(This is my - almost entirely true, but a few details added - story of my own ballbusting coming of age. Part one here)

Rolling on the grass holding my nuts was certainly a therapeutic experience, but, after a while, I realized I had to go home. Having just been racked in the balls by my high school crush (a soccer player, no less!), I was in some of the worst pain of my entire life (I was going to say since, but RL events have changed the truth of this statement since I wrote this post, so I'll be sure to write a thread on that, too). I managed, after perhaps fifteen minutes, to pull myself to my feet unevenly and begin the short, labored walk home. Soccer-girl's threat was right: I did have trouble walking, but trouble didn't wait till tomorrow! My balls (in fact, my whole package) were horribly swollen, and they swung in my loose shorts from one thigh to the other, slapping themselves painfully again and again.

After a ten-minute walk "cowboy style" home, I finally unlocked and walked through the front door, hoping to get to my room before anybody noticed-

"Hey little bro!" my older sister, 17, greeted, running down the stairs.

Much to my shame, I'd long found my older sister Megyn hot. I was scrawny, pale white, black-haired, tall and nerdy: she was curvy, dark tan, light-brown haired, and athletic. She practiced yoga daily and wore only skin-tight leggings, short-shorts, and tank tops - all of these clung to her tightly, as she has a massive ass, voluptuous breasts, and muscular legs (she's a swimmer/runner). She was the last person I wanted to see me like this right now.

Nonetheless, Megyn ran to greet me, throwing her arms around me for a tight hug (which I always enjoy). She then took a step back, looking at my horrible posture.

"What happened to - oohhh," she said, realizing the truth, before giggling hysterically. "My little bro just got racked in the nuts! Come over here, tell me what happened."

Our parents were out pretty consistently for work, with our dad traveling nationally, so she took me to the empty dining room table (in the kitchen) and sat me down, taking a seat across from me.

"So?" she asked, far too excited. "What happened?"

She leaned over the table, resting her head on her hands, and looked happily at me, wide-smiled. Her tank top had fallen to reveal a massive amount of cleavage, though, and I began to lose myself in it.

"Bro, I'm up here," she said, irritated - it wasn't the first time she'd called me out on it. "Careful, or I'll follow up whoever did this to you."

Strangely, I found myself enjoying the threat - my package squirmed in a combination of fear and arousal -, but I did my best to focus on her eyes.

"A girl at school... soccer team," I still had trouble forming coherent sentences, for the combination of terrible, enduring pain and my sister's ample chest were distracting me.

"Hahaha!" my sister erupted into laughter, standing up to walk to the refrigerator - she pulled out an icepack from the freezer.

She walked up to me, standing over me as I sat, and cradled my head in her hand, turning me to face her.

"You need to answer me truthfully," she asked, staring at me seriously, then jerking my head upward. "Look at my eyes, not my tits. Did you deserve it?"

"No!" I shouted - bad move.

She rammed the icepack down onto my groin, sending shockwaves into my balls. I lurched over, but she kept her hand there, pressing down on my boys.

"Wrong answer, bud," she said, continuing the pressure. "Guys always deserve it. Hell, you deserved it right then for staring."

I cringed as the icepack's pressure smashed my balls against the wooden kitchen chair, my fingers twitching as I dug into the table for support. I ground my teeth and moaned, looking up to my sister's sadistic, judging smile with puppy-dog eyes.

"Please... pleaaase..." I begged, groaning, before she let up.

"You know, you're lucky I'm so understanding," she said, dropping the icepack carelessly onto my groin with a painful thud. "You know about my reputation at school?"

How couldn't I? She had acquired a reputation at school as the queen ballbuster: baiting guys in, cockteasing them maliciously, and then busting them, but never granting anyone any release. Over the years, the guys at our high school had wised up and avoided her, though occasionally one hopeful guy would take his chances and hobble home in shame. My sister hadn't yet busted me, save for a light tap a few years ago and tonight's crush, which was a bit of a surprise, but my friends had come to fear and avoid her (as most of their older brothers had cautioned).

"...Yes..." I breathe, concerned I'm in for more.

"Well, I've held off on you because you're my little bro and I didn't want to hurt you while you were still basically a baby," she said, leaning over again, dragging my attention to her mesmerizing cleavage. "But it seems like you aren't so little anymore... eyes up here. You're 'one of the boys' now, so it's only fitting that I start treating you that way. You're old enough to take a kick to the balls, and you're old enough to deserve a kick to the balls. Stand up."

"What?" I asked, incredulous. "No, obviously not."

"Listen, here's what's going to happen," my sister said, resting her foot in the open space between my legs. "You're going to get out of this. Either you stand up, take a kick, and limp away in one piece, or you sit here and I smash whatever's left into putty. Understand?"

I sat indignantly for a moment, refusing to move, but my sister edged her foot inward, carefully pinning a single testicle beneath its toe and beginning to apply pressure. I shivered and looked into her eyes, a type of frantic, hungry look glimmering in their sheen. She steadily increased pressure, and I began to choke for breath, an laid my hand on her shoulder, pleading for her to let me go. I nodded my head in submission, my lips quivering and my eyes watering.

My sister let me go, then pointed upward, motioning for me to rise from the chair. I did so unsteadily, pushed the chair in, and looked at her. She grinned evilly, adjusting her hair and pushing her chest outward as he arched her back. Again, my mouth opened, my eyes glazed over, and I ran my eyes over her front, and she snickered sinisterly.

"Like what you see, little bro?" she said, crossing her legs and motioning towards her body. "Today's the first day you pay for the privilege!"

It won't hurt that bad, I assure myself. She kicked me before and it was nothing. It was just that Amazon soccer girl...

"I need you to spread your legs," Megyn said, prodding my legs open. "So, you had your first taste of this at school. How was it?"

I didn't respond, but instead tried to cobble together some last-minute pride. Surely, my sister hadn't gotten stronger in the last few years, I thought, not realizing that she had barely tapped me when she 'kicked' me two years earlier. I have balls of steel! Everything will be okay!

She brought her leg up slowly, gently pushing my swollen, hanging lumps upward.

Was that it? I thought. That only hurt a little! Oh... she's taking aim... it'll still be okay.

"You ready little bro?" she asked, pushing against my groin again and flourishing her foot about, 'rustling' my jewels. "Telling yourself everything will be okay?"

Everything will be fine, she's weak, everything will be okay...

My sister took a step back, looked up at me with a gleaming sneer, and promised me, "This is gonna hurt!"

Oh shit, oh shit, everything is not going to be fine. This is a nightmare, please Oh God no-

Her leg flung upward in a perfect arc, slamming with complete accurately into my plums. Unimaginable, excruciating pain erupted in my groin, and a wave of fire emanating from my balls overcame my body. My vision shone bleach white for a moment and I lost my balance... as my sight came back to me, I found myself kneeling on the tile floor, looking up with horrified, open eyes at my sister standing confidently above me. My legs trembled and I looked up to see her smiling coyly, arms crossed, as she inched towards me. Her toes prodded my balls lightly, each small touch sending a shockwave of agony through my balls, before she took a step back.

Then, the universal sign of ballbuster-celebration began, a sign with which I would become increasingly familiar over the next few years: she clutched her crotch, bent forward, and swayed her legs in imitated trembling, presenting me with a pouty face of mock-pity.

"Aw, poor baby," she said before straightening her back an walking up to me. "Expect more soon, little bro."

She pressed her index finger against my forehead and lightly shifted me to the side, toppling my body over onto the floor in a pile of sweating, quivering flesh.

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love it ,oohhhh

Loved this story almost as much as the last! Would love to see more.

These have been awesome but since, as you stated, it's partially embellished and altered, I'd love to hear an account of how it really went down with your sister the first time and her subsequent busts.

So far, these first couple have been basically completely accurate. The only embellishments I've been making or plan to make is adding in dialogue for stuff that I don't really remember, so that it takes a better story form. Otherwise, this is it as it happened.

Things like what sort of busts would she get you with?

Basically everything imaginable. Things escalated with time (which I'll get to with later stories) - at first it started out with kicks, knees, and very rarely squeezes (like in this story, her smashing the icepack on me; usually, she'd only do squeezes if she's actually mad at me). Later, she'd do things like "gas-peddling" or stomping. In the last year (obviously the dynamic has changed a lot, lol), she's tried light biting, but that's very recent.

How quickly did she realize you liked it, and then what happened when you openly admitted it to her?

It took a while before she realized I actually enjoyed ballbusting - she knew I found her attractive before then and would tease me about it, but it took, idk, maybe a year before she realized that I was into it. She found out I was watching ballbusting porn, and I was very obviously getting excited by the busts, so it was easy for her to figure out. I only admitted it to her last summer during a particularly erotic bust, and things took a pretty sexual turn after that.

Before actually admitting it, would you ever try to stop her, or would you open yourself up and let her get you (or was it always surprise attacks)? 

I might playfully resist, but

a) Never really tried to stop her.

b) A lot of situations where she'd surprise me or I couldn't stop her (like, she'd greet me with a hug - which obviously I knew would end in busting - and grab me to prevent me from escaping while she kneed me).

c) She's strong and determined enough that there'd be no point trying.

If she was getting you up to 8 times a day, I imagine there was a lot of talk about her always hitting you - what sort of things would you talk about in regards to her busting you? 

Between us, she'd mostly just tease/threaten me about it, and I'd be a little embarrassed or maybe tease back (but sort of complain/pout about how much it hurts or whatever). Other people certainly noticed, but not the frequency of intensity of it. Like I mentioned in the thread, my friends were all terrified of her, and they sort of laughed about how bad my situation was.

And finally, when you say you had a sexual busting relationship, do you mean an actual sexual relationship, or just that the busting was more sexual in nature as in she would get your bare balls and stuff? 

She didn't bust me bare until a particular incident last summer which commenced an actual sexual relationship (there were a few exceptions before then of me getting out of the shower where she kicked, kneed, or slapped me, though). There was definitely a lot of sexual tension before then, and she'd make remarks about her teasing me/me being attracted to her, but things only became sexual in the last year.

How long did it take for things to get to that level and what happened the first time it got like that?

I was 15 when she started and 18 when it turned sexual. First time is a bit of a spoiler, because I'm planning on writing a post about it, but I suppose I can give it away if you want. Basically, our parents were gone for a week during the summer, and she decided she'd really step up on teasing/busting me (she'd wear super tight clothes - or she'd "get ready for the beach" and just walk around in a bikini all day - and very blatantly tease me/lead me on. She also started busting me like 30-40 times a day). By the third day of this, I was pretty on-edge (combination of having been busted, like, 100+ times, and terrible blue balls). She ended up talking to me while I was sitting in a chair, and I made a joke about a charity project she was doing, which really pissed her off.

She got super pissed and demanded I apologize or she'd "make them hurt worse than ever" (in her words). I sort of assumed she was joking and didn't care (because, I mean, what was she going to do? Probably not castrate me), so I refused. At that point she ended up straddling me in the chair and reaching her hand into my shorts (she grabbed me by the bare balls), and looked up at me (at this point I realized she was actually pissed/completely serious, and I was terrified). She gave me one last chance to apologize, which I 'refused' (idk... I was just too scared/confused to actually reply. I was silent, I think), then she just said "You've made a huge mistake" and started squeezing - she'd squeezed me before, but generally sort of playfully (hurt like hell, but she was squeezing to make it hurt). That time, though, she was squeezing like she actually wanted to rupture my testicles, though - like, full-force, brutal, unmitigated squeezing.

I lasted for maybe 5 seconds before I was begging her to stop, but she went on for a good minute or so. I was a quivering mess, but she made some joke about how I "seemed to be enjoying myself" (I was pretty aroused, because, like, sister's hand on balls...), and I just lost it; we ended up making out and started a proper sexual relationship (though it didn't include actually having sex).

Also, it's NP answering questions. I quite like it. My sister is aware I have an account here and, though she doesn't want to set one up, she's answered a couple questions about it that I've texted her for replies, so I can probs get her if you want to ask some. She may take a while to respond, though.

When did she first see you naked and was it a common thing? Most brothers/sisters would probably freak out if they accidentally say their sibling naked, was that not the case for you?

She's a little bit older than I am, so she probably saw me naked when I was very little, but it was still a bit of an awkward thing for me. She was far more comfortable naked around me than I was around her (partly, I think, because she knew I found her attractive, so she'd tease me a lot - e.g., if I saw her naked or in lingerie, she would make comments to the effect of "You like what you see?"; sometimes, she'd drop her towel to flash me, then bust me).

And I imagine if she's busting you naked and squeezing you she must have touched, or at least grazed, your dick a few times. 

On a few occasions - for the most part, she would only kick or knee me when I was naked (until recently - now she's completely fine grabbing and squeezing me, and doesn't care about touching my dick; I mean... we have a sexual relationship, so she does get me off - blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, etc.). So, yeah, she did touch my dick. 

Would she not care if she did touch it or would she mention anything about having touched it that would indicate if she cared or not having just felt her brothers dick?

She mostly didn't care. Today she comments that she likes it, but, back then, she just didn't mention it.

Would she ever just grab that instead of your balls?

On a couple occasions, she grabbed it accidentally or (while clothed) to tease me before moving to bust me, but no, up until last year, she would avoid my dick.

I don't think either of us would be up for that - sorry!



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