A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Charlotte lay in bed drenched, panting, chasing her breath. It had been years since she woke up in such a state, but that usually meant waking in a state of panic or terror. This dream was vivid, but it was no nightmare. Before she was awake enough to see clearly, she slid her hand between her legs and tried to slip back into the dream. If she couldn’t, the memories would do.
She pictured Shelby, his eyes wide and mouth agape, hands grasping desperately, hopelessly at his rapidly swelling balls. She heard his low moans, pitched higher as he struggled to maintain enough air in his lungs to breathe, unconcerned with oxygen as his entire existence was focused on the pain and a new fear of impotence. She moaned softly as her hands worked around her hood, building towards climax as she remembered the moment Shelby finally found words for his anguish. She slid her other hand inside, remembering his gravelly, breaking voice repeating, “Ohhhhh, my baaalllsss. My baaalllsss.” Charlotte’s back arched as she came, her legs shaking as her hands worked. Her voice caught briefly before escaping as a bestial cry, and she collapsed back onto her bed, the image of Shelby’s pained face still etched in her mind.
She laid back, basking in the afterglow of an orgasm that came before sleep gave way to reality. As she came down from her high, she rolled over and saw a picture of her and Shelby. And Lily. A wave of guilt washed over her. Charlotte tried to explain everything to Lily that night, framing it as a prank and not lust for Shelby. Lily didn’t scream. She didn’t hit her. She didn’t do anything. She just stood there stunned, processing what she had done to the man she loved and his low, sensitive seeds. Seeds she lusted after. She simply stood and walked out of the house, and hadn’t been back since. It was the second morning after the incident, and Charlotte was getting worried. She knew that Lily would be back soon, and she had no idea how to make things right.
Charlotte cleaned herself up and threw on a gown. She walked down to the kitchen and grabbed some eggs out of the fridge. She pulled out two, cradling them in one hand, thinking about how much more manageable they felt in her hand than Shelby’s. That night she tried to comfort Shelby by cradling them and gently rubbing them, at least initially. She was snapped out of a trance by Shelby’s hands weakly grabbing her wrists, and found herself squeezing his balls, one in each hand. Not too hard, but hard enough after Lily’s kick had tenderized his meaty balls. She grinned to herself as she held these seemingly small eggs, thinking of the power she felt that night. Out of some repressed instinct, she slammed them into the bowl. Pulling her hand back, the yolk and whites dripped through her fingers, carrying pieces of shell into it as well. She chuckled to herself watching the bowl fill with the crushed eggs. “What the hell are you doin’?!?” Charlotte whipped around and found herself face to face with Lily.
Lily looked rough. Her eyes were puffy and her hair was a mess. Charlotte was overcome with emotion, but stood there, egg still dripping through her fingers as she stared into Lily’s eyes. There was rage in them, but it was tempered compared to what she saw two days prior. Charlotte jumped at her sister, throwing her arms around her, and pulling her in tight. “Where have you been, Lily!?!” Her sister did not hug her back, but as she pulled out of the hug, Charlotte saw a sad smile on her sister’s face.
“I was over at the Johnson’s place. I was…helping Shelby. He, uh…he needed a little help convalescing.” She looked away, wistfully.
Charlotte grabbed her sister’s hands. “Lily, I am so sorry. I don’t know where to start to make it up to you, but I’ll do anything. I feel lower than dirt.” Lily just kept staring into the floorboards, nodding slightly, slowly. After a minute of silence, Lily looked up at her hands, furrowing her brows. “Ewww Char, is this egg?” Charlotte looked down and noticed the yolk and shell on their hands and chuckled, pulling her hands back and grabbing a rag. “Sorry, I’m not all here this morning. You want some coffee?” She handed Lily the cloth and went about brewing a pot. Lily wiped her hands clean and set the cloth on the counter, looking into the bowl of crushed eggs with a frown on her face. She didn’t press the issue, but the implication was obvious to them both. Charlotte was glad not to have to explain herself.
After brewing the coffee, Charlotte made them both some breakfast and sat down next to sister. Lily pushed her scrambled eggs around the plate, working on how to address her sister’s actions. She wasn’t sure what she felt yet, let alone how to express it. She eventually looked up to see Charlotte looking at her with sorrowful eyes, and her emotions flowed from her like the creek after a heavy rain. After venting the rage that she had been stewing in for two nights, a pressure hung in the air to the sound of forks scraping plates. The noise filled the room for an eternity of minutes. As they picked at their eggs, Charlotte pled with her sister for forgiveness, and Lily berated, and eventually forgave her younger sibling. They sat at the table sipping coffee for a while, working through the problems Charlotte had created, and after some time they were as close to normal as they were going to get. Charlotte’s eyes were now as red and puffy as Lily’s, and the girls looked at each other, laughing at their shared state of emotional exhaustion.
Lily broke the tension. “Seriously Char, what the heck were you doing when I came in?” she asked, nodding towards the abandoned bowl of broken shell and yolk.
Charlotte’s eyes widened slightly, shooting down to the table as she wrung her hands, her face turning red and hot. “I, uh, I just….” Charlotte had no sense of what to tell her sister. Spending the last hour groveling and asking for forgiveness for her part in Shelby’s near emasculation, she didn’t want to admit to her new fascination with male fragility. She couldn’t come up with a response, so she sat silently hoping the moment would pass.
Lily watched her little sister’s face flush. Lily was still ashamed of her actions the other night, although Shelby forgave her when he finally got over the nausea. Lily painted the picture of walking up behind him, her sister on her knees before him as his pants laid at his feet, and even in his broken state he understood how it must have looked. Besides, it would take a hell of a lot more than pain to break the spell Lily had over him. He was still swelling and bruising, his already large testicles the size of two apples, and the deep, purple-black of eggplants. But as Lily looked at Charlotte, even more embarrassed about the broken eggs than she had looked about her little prank, she wondered what Charlotte was so flustered about. “Well? You waiting on the Earth break open and swallow you whole?” Lily smirked as she watched her sister lift her eyes to meet hers, still beet red.
“It’s nothing. I just…I just kinda….” Charlotte shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Lily let out a laugh, and Charlotte shot daggers at her.
“Look Char, I can’t quite square what you did, and what you caused me to do. I love you, but I’m madder than a wet hen. The least you can do is tell me what the hell that thing with the eggs was about.” She saw her sister’s face soften a bit.
“I…I was thinking about Shelby.” She said bashfully. Noticing Lily’s face darken a bit, she hurried to say, “Not like I want him! I swear Lily, I’ll never do anything that comes between y’all again. Honest! I just…I just felt something deep and powerful watching him laying on the ground like that. I can’t explain it.” She cast her eyes back to her empty mug, fiddling with it nervously.
Lily sat in stunned silence. She watched her sister fidgeting with her mug. She looked so small and ashamed of herself, and in some sense she should be. Lily knew that it would take a while before she was able to truly forgive Charlotte for what she did, but she loved her little sister, as foolish as she could be. While she didn’t fully understand what she was feeling, she didn’t want to shame her. She looked back at the bowl of crushed eggs, and a wave of emotions flooded her mind. The rage that she felt that night at what she thought was a betrayal of the worst kind. Shame at her anger, and how badly she let it hurt the man she so desperately wanted. And then something else. It wasn’t pride exactly. Exhilaration. Exhilaration at the power she felt over a man as big and strong as Shelby. The thought of Shelby lying in bed still, his balls swollen so badly that he couldn’t hardly force them in his already overstuffed pants, his every movement causing him to groan as the pain of her kick. The weakness of the source of his strength. The knowledge that, if he ever acted up in the future, she could take his manhood with far less effort than she ever thought possible before.
“Lily? LILY!” Charlotte’s voice snapped her out of her reminiscence, and she noticed her breathing had quickened, as well as her heartbeat. “What?!?” Lily snapped, and Charlotte averted her eyes, turning back towards the empty mug like a kicked dog.
“I’m sorry Char. Look, it’s going to be a while before I’m ready to talk about what happened the other night without wanting to whip you, but just know that whatever you were feeling, it’s ok. I think I kinda understand. But Char…” Charlotte looked up, her eyes pleading for more reassurance from her older sister. “Don’t go wasting anymore damn eggs.” She smiled, and Charlotte let out a chuckle, feeling a sense of calm that she hadn’t felt since that night. That uneasy calm settled in the air for a bit, until Charlotte broke the tension by grabbing Lily’s hand.
They sat in silence for a while, enjoying the calm of a new day not yet begun. They would be ok. It seemed Shelby would be ok. But something had changed. Well, a few things had changed, but the two young women had experienced something new and exciting in the woods that night. It wasn’t clear what would come of their relationship with this novel sensation of power, but like waking from a dream so pleasant you fight against the encroaching morning, they were sure to hold on tight to keep it from slipping away.
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