Her and I had met up a couple times before to test the waters. She had drilled me with a couple knees before but nothing much. We had been talking for a while about getting together but covid had delayed the plans a few time. With a couple negative tests in hand, we planned it out and got together last Thursday.

After chatting a bit about life, we found the couch to talk out the busting plan for the day. She wanted to get some content created for her OF feed. I was happy to be having a session with someone who was experienced. As we sat there, her feet slide past my knees so her toes could find their mark. Her left foot poked around to pin my balls down. "So, how much can you take?", she asked as she flexed her feet.

It had been a while since I was busted, so I really didn't know. The good thing was that she was experienced enough to know how to cause pain with limited risk of damage, so she just kept adding pressure to get an idea. If one ball slipped out to the side, she would just laugh and go harder on the little guy that was left under her foot. I thought I was in agony, but that was just the beginning.

After coming up with a plan for the first video, she hopped up and grabbed some short black heeled boots while I setup the camera and cleared the background of other stuff. We met in front of the camera and the filming started. "Hello everyone. I have a new busting buddy today who hasn't been kicked in the balls in a while. So I'm going to start off a little softer so that I don't break him." Then she turned to me, and didn't hold back. I was lifted off my feet by her kick and landed on the couch behind in agony. It was the first time I had felt that kind of stomach pain in close to 4 years. She stopped the camera and asked if I was ok which was nice of her. I slid to the edge of the couch and took her foot in my hand. I knew grinding my balls has a way of helping me recover, so I put the ball of her foot on my balls and told her to enjoy herself. Sure enough, the pressure helped alleviate the abdomen pain and I was up again in front of her. She turned the camera back on - said she was going to be kinder, and this time she was. The marching knees were "gentle" and I was able to keep up. When she started swinging harder I had to tell myself to stay upright. Her hands went from beside her to my shoulders and then to my hips to make sure I didn't jump back. A few harder knees put me back on the couch but she pulled me back up. After she was done kneeing me, I hoped that was the end of the video, but she wanted one more kick. "Because you kept moving, I'm going to kick you just as hard as that first kick ok?" I held my ground as she faked a bit. And then her foot shot out with perfect accuracy for the laces to cup my balls with the most force. Again I fell back as she turned to speak to the camera.

As I laid on the couch, she turned off the camera and looked at me. She laughed and said she loved the reactions I gave her. Completely genuine and even better that I dropped from one kick. She walked over, pulled my knees apart and placed her foot back on my groin. As she leaned forward, she asked if it was too much or if we were done already. It wasn't, I just needed a breather. She leaned in harder, "good, I'm not done playing yet" and pushed off me. She took her heels off, hopped on the couch, put her feet back into my balls to gas-pedal me, as we planned out the next video.

With the realization that I wasn't going to be able to handle another full standing session, we started to think about shorter clips for her content. She also reminded me that I had agreed her using her spiked heels so it was time for that. She put them on and I planned the shot. I knew I couldn't take too many standing kicks. Plus out of safety we didn't want her kicking me completely with them. So I sat on the ground with my back to the couch and she sat on the couch behind me. Her legs came over my shoulders and her heels fell perfectly on to my balls. We tested the aim a bit, but couldn't do it well to start. So I took off my track pants leaving a thin pair of boxers that showed her exactly where everything was. She tested her aim a bit which was spot on. Then she realized that her thighs could squeeze my head at the same time, but didn't tell me that yet. She was happy with the setup, told me to put the pants back on so neither of us were worried, and started recording.

She started by standing in front of me and quickly dropped herself onto my balls. After a couple words to intro the video she stood up, showed off the spikes, dropped once more for good measure, and headed behind me. As she got into place, she used her heels as leverage to get into the right spot, the lighter pain of what was to come. With everything in place, she started grinding the spikes into me. While the tracks pants helped a bit, her leg strength made sure I felt each spike. And I could feel the spikes both in my balls and all up my shaft. First one leg, then the other, then both because why not. When the grinding stopped, the heel kicks started. It was smart for me to sit on the floor because it meant that I couldn't move and she had limited force to apply to the kicks. But in quick secession, the pain added up. When my thighs started to close in, she took the hint and went back to grinding her heels down. At the same time, her thighs started to close around my head. The power in her legs was made known to me very quickly as I felt my head be crushed. As her thighs played with my head, she also realized that her heels had hooked my balls quite well. So she started to bend her knees, pulling my balls closer to her as her legs continue to scissor my head. Without much room for my lower body to move, those spikes dug in deep and that fucking hurt!! Even with the pain though, that was why I was there. As my hands glided from her feet to her thighs she knew I was enjoying it too much. Her heels left my balls and locked together to help her thighs squeeze my head. I couldn't believe the power in her legs!! 20 seconds later, both feet slammed into my balls hard and I was reminded why we were there. Back and forth she went until she thought I couldn't take any more and the video ended. I told her after that she could have continued - which she locked away for a future meet.

As this has gone long enough, I leave it here with a teaser to the last video we shot - a foot worship video, with busting in it.

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Comment by SwollenTesticles on May 7, 2021 at 4:45pm

If anybody is wondering, her studio name on OF is katkatbbto.  I Just Subbed!

Comment by SwollenTesticles on May 6, 2021 at 9:15pm

So fucking awesome The LEGENDARY Katkat is back busting balls!  Imma join her Onlyfans tonight! 

Thanks so much for sharing your story about the BB session!  

I hope to be lucky enough to get busted by her on video someday.  

Comment by John Franks on May 5, 2021 at 10:18pm

Just her only fans

Comment by dph1970 on May 5, 2021 at 8:12pm

Were these videos made for an Onlyfans page or does KatKat have an clipsforsale store?

Comment by John Franks on May 4, 2021 at 6:13pm
Comment by Gabriel Walters on May 3, 2021 at 7:18pm

@John Oh, nice. That's plenty of time to have fun and to recover in between as well.

Comment by John Franks on May 3, 2021 at 10:09am

@Gabriel - Happy to share! I got to her place around 11 and stayed until 2:30. Busting was off and on for about 2.5 hours.

Comment by Gabriel Walters on April 28, 2021 at 1:59pm

Sounds like you both had a great time. Thanks for sharing and for going into more details. That head squeeze was a nice bonus :)

Btw. how long did the session last? From what you wrote, it seemed you experienced a bunch of stuff, so I have a feeling it lasted longer than usual.


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