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Used's Discussions

Ballbusting in Novels

Started this discussion. Last reply by ElTioDelCasco Jan 31, 2022. 39 Replies

Obviously there are a lot of great bb stories online, but I was wondering, does anyone know of any novels with a focus on bb? Or ones with any memorable bb scenes? The only two I can think of are…Continue


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ElTioDelCasco replied to Used's discussion Ballbusting in Novels
"bb scenes I could find in Outlander (Diana Gabaldon) Chapter 26 "No! Don't talk to me! I've said I canna bear to hear it!" "Och, is that a fact?" She eyed her brother, standing at the window with his legs braced wide…"
Jan 31, 2022
John879 replied to Used's discussion Ballbusting in Novels
""One Thousand and One Nights" (version without censorship) has castration scenes"
Oct 25, 2019
James Worthington replied to Used's discussion Ballbusting in Novels
"Hi!   Can I ask where in the book you found this? Is it in outlander (the first novel?) Thanks"
Jun 19, 2019

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**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
I'm from Australia. Years of Italian and Indonesian lessons didn't stick, so I can only speak English. Some of my English teachers may argue their lessons didn't stick either.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
I found this site through video links being posted on Kramtoad. Originally I was drawn by the videos and pictures, but now I really enjoy the chat and community aspect of KITG.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I have been into ballbusting ever since I can remember. I would be fascinated by ballbusting scenes in movies and tv, and the contrasting reactions of the guys and girls on screen.
Cuntbusting is not something I've grown up with, but if someone would ever try it with me, I would definitely be interested.
My first ballbusting experiences were all in sporting games. Playing soccer, I've been hit with the ball and kicked hard in games.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
Not including sporting games, where I'm sure I've been busted a bunch of times, and busted a bunch of guys, only one person has busted me on purpose.
I have the urge to be busted almost daily, however, in reality, I would probably like to busted weekly or fortnightly if possible.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
When I get busted by a girl who likes busting, aside from the pain, I feel aroused, afraid and, in a weird way, accepted.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
Whilst I like the ooowww, the drop and the rolling around, my favourite part is the pause of the guy whilst he waits for the pain and the pause of the girl (I like F/M) whilst she waits for his reaction. And then most of all I like if the girl giggles, laughs, smiles, poses or teases the guy verbally.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I've seen lost breath and funny noises.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
My most memorable bust happened recently in a car park with a member of KITG. She kneed me a few times and then squeezed my tender balls while we kissed, as cars drove past intermittently.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, quick hard thigh, thigh hard & hold

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 9:06am on January 26, 2012, jeanne said…

That was just EXTREME !!!

At 1:17pm on November 19, 2011, Linda Howard said…

I'd love to do it!

At 5:14am on October 26, 2011, Will said…
Heh thanks! I couldn't agree more with you =)
At 7:36pm on September 6, 2011, Kelly said…

Hey hun, thanks for the add, and YES it is the best "job" ever...though I consider it more of a "hobby" :P

Kisses and KICKS,

Princess Kelly xoxo

At 9:41pm on August 18, 2011, Marvin said…

No dare, one day we just showed them what we did to each other.  We were hanging out together and Kelly tried to bounce a basketball into Brian's nuts but missed.  Then, he gave her a free shot from 10 feet and she missed.  The next thing you know, Brian who spread his legs for Kelly and I spread my legs for Tammy and they tried to hit us in the balls with the basketball.  The were all giggles and laughs bouncing the basketball into our testicles.

     That kick in front of Kelly's sister, Trisha, really hurt, and I was totally embarrassed, as well as in extreme pain.  But, what was worst was when I heard the girls telling a bunch of girls the story.  Kelly was imitating me, as Trisha pretended to kick her balls, while the girls cracked up.  They were trying to imitate the pop sound made when her foot connected with my balls.

     I still see them every once in awhile.  Yes, it gets talked about.  Last time I saw her she said something about me being lucky to be able to have kids.  ( After how she kicked my balls really hard, but she claimed it wasn't a full force kick.)  I should tell them about this site.  I will next time I see them. 

     It seems like I've got a bunch of baseball, soccer, and other sporting events with balls being crushed.  I give you more when I feel up to it.


At 4:51pm on August 15, 2011, Marvin said…

Yes, the girls teased us about having balls, by saying things like, "I am so glad I don't have balls"  and "that looks like it hurt those balls."  But, I really liked them watching us.  We both did.  Our cocks would get hard, and they would tease us about that, until one of us would take a really good shot in the nuts.  Then, they would go on and on about your balls and how they felt.  It wasn't really humiliating.  It was fun having girls focusing on our balls.  Cause we usually wouldn't throw the balls at our testicles full force, but that time, wow, I nail his huge balls against the bricks.  He was really hurt though which was what made me nervous cause I did it.  But, he did get me back.  We were being watched by Kelly's older sister and I was showing her how close I was to doing the splits.  Brian, my friend, got Kelly to sneak up behind me.  While I had my legs spread, right in front of her older sister, Kelly kicked my balls from behind.  The kick smached my balls up between my legs.  My eyes went wide, my breath left me, and I crumpled cause of the pain.  I hurt so bad I started to cry.  Kelly and Brian both yelled "POW" as she kicked my nuts and began to crack up.  Kelly's sister was shocked, then, tried not to laugh, but couldn't help herself.  She tried to yell at Kelly, but couldn't get it out cause she was laughing.  When my balls finally stopped aching severely, she told Kelly to apologize and made me promise not to say anything to my parents or hers, about my balls being kicked.  Kelly always go out of trouble, scott free.  Later, right in front of me, she told her girl friends how she could feel my balls squish on her foot when she kicked me.  They thought that was hilarious.

At 5:40pm on August 14, 2011, Marvin said…

Yes. I was into BB before that.  A neighbor friend and I used to hit each others balls in various ways for the girls down the street.  Like we would spread out legs open and let the other guy take a free shot at your balls with a soccer ball, baseball, or football.  We would only stand 10 feet away, so it was hard to miss.  The girls loved it.  They would giggle, point, and laugh at us rolling around on the ground, holding our aching testicles.  It got even more interesting when we would let the girls pick which ball to use and how hard to throw it.  I will never forget when they told me to use the football on my friend.  He was naked, he had huge balls (we always teased him about them) and he was sitting on a short brick wall.  His balls were dangling down, kind of resting against the brick.  Kerry told me to throw the ball as hard as I could.  My friend said I will never hit him and told me I had a weak arm.  So, I threw it as hard as I could and I mean it was a direct hit.  The point of the rock hard football slammed into his huge balls, crushing them against the bricks.  I will never forget the sound.  There was a super loud "POP!" as the nose of the ball hit the bricks.  Unfortunately, for my friend, his balls got completely crushed between the ball and the bricks.  He tried to scream but nothing came out and he sort of froze with the look of complete surprise on his face.  He couldn't breath, try to stand, but crumpled into a ball on the ground, making the funniest sounds, and coughing, as he held his balls and cried.  The girls thought it was hilarious watching the large testicles take such trauma, and said they could hear his testicle meat squishing, muffling the sound of the ball on the bricks.  They pointed and asked if his balls were ok.  He couldn't answer.  I got nervous because I threw the ball at his nuts and now he couldn't get up.  I didn't want to get into trouble.  It was crazy.  If you could have heard the sound.



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