Hello KITG I have two more BB short stories for you all.

January, 2010 (Target Store)  

 This particular experience took place several years ago while out on a dinner date with my Fiancée. We had a very nice evening out. During our rounds out and about, I wanted to stop in at the local Target to pick up birdfeed for the feeder in my yard. My Fiancée started to whine and complain about my idea. I didn't care about his whining, I was getting the birdfeed despite his disapproval. I won the battle of the wills in the car so we ended up at Target. While in the store, he sulked and dragged his feet the entire time. An employee pointed us in the right direction and after contemplating which bag to select (A good 10 minute process), I  put one bag of feed in the cart and i was ready to go. As i walked towards the front of the store to pay, I balled up my fist and punched my Fiancée right in the nuts and told him "SLOW YOUR ROLL". He let out a loud "UFFFFFFF" and doubled over and then grabbed himself. Just two people were in the same aisle at that moment, a young mother and  her young son. The Mom flashed me a quick smile mixed with amused disbelief and approval. Her son looked very confused as he looked up at me passing by. He darting his eyes back and forth between my doubled over Fiancée cupping himself and my satisfied swagger. I shot the little boy a smile as I walked by, my Fiancée humiliated and defeated, followed behind.

August, 2015 (Cape May)

In August or September every year, a group of  friends get together for a week's vacation (holiday) at the Jersey Shore, usually at Cape May. On this one particular humid morning two car loads packed up and headed for the beach, we found two open spots right on the T intersection of Beach Blvd and Decatur Street, a very rare and lucky find indeed. My husband opened the trunk and started pulling things out of the back of the car, I offered to help him, but he told me that i would just get in the way and to leave him be. So i stood there and watched him unload the trunk for two or three minutes. He grabbed the last two items out of the back which were two aluminum beach chairs. That's when a playful urge took over, I gave him a quick glancing knee to the boys causing him to stop and freeze with such a look of shock. Then all you heard was the clanging of the two aluminum chairs hitting the road and him squatting down to gather himself LOL. I stood over him arms akimbo with a grin from ear to ear, he looked so cute at that moment. I then coyly asked  "OOPS, did i get in the way?" One of my friends just broke out in laughter, adding the laugh track for the moment.

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Comment by Andy Lee on June 8, 2016 at 12:17pm

Hey Susan, it's great to hear from you! How have you been?

Thanks for sharing these short but sweet stories, I found them rather amusing. I wonder if that kid will remember the events that unfolding later on in future, lol. :P

Comment by Robert "Trey" Mansfield on June 7, 2016 at 8:58am

Susan, you're awesome.

Comment by Lil Suzy on June 7, 2016 at 7:21am

Bet he's a jumpy husband. Glad to see you haven't forgotten about us here : )

Comment by Barbara Ann on June 7, 2016 at 6:01am

I love your shorts, keep them coming. They're very entertaining.

Comment by Sydney Marie on June 6, 2016 at 12:56pm

I love how you keep it fun and sexy and not super brutal, i guess Mr. Greeneyes appreciates that too : )

Comment by tsm89 on June 5, 2016 at 11:55pm

Haha thanks for sharing, these were great!! What you do to your husband is exactly what I am so afraid my gf might do to me!

Comment by Mz Jhoana on June 4, 2016 at 11:28pm
Gotta keep em in line. Instant attitude adjustment. Good for you!!
Comment by Rooomer on June 4, 2016 at 2:48pm

Love these little stories -- quick, surprise busts with some humor!

Comment by erin green on June 4, 2016 at 2:02pm

u let the boy see wat hes in for when he grows up if hes not nice to girls

Comment by giordy on June 4, 2016 at 10:53am
It's nice to see you here again Susan...Loved your stories, as always. Your husband is a lucky defeated and humiliated guy :-).


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