This is my first work of fiction on here, let me know how it makes you feel.


Give me any ideas, I also put myself in this story for lolz


Tell me what you think :D



Jessica, had short light blonde hair, long enough to go beyond her jaw but not yet touching her shoulders. She had pale smooth skin, so smooth that it would put even the softest baby to shame. Coupled with a sweet face, always sporting a cute innocent grin. Her body is the beacon of perfection. It curves like road in the mountains, long and gradual. You will get hot just sliding your hands up and down her curves. Her breasts are a midsized B. Not to small and not too big, Perfection. Jessicas waist was something to be desired both by men and women. Shes got nice pronounced hips to grab onto, and she loves to have someones hands wraped around her hips. Snaking down her wonderful hips are very long and extreamly tones legs. Jessica is a former gymnast and a former cheerleader. With all that said this gives her legs built to destroy. Her absolute favorite workouts are leg workouts. She strives for perfection when it comes to perfecting the strength in her legs. And at the end of those beautiful legs are amazing feet. her arches are so arousing that it will make any man with a footfetish crème his pants. She loves to prance around on her toes dancing to her favorite bands in her spare time.


The day is Monday and Jessica is back to highschool from a long winter break. Shes dressed for warmth with black hoody of her favorite band “My chemical romance” tight jeans, and her favorite green colored lowtop converses. But she has one more item that sets her style from any other style, she rocks her absolute favorite pair of legwarmers. Long but scrunched down to right below her knees, grey in color. Her absolutely favorite clothing accessory to wear are her legwarmers. Jessica just loves how they feel when she slides them on, sometimes the soft fabric rubbing on her long elegant legs turns her on a little. Then this sparks her signature grin she wears all the time. Because in reality she is always turned on just alittle, small things like noticing the cute socks worn by other girls and noticing the body style of guys shes attracted to, turns her on.


Jessica prances in playfully on her toes and within seconds she pounces on her bestfriend Lacy. Lacy is consumed in Jessica’s loving grip, in a tight but passionate  hug from behind. Jessica wraps her arms around lacy’s waist tightly but leaving her room to dig her nails into lacy’s sides softly. When Jessica lets go, Lacy then turns around to greet Jessica.


“hey Jessi-boo, how’d you like sleep last night?”

“I slept wonderful!!!!” Jessica then smiles softly. “I had wonder dreams of what we talked about last night, n thanks sooooo much for telling me about your kink”

Lacy grins, showing a slight hint of teeth “oh it felt so good to tell someone, finally.  I cant wait to try our idea today”.


The night before, Jessica called up Lacy, like she does every night, but this conversation was met with an unexpected twist.

Jessica thumbs through her iphone looking for the contact named  “Lacy-boo<3” she then finds it and smiles with anticipation and presses the call button as hard as she can, almost knocking her phone out of her own hand.

Lacy picks up “hey jessi-boo”

“hi lacy gurl !!!, what socks are you wearing babe?”

“im wearing my cute hot pink ankle socks” Lacy then grins “ are they yummy enough for you?”

“oh yes, im like so steamy now, you seamed a little down today, so I thought Id give you a call to see if I could cheer you up”

Lacy smiles “oh babe, just you calling makes me so happy!, I actually have something on my mind”

“spill your heart out doll face”

“well for a while I’ve been like having these like fantasies, like twisted ones”

Jessica’s eyes widen “that sounds fun!, go on please.”

“ well like when ever I find myself eyeing a guys junk, I just fantasize about me kicking my shoes off and slamming my socked foot so deep into this guys junk that he like fucking cums his pants because of the sudden pressure, does it make me weird?”

“babe, is it weird that I’m turned on by this, of course it doesn't make you weird !!!”

Jessica then blurts out “I’m actually about to cum my pants listening to you describe your socked girly feet drilling some poor guys nuts into his throat, I kinda wanna try it now. But in my favorite sexy grey legwarmers” Jessica then smiles

Lacy replys “ are you wearing those things right now?”

“oh yes, they are like my favorite things to wear and they are so comfy”

“ they are abso-fucking-lutly sexy babe” lacy says

“oh agreed Lacy-boo and I would love to feel a guys testicles get crushed by the soft warm fabric of my legwarmers. Like I totally wouldn't be that mad if a guy came all over my legwarmers, just as long as it was a result of me kicking my sexy cheerleader legs into his exposed testicles” Jessica giggles a little.

“OMG that's what I’m fantasizing about, I would just absolutely love to drill a guy like that, I don't have uber strong cheer legs like you do babe. Sometimes I picture my self lifting a guy up a few inches off of the ground with the power of my legs slamming his delicate balls.” Lacy adds.

“ooooooo, I bet I can do it” Jessica blurts out in excitement

“yeh I bet you could kick a guy a few feet off of the ground babe”

“Lacy-boo we need to lift a guy by his innocent testicles with our strong legs” Jessica adds

“but Jessi I’m not as strong as you” lacy then frowns

“its fine girl we’ll turn those legs into to weapons of mass destruction” Jessica then smiles

“well It would be uber sexy if you could teach me how to high kick like you, I think that could be my favorite way to kick” a smile then slow snakes its way across of lacy’s face

“ooo I can totally teach you how to high kick, I think I’m gonna tease you be demonstrating this on wade tomorrow” Jessica then giggles in excitement

“are you sure he’ll let you kick him, I mean I know he is soo crushing on you but do you really think he will still like you after this?” Lacy asks

“oh yes, wade is so much fun” Jessica giggles “he like loves it when I burry my toes deep in his lap when we hang out and study”

“does have a footfetish or something jessi?”

“I don't care if he does or not, I love the face he makes when I ask him how my socks feel, after digging my toes into his junk” Jessica smiles “I think I’m a little sadistic” she then giggles

“well I guess this means wade is going to feel your socks really good tomorrow jessi-doll” Lacy says

“oh yes, I’m gonna wear my green converse and my sexy grey legwarmers, that way he’s rock hard when I drill my foot into him” “his favorite color is green” Jessica smiles

“then why does he wear black all the time?” Lacy asks

“I don't know but I hope he has an extra pair of boxers” Jessica grins mischievously

“ooo is cause your gonna make him cum his pants?” Lacy questions

“oh yes, I’m gonna drive these girly converse into his sensitive testicles and make him exploade all over the front of his pants, he’s going to be so confused. He’s gonna wanna feel pain and pleasure at the same time.” Jessica laughs loudly

“well Jessica this sounds so much and I cant wait to see you wreck wade tomorrow”

“okies Lacy-boo I’m off to bed babe goodnight” Jessica then lets out a cute soft “meow” [she does this sometimes]

“night night babe”


end of part one

Views: 995

Replies to This Discussion

Awesome Wade, maybe Jessica could  nuzzle her socked toes into your nuts for a while increasing the pressure until you transition from pleasure to outright pain.

thanks, yeh that sounds like a great idea :]

im gonna write in some more later this week

but yeh if you got anymore ideas you wanna input id love to write them in

Great story Wade I think Jessi is my kinda girl :)

oh yes i love her :], she is so fun to write



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