For the men of KITG - I’ve been wondering about this particular question for a long, long time, I even allude to it in my profile when I say “The look in his eyes just before the pain sets in”. I always wonder what’s circulating through your mind the moment you hear the THUD or THUMP from her kick or knee. What’s that first spark of realization just before that pain hits you?


Oh and by the way, I still love that look on your faces at that moment. The nut kicked face as Jessika calls it  :*


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Hard to pinpoint since it's only a moment, but I know I go through this thing where I'm like "did that really just happen?" and then there is a sudden affirmation.

The initial contact to the testicles.....this HURTS LIKE HELL. Its hard to explain the pain but its sort of sharp and just incredibly painful. This pain all but goes away but only for a couple/few seconds. It is such a short moment, like JT says, and its not necessarily pain-free but sort of...


In those few seconds, and what you are asking....its kind of a combination of acceptance ("oh shit this is going to SUCK") and fear and even more....wondering just how bad you got hit. Before you know it, the incredible pain hits and if you've been hit know this pain will multiply many times over the next few minutes and you just try to brace for it.

So you are sort of bracing for a lot of pain and kind of thinking about the initial pain, knowing your going to get about 10 times more than that, and just knowing how weird the actual moment of the pain going away is....probably the dominant thought is to wonder how much pain is coming and how can I position myself in such a way to minimize the incredible pain about to take place. This is usually the fetal position haha.


Of course this is referring to a hard kick. Huge difference between a hard kick and a tap or soft kick. Those can still hurt a lot but its not the agony of a hard, accurate kick to the nuts. Hope this helps :)

I've only been hit there solid once but from my experience it's not the pain that first sets in. It's the inability to breath, similar to a solid shot to your stomach but of course more severe. It's really only a split second right after you hear the THUD/THUMP and just before you start falling to the floor gasping for air though many thoughts could go through your head even in a split second, so good question.


My experience occurred during a friendly basketball game so it was definitely unexpected, yet I clearly remember this sequence going through my mind:


1) Hearing a thud.

2) Realization that something just struck me in the balls.

3) Wondering how bad it's going to hurt - will I have to fall down ?

4) Realization that YES, I will !

5) Note to self: try not breaking your face when you fall down. 


In that regard I don't know that the thought process was any different than when I ran into the door in a dark room and got knocked down splitting my head open. It's just a "holy fuck, what just happened and how bad is it going to be ?" kinda moment. 

I find the pain sets in pretty directly after a good kick.  So the moment just before the pain is that moment of anticipation as she is aiming, as her leg is flying, and just at that split second of impact.  In that time, my feelings are 50% terror and helplessness.  I know what's coming, I know I am shortly going to be on the floor in pain for this girl, and I know she is bitchy and certainly won't be satisfied with just one kick.  The other 50% of my feelings are a affectionate, worshipful - often even quite protective - adoration for the girl who is kicking.  I find ballbusting an intensely romantic experience, and so that side is always a big part of the feelings.
Disbelief, shock, fear, realisation of your complete defeat and of how defenseless you are... and then the pain arrives.

I don't have too much to add, but I know there have been a couple times where I've thought to myself "oh, i'm still standing, maybe it wont be as bad as I remember it..." and then of course it is, and I drop.  Mind you, this takes place in only an instant - not like I'd ever have time to say that aloud.

Hits from behind that are a total surprise can have almost the opposite happen.  I do remember once being kicked from behind and was reacting to the pain before my brain completely registered "oh, i just got kicked in my balls".  Again, the delay is minute but sometimes it is still there.

The moments before the strike is strange you mentally try to somehow brace yourself for the pain,but nothing can prepare you for the inevitable  agony


I don't know what the guys are thinking, but i see in the eyes all that fear and confusion, It makes me wonder what they thing too. I can't wait to see what pops up here.

Great question Susan, thanks for posting this!

At the moment of impact, but before the pain fully sets in, I experience fear. Extreme fear in cases where the kick or knee is near or at full-force. If the bust is consensual all my excitement and eagerness looking forward to the bust flies out the window in an instant and is replaced not only with fear, but with a helpless surrender to the extreme pain that is inevitably to come. If the bust was non-consensual (something I'm not really in favor of because I view it as assault) then you can add shock and confusion in there too. Shock and confusion at why a woman would attack my testicles for no reason (other than for her enjoyment and pleasure at hurting another human being).

As you know, testicular pain is the probably the most torturous, excruciating pain a man can feel (at least that has been the case in my lifetime). So there is both a fear and surrender to the physical sensations that will soon explode within my balls and body. Every man knows it is coming and there is nothing we can do to stop it, nothing at all.

In talking with women that enjoy ballbusting several have told me they enjoy this aspect very much. Seeing a man in testicular pain, the grunts, groans, gasps for breath; the dropping, and rolling and clutching of the testes; the facial expression of shock, torment and pain; and the complete disablement and helplessness of the man is the best part of the bust.

So it naturally follows that this particular point in time, after the initial impact but before the pain, is also very enjoyable for many bb women. It's where their victory and emasculation of the male is established and proven for all to see (I use the term emasculation in the sense that the female has demonstrated her physical superiority over the male and also proved beyond any doubt his extreme vulnerability and weakness, not in the sense of actual castration or physical damage to the testicles or scrotum).

I'd also add that I think what males feel and what females feel right at the moment of being beaten up (which is essentially what ballbusting is) isn't too different at all. Fear. Shock. Confusion. I think those are universal feelings shared by both men and women. Perhaps the only unusual aspect is that as a culture we aren't used to seeing such emotions expressed by men. But I can tell you for a fact, we absolutely feel those feelings at the moment of a hard ballbust. Absolutely!!

I think it is more, the fear of not knowing the pain level  that is about to take place. First time I ever got kicked, was in junior high school. As a non jock, I never felt that a female could hurt a guy - until one day I called this girl a slut.  She came up to me and oviously was going to hit me, I was only watching her hands. Out of nowhere came her foot - twice. I didn't realize the pain, until she was getting ready  and setting me up for more. I was done and she knew it. In summary; the first 20 seconds - oof, son of a *****, then the various pain levels sets in.
The feelings of surprise, shock, fear, are all pretty instantaneous, as well as the feeling that this lady has completely nailed you in your most sensitive area, and you're about to be in some agony. Of course the lady sees all of these expressions on our faces, and that seems to be quite humorous to them as well... LOL. No wonder girls giggle at us as we sink to the floor.
i feel allmost emasculated when it happen im a big guy and can take pain to a point  then some girl grabs kicks knee my nuts then im soon down holding my hurt jewls



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