Fun in the Texas sun and a knee to the nuts.

On April 1st my coworkers and I were relaxing by the outdoor pool of the hotel after a hard day of work.  We enjoyed a cocktail and a cooling swim in the 88 degree (31 C) Texas sun, after a drink and a swim, I went upstairs to shower and get ready for dinner. I was dressed rather nicely for our night out.  I came back downstairs and everyone was ready to head out except for one individual. It was still early but he needed to start getting ready anyway. He was in a happy, giddy mood. My friend got a wild hair up his you know what and decided to grab my two wrists and started dragging me towards the pool, I wasn’t able to get a good footing with my shoes because I had high heeled sandals on and it seemed apparent I was going to get wet. I started laughing and scream “NO, LET ME GO, I’M SHOWERED AND DRESSED, LET ME GO”. I was very vocal about not wanting to get thrown in.  Because of my big mouth every single person at the pool had their eyes on us… a good 30 to 40 peeps; it was a Friday afternoon so the pool was crowded. I was probably 7 feet (2 meters) from being thrown into the water, I decided to stand up straight, grab my friend’s wrist and pull myself into him at the same time I came up with a knee that hit him dead in the nut sac. Since I didn’t want to totally hurt or ruin my friend / coworker, I hit him with a medium (5 or 6 / 10) knee. When my knee made contact it felt like a bean bag, except mushy.  He released me and looked at me with such shock and bewilderment he then fell on all fours with his butt sticking up in the air. About 4 seconds later he was fetal by the side of the pool. I put my two hands over my mouth and started laughing. My co worked broke out laughing too as our friend moaned. “Oh my nuts”, he let it be known I scored with the money shot on his most manly of areas and pretty much everyone at the pool was looking on. I totally loved that too, it made me feel very sexy knowing all eyes were on me because I just kneed a guy in the balls and they saw it. The crowd’s reaction varied, I saw confusion, displeasure, shock and amusement. My friend recovered slowly and was standing after about 3 or 4 minutes, but I could see he was still in some discomfort. I walked over and gave him a hug and a few kisses on his cheek and said “poor baby” and then broke out in laughter again. The rest of the night as we were out on the town, I was rubbing it in. I’d wink at him from across the table as we ate dinner or I’d blow him kiss with a smile. I gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek as we were walking down the street. I asked him with a coy smile if he was ok several times throughout the night. The final little thorn in the balls was back at the hotel lounge, he offered to get up and get drinks for everyone, but I got up and told him he should sit down because he needed more recovery time, so I went up got the drinks. The next morning as we were loading into the van I walked past my friend and OOPS, I faked a knee coming inches from his tender area this caused him to jump out of his skin. XXXO Susan



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Comment by Taffy on April 11, 2011 at 8:12am
wow, this is such a feel good story.
Comment by Barbara Ann on April 10, 2011 at 7:36am
What a wonderful opportunity to be a little playful with this fetish, very sexy, thank you for sharing this.
Comment by Tyler McNaughten on April 9, 2011 at 2:11pm
SEXY!  GREAT story...  Definately one of the best.  The fact that you got to have so much fun with it, is priceless.
Comment by Emerson on April 7, 2011 at 10:42am
And i thought you went down to Texas to do some hard work and here you are having fun. : P
Comment by Johnny BB Goode on April 6, 2011 at 7:31pm

Susan, you are one SEXY ballbustress!  :)

Love the teasing afterward.  That's the way to do it!

Comment by Carollyn G on April 6, 2011 at 6:29pm

wonderful experience, i'm jealous


Comment by nolizards on April 5, 2011 at 11:06am

wow.. deja vu....  ;-)

Comment by Sydney Marie on April 5, 2011 at 10:16am
Comment by amy amber lee on April 5, 2011 at 9:51am
you always have some great stories to share. I can't wait for your next experience...poor guys :D
Comment by whywait4it on April 4, 2011 at 3:35pm

I love this story, nothing like ballbusting in the workplace.


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