Yup, those.  I was curious on opinions of Zombie movies.  Zombies normally aren't too much of me thing and I've only seen a very small number of Z movies.  Recently I saw World War Z and I have seen some of the Resident Evil films.
What I wanted to ask was peoples favorite zombie movies and also what people like for types of zombies?
Fast vs. Slow?
A type of virus vs. Undead?
Totally mindless vs. Slightly Intelligent?
Bite for food vs. Bite to spread Zombieness?
Any other preferences I'm not thinking of?

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Easily my favourite zombie-related form of entertainment is The Walking Dead TV series. There's plenty of zombie-killing, but there are really well-written characters and events too. Before watching it, I was thoroughly bored with zombies because they'd become overexposed, but The Walking Dead has so much more to offer that it doesn't matter to me. =)

I think 28 Days later had to be up there for me, seriously fast zombies all over England. A great survivor group too. Although Shaun of the dead is also a classic, lots of references to the all time great zombie films.

I prefer the slow walking, mindless, virus not magic, Night of the Living Dead zombies.  Zombies that bite to feed but their bite also causes zombism.  My favorite version of zombie lore is the Zombie Survival Handbook, by the same author of World War Z.  

As for resident evil, great video games but the movies are the butts.   My joke is that someone clearly put the cheat code on for Alice in those movies.  Kind of ruins any sense of danger.  Comes off like someone's really bad fanfiction, inserting themselves into the role as the all powerful world savior. 

I've ALWAYS been a fan of George A. Romero's Dead series. Day of the Dead was the first zombie movie I ever saw and I was hooked immediately. I had never been so horrified. Now Romero's movies were great for many reasons: social commentary, the special effects and makeup of Tom Savini and Gregory Nicotero, and the overall hopelessness at the end of most of the films to name a few. His zombies were always my favorite because they were slow and easily avoidable, but they always caught up with their prey by simply following them until they inevitably made a mistake. People in the movies were always so busy with other, less importantbthings that the zombies would make them into a meal. The true brilliance was the zombie dynamic though. Day of the Dead's Bub the zombie shows sympathy toward humans, some sense of right and wrong and higher intelligence than his undead counterparts. In Survival of the Dead they seem to make a breakthrough by teaching the dead to eat animals instead of people. Romero, who never goes into great detail of the zombie origins, makes you ponder just how smart the zombies are, whether or not they retain any bit of their past selves and most importantly, how you yourself would deal with such a threat. He brings every reaction one might have and displays them on the big screen. However, all ideas ultimately fail.
28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later also were instrumental in making zombie movies more thrilling and introducing the virus pandemic scenario to the genre. I know some people hate running zombies but I for one see the beauty in both. Also Dead Island and Dying Light do a great job of incorporating both types in a believable way.

I found this on cracked.com and it made me laugh quite a bit.  Never thought about alot of the items on this list until now!  It's what made me think of making this post actually:




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