I wrote about the Terminator movies last year and thought I'd take some time with the Alien series.  There must be other fans here as well!  I keep seeing new trailers for Coveneant and am cautiously optimistic.  Figured now was a good time to share thoughts about the prior films.  Im only including the main 4 series and then Prometheus.  Im not going to discuss any of the AVP films as they are more cross-over then pure Aliens.  Also, spoilers included, so if by chance you haven't seen any and really want to - you have been warned!

There is no way around it, this movie is great.  There is so much suspense and terror, even after seeing it many times, Im still glued to it.  Ridley did a great job with the characters, making them down to earth and believable and not just "red shirt 4" as so many horror movies do where the characters only exist to die.  The Alien itself was amazing as well.  So creepy - Giger did a great job creating it and Ridley did a great job knowing just how to slowly show little more and little more keeping it scary.
Fav Scene: The Chestburster Scene, hands down, no contest.  It's such a classic scene - not just in the Alien movies, but in all cinema in general that it's easily my favorite.
*Two claws up*

Once again, this one is great.  Cameron was smart and knew not to try to copy the first but to take the movie in it's own different direction.  That was the only way to make a movie as good as the first, as trying to stay in the same genre was going to just fail given how good the first was.  The action was great, the dialoge was great and the characters were done so well.  Even the ones you don't like, they are well done making sure you can't stand them!  While it's often considered a just as good sequel, it depends on your genre preference, if its actually better then Alien or not.  For me, I consider it just as good.  It's so different, but handles everything so well and carries on in a perfect direction that it really does deserve the Alien name!
Fav Scene: It's a tie for me between the "Get away from her, you BITCH" and Hudson's "Ultimate Bad-ass" scene from the Extended Edition.  The first scene, like the chest burster scene is such a classic, and so well done, it's an obvious choice.  The second scene is just so funny with him getting more and more over the top in his bad-ass boast.
*Two claws up*

Alien 3
This entry gets a lot of shit and I personally don't feel it's all warranted.  Sure, even at it's best, it's not nearly as good as the first two.  I don't think it's as bad as people seem to find it either though.  I like the direction they take Ripley and the circle they take her character going from fighting the aliens, now to having one inside her and how she needs to handle that.  The movie certainly has it's flaws though, especially when you get to the secondary characters.  We just never care about them anywhere near like we did the others in 1 and 2.  Some of the effects were pretty lame which can be a bit jarring as well.
Fav Scene: The Opening.  I love the credits inter-cut with the snippets of story, ESPECIALLY when combined with the creepy-as-fuck music.*Half Claw Up*

Alien RessurectionI have to admit, this was the first Alien movie I saw.  I saw it when it came out in theaters with my best friend and we thought it was fun.  We were both teens at the time.  After a while, it seemed to get weaker and weaker until now, I find it just meh.  Bland characters, sometimes awful dialoge and too much trying to show off the creatures so they are no longer scary and mysterious.  Some of the scenes we thought were fun and cool at the time are just lame now days.  It's a movie with a horror direction but campy script and they just don't go well together.  And then we have the Newborn.  ugh.  I tend to stop the movie at that point.  Honestly.  Once Ripley gets carried to the nest to see the Queen, I stop it there.  Everything before, is fun enough nut after that it totally jumps the shark and I just can't do it.
Fav Scene:  Hmmm... this is tough.  If I really had to pick... hah, I dunno.
*One claw DOWN*

Finally - Prometheus
This is one I had good hopes for but I think I was ultimately let down.  It does have some really awesome scenes and crazy tense moments, but it has just as many moments that don't work.  I think the biggest shame is that with a few minor tweaks, it really could have been good too.  I know Ridley had said it before, but I also couldn't stand the idea that the Space Jockeys were just big albinos and not some kind of wierd genuine alien.  Such a cop-out for something that had so much mystery in the first film.  And from the same director too!  The more I keep thinking about it, the more I want to rag on the movie, however I really do enjoy it.
Fav Scene: The C-Section Scene.  Hooooooly Shit was that terrifying.  Terrifying, gross, claustrophobic, and just plain disturbing but so so well done.
*Half claw up*

So, curious to hear other peoples thoughts on the series, on a particular film, or even a particular scene.  I dont care if its positive or negative.  Some are just fun to trash!

Also, I did this recently and figured Id share too.  I was inspired after watching Prometheus, given how much I love the series.

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