Being a girl, I will never know what it really feels like to get kicked in the nutts. I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact, at the moment of impact and immediately after. And besides the obvious pain, what other sensations are you feeling physically throughout your body? I'd like to hear the cb take on this also. So describe to me in detail...what it really feels like to get Kicked In The Groin ツ

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Well, the "meanness" of the girl is definitely part of the turn on :)

Hmm, interesting question...I've been asked before and never really been able to come up with a great answer.  First of all, I kind of feel like the entire thing should come from the girl...pretty much I shouldn't be standing there letting a girl kick me (although, I wouldn't really have complaints about that either....).  Usually these occur as surprises, so I'm not too sure about the moments before and during impact, but there's this slow realization that happens after a kick, where you realize you've been struck.

They say that there's a moment where you know that the real pain is coming up afterwards, and while that's tends to downplay the immediate pain that's already happening.  If I get struck pretty much anywhere else, the pain occurs on the surface of the skin.  Pretty much no matter how bad pain is, if it's on the surface, it's tolerable.  When you get hit in the balls, it's a much more internal it originates at the center of the balls and resonates outward. Kind of like if you get hit really hard in the head, your brain gets rattled and the pain is very internal and outward radiating.

After a short while, there's this dull ache that just lingers as well as that sickening feeling in the stomach.  Doesn't all this sound enjoyable, Mal? :P

Well it IS enjoyable to watch, JT  :)

i don't know what it feels like but i really want to

I'm a little late here, but I'll chime in as well.  Pretty much everything I've read so far resonates.  I especially like the part analogy with alcohol, and find it to be fitting.  I know that others, (read: especially people not fond of this kink) are likely more sensitive than I, and to be honest, I was always curious if it was a different sensation for them and me.  

I think that a lot of the physical sensation has to do with a person's tolerance and physiology as well, also similar to alcohol.  I myself, also feel nauseous, but I would describe it more like: I need to catch my breath, not as if I need to vomit.  Brutally hard kicks are overwhelming, in that I will on occasion fall to the floor, but normally won't need to stay down for a more than a few seconds.  Its more of a quick, blinding sensation which causes you to forget how to stand.  I have had sessions which resulted in horrible looking bruises which took forever to fade, where I did not once have to tap out or say "mercy", though it was a struggle at times.  On the other hand, some of the girls I have known seem to know some trick with their hands where I could not do anything but beg for it.  

I also like the mention of hugging.  There are few things hotter than being pulled in close by something sensitive for a hug (or a tongue down your throat), and feeling how aroused your partner is from that level of control.  Thanks for asking this question, its great to get other people's perspective.

IJ, what do you mean by the "trick with their hands"?  Like squeezing you?

Yes squeezing, but by trick I mean they are successful at finding my limit with very little pressure, whereas others have to work at it.  Haven't quite figured out why the difference is there.  I do feel tingling and numbness in my extremities etc after an extended session, but I always attributed that to be from the adrenaline.  I guess it still counts.

My experience is that it really depends on where on my balls she's squeezing the most.  A very small shift of her fingers this way or that way, like even just a quarter inch it seems, can be the difference between mild pain and sheer agony.  So a random "grab" sometimes gets you just the right way and you're begging for mercy, or sometimes it doesn't really feel like that big of a deal.  And the distances between these two are so small that even I couldn't say exactly where to squeeze.  I don't have a sense of it.  I just know there are some sensitive spots and others are less.

I had one GF that I guess had the "trick".  She liked to walk up to me and grab hold of my balls but not that hard.  She wouldn't quite squeeze right away, but rather she'd roll my balls around in her hand until she saw and felt me go "ooooohhhh!!!" signalling she had just found a super-sensitive spot and THEN she would squeeze hard.  OMG that was a killer.

Damn, you guys make me wanna conduct some major bb experimentation...

"a little more pressure here, a quarter of an inch over there", measuring

and documenting the pain results--for scientific purposes only, of course ;)

Haha, where can we sign up to be the test subjects in this experiment?  LOL

Funny how a girl can make you forget how to stand, eh Iron J ? :)

And thanks for answering cuz it IS great to get others' perspectives.

toward the extreme: nausea, lightheadedness, numbness & tingling in all parts of the body.  the realization that the rest of the day is no more. utter uselessness & helplessness.



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