
Her: I start laughing at you and ask if you are ready to give up as I go to pin you
Me: I let you try to pin me. I can tell you aren't interested in pinning me yet, you want to play more. So I take an extra five seconds before shifting my weight and getting back up to my feet
Her: and then I run at you with a knee
Me: no boobies and I'm able to focus.
Her: haha
Me: I dodge out of the way as you slide past. with your back to me I come behind you and pin your arms. Also I sidestep your legs and pull you to the ground before you can heel kick me
Her: unfortunately for you as you grabbed me you had my arms pinned to my sides so I just reach back grab a handful and start squeezing and pulling on them
Me: I keep the bear hug on you ... fuck the pain as immense as it is. But I do have to shift my weight as your grip is in there deep. And I know as I do - your legs are loose
Her: and then as soon as I have the room I kick back so the heel directly hits your left nut
Me: for a brief moment I'm hit with the purest sense of euphoria. This BEAUTIFUL woman I have been talking to for months is in my arms looking amazing in her outfit and just heel kicked me with the most exquisite heels.
Her: hahah
Me: and then...the pain explodes in my crotch. you heel is still there applying pressure as I turn to roll away. my hands desperately hoping everything is still intact - it is but that is the most pain I have ever felt
Her: and then I quickly turn around and follow it up with a hard knee before pushing you over
Me: I land on my stomach unable to move my balls are on fire ... but I can't do anything. My hands don't even want to hold them for fear of touching them the wrong way so they stay at my head
Her: then I flip you over and plant my heels onto your balls and start applying pressure
Me: I wake out of the daze I was in and try to sit up. my face bouncing off of your crotch as my hands quickly grab the outsides of your legsI really can't do much from here but hold on and take deep breaths
Her: and then I start to apply as much pressure as I can and I do that for 10 seconds until I win
Me: I refuse to give up
Her: rude. I give you one hard stomp to make sure you stay down
Me: that heels slams into my already sore balls. I roll over and try to mount a feeble response. from my knees I lunge at your waist - needing you to be at the same level as I am, hoping to drag you down the floor again
Her: then I shrug it off and follow up with another kick to the balls
Me: they are so sore that I'm starting to not feel the hits I get up off the ground now and push you against the wall
Her: I feel like thats not a thing but okay
Me: I feel like I could defend myself better than this in real life
Her: and as soon as you pin me I follow up with a couple quick knees
Me: my strength is waning but I hold you there
Her: I just keep on kneeing until eventually you fall
Me: I'm left on my knees infront of you - hands still on your hips
Her: I turn around and kick you repeatedly with the point of my shoe until you let go
Me: my hands are on the ground. I know I'm about to lose, but I'm holding on because the experiece is about to end
Her: then I walk right behind you and give you a nice hard kick from behind
Me: I groan loudly but refuse to move, knowing you can kick me from front and back - I want to take as much as you can give before falling over
Her: and I do about 5 of those kicks
Me: my dick hates me right now as your toes keep hitting it while the rest of your foot connects directly with my balls. at the end of the five kicks, I lean down until my face is touching the floor and struggle to come back up
Her: and then I flip you over while you are on your back and say awww did I break your balls?
Me: I take a deep breath and say "your choice ... you can get me to tap, or keep going, they aren't broken yet"
Her: and then I decide to go ahead and finish you off. but I say I want to make sure that you feel every ounce of pain before I beat you
Me: I look up from the floor and say "I'll take anything you want me to take"
Her: so I reach down and take off your boxers and then I spread your legs in a v and then proceed to stomp on them 7 times with both parts of the heel and then when you start to curl up on the last stomp I start to apply pressure and pin your balls to the floor for as long as you can take, which is probably much longer then 10 seconds so whenever I take my foot off Im the winner
Me: you can see the tears streaming out of my eyes. I'm grabbing at your legs and understand why the pain ... the muscles are defined and strong as they press down
Her: then I walk over put my heel on you and say another pair of balls beaten by me ;)
Me: I curl up from the pain my balls are in ... never have they felt this way before
Her: and I continue to laugh and make fun of you for losing
Me: but as I lie there watching you walk away ... I can't help but start to follow you ... wanting another round
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