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Since I was nine. Started kicking boys at school.

When I was in 4th grade one day during recess a little blond boy in my class decided to take a toy pony from me and run off with it. This wasn't unusual as it was very typical for the boys to do this and the girls to give chase. Eventually the thief would toss the stolen goods aside and the girl would retrieve it and life would continue on as normal. This particular day though I had had enough. I decided to do what I have seen older girls do and what my mother had told me about. Once the bratty blond boy got tired of my chase he jettisoned my poor pony no doubt expect me to just rescue my toy and be on my way. He must have been surprised when I continued my pursuit of him. Eventually he turned to face me while laughing mockingly with a "and what are you going to do?" look on his face. I stepped in quickly without a word and delivered a perfect kick right between his legs. His eyes bugged out in surprise and pain. He then fell to the concrete twisting in pain and crying. I got scared, and quickly ran to retrieve my pony and fled the scene leaving him holding his balls in tears while other kids laughed at him. Later that night after getting over my initial fear of getting in trouble for kicking someone, I replayed the events in my mind and found I really enjoyed it. It was fun, exciting, and very satisfying. Little blond brat and his friends ended up feeling my foot on their balls many more times after that. My friends and I no doubt made their grade school years hell.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
Daily to weekly depending on how lucky I am.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
funny, empowered

It most definitely started as something funny. When I was kicking in grade school I don't think there was any arousal involved. Mostly it was just funny and entertaining. Even at a young age though I think there was a strong sense of empowerment. I recall being excited after delivering a strong kick and seeing a boy's painful reaction. The excitement is hard to describe but it could be best summed with what I used to think after my foot scrambled a boy's eggs. I remember thinking that I so loved being a girl. Much of that was the empowerment. It was like kicking balls to me validated that it was better to be a girl, at least in mind it was anyway.

As I grew up those feelings never went away but continued to develop. There is a excitement due to the anticipation before a kick. Then a rush of power that I can feel surging through me as I deliver the kick and my boot finds it's target. Followed by a feeling of satisfaction as I observe my target's reaction.

So it's actually not any single feeling but a multitude of feelings and emotions.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
The kick itself and the awesome results that it can bring.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I don't know if this is my favorite, but it is one that I find very memorable.

I was in my 3rd year in college at the time and getting an opportunity to kick balls on a fairly regular basis. I started dating a guy from my biology class, I'll call him Mark. Mark was a smart guy although a little awkward. He was kind of cute in a nerdy way and always very nice. I remember he had an annoying tendency of being extremely indecisive, even on simple things such as what to have at dinner or what movie he wanted to see. After a couple dates with Mark I sort of got tired on him. Before dropping him altogether though I did want a chance to kick him in the balls at least once. So after one of our dates we were back at my apartment and we started kissing. I ran my hand up and down his leg letting it make just a slight contact with his the bulge in his jeans. I could tell he was getting excited because he was nearly panting but his body remained stiff like he was afraid to touch me back. I grabbed at his groin harder and I could feel it was nice and stiff. At this point I decided to tell him what I really wanted...well sort of, I told him that I had never kicked a guy in the balls before and I always really wanted to try. He seemed stunned. He asked me why I wanted to do that and I responded with something like "I've just always been curious". Without waiting for his answer I decided to up the stakes and clawed at his jeans unbuttoning them and began removing them. Thankfully he didn't stop me and even assisted me and removing them. I asked again if I could kick him just once, and he again hesitated. I told him that I promise I won't do it hard. Reluctantly he agreed. I pulled down his boxers to see he was still excited and I gave him a quick kiss. I could see him checking out my brown boots, which had some very hard toes by the way. The look on his face was almost like, aren't you going to take those off? He began dry washing his hands nervously as he stood there waiting for me. I swear it seemed like his voice was quivering and he was trembling a bit. I found it so cute how scared he seemed to me yet he was willing to stand there as instructed by me. I decided to kick before he lost his nerves. I took one step towards him and swiftly landed the top of the toe of my right boot in the middle of his balls. Although I promised that I would not kick hard, I did in fact kick quite hard. His eyes popped wide open as my foot made contact and he immediately doubled over covering his balls and collapsed to the wood floor in a heap. He looked up at me from the floor. The look in his eyes of having painfully been betrayed along with the tears welling up inside them was nearly heartbreaking. He was struggling to breathe, gasping as would a fish trying to take a breath while removed from water. He continued to remain curled up on the ground looking at me and crying and began asking "why...why...why?" I didn't really have an answer for him. Well I did, I just didn't want to give it. I bent down and gently stroked his head. By now I noticed his rod has shrivel up really small and the testicles had begun to swell a little as it's shape looked to be a bit distorted. I asked him if he was alright, trying to keep a straight face and I would look away with what must have been a beaming smile so he wouldn’t see. After a time I got tired of waiting for him to get back up so I sat on the couch waiting for him. I started getting annoyed at the length of time he was requiring to get back up and really began feeling like he was milking it. I finally forced him back up and got him dressed and out the door when I told him my roommates would be returning any moment. As soon as he left I called my best friend and told her about the events of the past few hours in detail. She told me how cruel I was, but the funny thing is she laughed the entire time.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
boot kick, heavy shoe kick

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At 1:31am on March 23, 2014, Willie said…

Hi, Katie, my first kick in the balls happened very much like the situation you described. I was tormenting a girl at recess and grabbed something from her and held it up high so she couldn't reach it. After jumping up and down a few times - to the laughter of my friends and the complaints of hers - she hauled back and kicked me in the balls when my head was turned...needless to say I dropped her toy and fell to the ground. She casually picked it up and left me lying there.

At 12:47am on July 2, 2013, Marvin said…

Hey Katie,  I had a girl trick me the same way.  She said she wouldn't kick my balls very hard.  Then, she faked a few kicks making me flinch and causing a really weird sensation of anticipation to build in my balls.  Then, she said,"look at me."  I did and as we locked eyes she delivered a perfect karate front kick to my testicles.  I crumpled, couldn't breath, and was moaning and groaning about how much my balls hurt.  She smiled and laughed at me.  Then said, "never let a buster have a free shot at your nut sack.  She just might smash them into paste."  And, she walked off laughing, leaving me with aching balls.

At 11:50pm on April 9, 2013, Tanky said…

Great story! Do you think it's easier for women to talk with their peers about bb than men (at least in the straight community). I feel like it must be.

At 11:09pm on February 18, 2013, Mike said…

Love the story about mark.  I would have let you kick me full force with your boots and I would have gotten back up and asked for another.  SO HOT!!!

At 3:01pm on January 16, 2013, Sara said…

Thanks for shareing! I most say i like your story Hugs

At 1:02pm on December 6, 2012, ludo said…

You are fantastic!
You can't imagine how much men here (me the first) would been happy to be at your boyfriend place....

At 4:43pm on December 28, 2011, Robin said…

Almost felt sorry for the college guy. :)

At 5:52am on March 13, 2011, Johnny BB Goode said…
Hi Katie, it was great chatting with you today.  Love your profile and your bb attituede.  Hope to chat again some time.  You're a very cool woman!  :)
At 3:35pm on February 12, 2011, kim Detorres said…
 I have two cute blond twins I  have planed on kicking. I will think of you and your story when my foot meets their balls tonight. I hope I will be able to floor them at the same time. The way Cody Lilly  and his partner do it (YOU TUBE)
At 11:20pm on September 17, 2010, KingKiller said…
The whole "men act violent because X, therefore it's women's fault" line of rhetoric. It might not strictly apply in the context of a fetish in which women are "playing" as sadistic, etc., but it comes up ALL THE TIME in real discussions of male-on-female violence, and it tends to get my feminist dander up a bit.


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