A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Being a girl, I will never know what it really feels like to get kicked in the nutts. I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact, at the moment of impact and immediately after. And besides the obvious pain, what other sensations are you feeling physically throughout your body? I'd like to hear the cb take on this also. So describe to me in detail...what it really feels like to get Kicked In The Groin ツ
it hurts like WAAAT?? like 220V - even a slap hurts kind of like that. It's like a paralyzing electrical current. And once the balls are hit, it comes back, like an invisible hand is still gripping to the nuts, squeezing and pulling them downwards, entraining with it all my lower belly - I have to bend over and fold my knees in an attempt to ease that pull. I cannot run without feel that pain, in soccer that is a clear disadvantage (and mostly we won't admit it hurts and try to act like nothing). If stronger, it can get difficult to breathe, or to make any movement for that matter; I just feel like curling myself with my hand on my balls to find any once of relief, the girl could do or say anything at this point, i would completely paralized.
I like to slap myself and imagine what a real kick in the balls would do to me, the flury of feelings and sensations, the humiliation, the girl's power.
Thank you for the question!
So, it's complicated. There's a huge amount of deviation (I've collected this from plentiful experience, lol) from the norm (upper and lower limits), but pretty much everything (that isn't just a light tap, and even that can be debilitating for a few moments) meets a standard threshold that is incredibly painful. Like, let's assume I get kicked moderately hard by the average girl (and the average girl is pretty weak - I'm not a tough guy or anything, but I'm reasonably built and muscular, though thin, and the average girl is scrawny - very little relevant leg muscle is what I mean). I will at least be hunched over for a few seconds, and probably my breath will become shorter. I'll lose focus, I'll want to cover my balls, and I'll become anxious.
Let's say she goes full force, or she kicks a second time, or she's a little above average (she's a gymnast, say). I drop instantly. On the ground, cupping my balls - at most I'm holding myself up on my knees, but I'm probably already on my back/side right now, and breathing really shallow. I'm still pretty much aware of my surroundings, but if she kicks me again, really the only things I'm going to notice are her kicks and my pain, and I won't really have any hope or effort to move.
In terms of the pain itself, it's difficult to describe, because it feels different than other types of pain. If you get punched in the stomach or the arm, they might feel a little different (the stomach will ache in a sort of sickening way that is sort of like the long term after-shock of a kick in the balls, but not exactly the same), but they're mostly the same sort of pain; a kind of generic blunt force.
Not a kick in the balls - a kick in the balls is an entirely different kind of pain. Not just different degree, but different type altogether; it's a uniquely sexual kind of pain (because, well, it's a uniquely sexual place). It's almost euphoric, but I'm not just saying "I like the pain" - the pain is, at the same time, both amazingly overwhelmingly euphoric, and horribly, world-endingly terrible. The entire groin/abdomen will begin to ache eventually (people focus on this a lot, but disregard that the balls themselves also ache, and far more intensely - they feel like they're getting squeezed), but the initial kick itself is an intense shock of burning, intense pain. This might get a little crude, but it actually does sort of feel like an orgasm, but like a terrible, far more intense, orgasm-on-fire.
And, of course, there's a huge amount of variation. Like I said, the average, thin girl needs no more than two kicks to down me (unless I'm really adrenaline charged up and my life's in danger, two kicks from an average girl will floor me without support, and this isn't because I'm not used to the pain. I've been kicked thousands of times, and I routinely have sessions with my sister where I kneel or am somehow held up by something - either her, or binds - and she'll kick me a hundred or two hundred times), and these are really painful. But let's imagine an incredibly weak girl, or a girl who just gives you a 'tap'. Now, the first time I was ever 'hit' was an excessively light tap from my sister (which caused me to underestimate how painful it was and later taunt a soccer player to kick me... which she did, full force. I'll get to that next), so that didn't hurt. But plenty of my female friends - or my sister after I turned 15 - will give actual "taps". Not very forceful - around the same force as you might kind of slap a good friend's shoulder or perhaps even a bit lighter than that. And it's debilitating - it will make me hunch over, possibly suppress a groan, and there's a burning aura that just overcomes my entire body.
Now, the opposite, for which I really have no other comparison, are the soccer girls. I wrote about this in another thread today here for a fuller description, but basically know this: getting kicked in the balls is the worst pain imaginable. But even as far as getting kicked in the balls go, getting kicked there by a soccer girl is unimaginable to those who haven't experienced it. By comparison, it is hard to quantify how much worse it is. I've been kicked by martial arts players, by swimmers, by volleyball players and dancers; I've been kicked full force by my muscular sister 250 times in an hour. And none of this, not even slightly, compares to a single kick (not even full force - a "10%" kick, and I know what that's like, having gone through the scales with a soccer girl from 10 to 100) from a soccer girl. A "10% soccer kick" is enough to floor me instantly, any more than that will probably leave me in shambles. Both of the times I've received "100% soccer kicks", I've instantly passed out - once by the girl who was "teaching me the scales" (which was a really fun exercise, but soccer girls are also universally sadistic sociopaths, lol - my few short term busting buddies who have done sessions with me were generally very teasing and playful. This soccer girl was just tough-as-nails and brutal; she's laugh at me, but was honestly just sadistic as hell), and the other by a member of my university's competitive soccer team (obviously, being competitive, she's way stronger, so this was, like, 150% by comparison to even the strong former high school player. I was shocked I didn't instantly black out - I fell to my knees, looked up, and then blacked out, soI probably had a good second and a half before loss of consciousness).
Then there's the psychological and emotional pain (which is really half the fun :P ). Getting kicked in the balls is the most immensely painful thing a man can experience, but it's reinforced by the fact that, for one thing, the balls are the center of "manhood", and they sort of represent all of our potential as men - our entire sexual identities are concentrated there, and a lot of our social standing. All of "masculinity" and "strength" and the tired clichés you've heard are symbolized by balls. At the same time, they're our most vulnerable and painful organs, and the fact that they've just been kicked by a woman (who, first, can't ever know that specific type of pain; second, is "supposed" to be weaker, but is clearly demonstrating some sort of anatomical advantage/superiority that was pretty easy to exploit; third, especially if we find her attractive or there was some sort of sexual dynamic going on, there's a further type of sexual humiliation, given that the object of our desires has just physically attacked the sort of locus of our desires)... it's all hugely humiliating. If you've felt a sort of 'wave of heat' come over you as you blush when you're embarrassed (e.g. say something dumb at school) or when you get anxious (you just remembered you forgot something); this wave of physically uncomfortable (but not quite "pain") angst that overcomes you. That's what getting kicked in the balls by a woman is like, but a thousand times more intense. It's also the mocking: I'm sure you've read guys here who say they love it when, after being kicked/dropping to their knees, they can look up and see a girl "standing over them", maybe doing pouty faces or laughing or whatever. That belittling of the masculine pain just makes the kick infinitely more painful, and I'd say that this psychological sensation actually does translate into physical pain.
Overall, 10/10, most amazing experiences of my short life so far. Want infinitely more of em.
I will do my best to describe it, first off, I like the kicks from behind don't know or see it coming, I like to be surprised. The pain is a given, other part that I like is that a female used her foot to connect with my balls, granted it is very hard in some cases, but I enjoy having a female's foot, knee, or hands in my groin, the possible pain is something that I have to just deal with. I also like it when she is creative, mixing up squeezing with punching or pulling or any combination thereof, and I also like when she just keeps going. Just today when I got 2 rounds of rapid multi kicks from both feet, while being pinned meant that I couldn't get away, so she kept doing it. My thinking is "AAAHHHHHHH!!!" and yet it is strange, the pain tells me that I want to her to stop, but because I am pinned, I want to see how much I can take. When talking about squeezing and slapping and punching, this is where there can be more jirations (sp?) on my part. Whether you are talking constant, because I am trying to get away or from the barrage of multiple slaps or punches which cause movement with each strike. In the end, I like that she is giving my balls some attention and that (hopefully) she is having some fun too.
I know I’m a little late to this question, and everyone here has given some amazing, vivid answers, but I’ll try and add something a little different if I can.
First of all, I want to speak from the perspective of someone who has only ever been busted consensually - by a girlfriend who was into it as well – so I can’t say much about the surprise element. I am also an extremely serious masochist, and have been as long as I can remember. With the exceptions of a headache or toothache, not only does pain in general just not bother me as much as other people, many times it evokes a pleasure response from me, even if I’m alone or the pain is accidental. Almost any physical pain at the hands of an attractive woman arouses me even if I don’t want it to, especially is she’s enjoying it as well, but ballbusting in particular is something I see as completely, uniquely, 100% sexual. This most likely affects how I experience the physical and emotional effects of ballbusting, and why I can honestly say that I enjoy it so much.
As far as a sharp blow (like kicking, punching, or kneeing) the feeling of the initial impact is pretty similar, depending on the force used. I almost always let out a small grunt – not because of pain (yet) but just because of the force going into my body. It’s hard to describe exactly why I make the sound even though I see the blow coming; if I had to compare it to anything, it would be like how you might automatically make a noise after accidentally walking into something, just from the surprise of hitting something solid. The actual pain takes about half a second to really register, and when it does, it’s a really unique sort of pain. It’s like a cross between a sharp ache, the residual pain of a cramp, and intense heat. If it’s a really hard blow, even I will notice the pain right away, and it can linger for a long time as a palpable throbbing feeling. It really is completely different from the “generic blunt force” (to quote Berkey) that comes from being hit in the arm or the stomach. A few people compared have your balls struck to being struck in the eye, which I am inclined to disagree with; the immediate, piercing pain that comes from an eye injury is, to me, much worse and completely, instinctually “wrong,” whereas a strike to the balls can take a moment to reach peak level and is easier for me to deal with. A part of this might be emotional, since eyes are more vulnerable to permanent harm. Only a really hard kick or knee will seriously hurt me right away, and a punch has to be pretty much dead center.
As far as the infamous stomachache that follows a really bad kick in the balls – or a really good one, depending on how you look at it – I am in the minority of people for whom this is not a problem, although I do certainly feel it. It’s different from the nausea of illness, which I don’t like, or the cramps that you might get from exercising too hard. It’s more like pure heat, radiating upwards and outwards through my whole midsection, somewhat like a fever but concentrated in my core. This is the hardest part of ballbusting for me to deal with; I can take individual strikes as long as I want, but the stomachache is what will eventually double me over or make me want to fall down, and if it gets to be too much – which would mean a lot of ballbusting for someone like me – it can be hard to breathe for a little while. One thing I’ve noticed is that I can endure it longer the more turned on I am – the best busting experience I ever had was to have my girlfriend support me against the wall and just keep kneeing me (my favorite busting method). It hurt more than usual because of the amount of force she put into it, but I also liked that she was so close and almost holding me up. A few people mentioned feeling like they wanted to be hugged or held after being busted – maybe this is something similar.
Emotionally speaking, the moment right before the kick or knee comes is the most intense, even if I see it coming. Despite having only ever been busted when I was a willing participant, it still causes a little thrill of something like fear (Apprehension? Anxiety? Excitement?). I suppose this because I know that just because I like it doesn’t mean it’s not going to hurt a lot, and I involuntarily tense up physically. The actual impact doesn’t give me much time to think about anything. A few people used the phrases “sensory overload” and “euphoria,” which is the best way I can think of. A light kick or love tap to the balls is like a little electric shock and makes you jump from surprise (as though your brain just can’t register that you’ve been hit in the balls), but if you're kicked just right (that is to say, really hard) and by the right person, it’s like having every synapse in your nervous system fire at the exact same time – your whole body tenses up, your breath catches in your chest, your eyes go out of focus, and time seems to stop for a full second. For me, it really is an extremely pleasurable feeling, and no exaggeration to compare it to an orgasm, only shorter. Afterwards, when you can really feel the pain in your balls and the heat building in your stomach, that’s when I feel closer to what others call euphoria. It’s a pleasant delirium, what you might call an afterglow.
One thing I haven’t mentioned is how it feels – for me – to have my balls squeezed, which is obviously very different than being kicked or kneed. All i can say about this is that if having your balls kicked is like a single electric shock, than having them violently squeezed is like being strapped to car battery, a very big car battery. Even the worst kick or knee is sharp and pretty quick, and other than the residual pain – which can vary in intensity – doesn’t put me down for more than a few minutes at most. A good squeeze does pretty much everything I described before – the initial shock and noise, the moment of realizing that this is really happening, and the feeling of having all of your senses flooded at once – but far worse, because it is drawn out as long as the person squeezing your balls wants. It’s even worse if they get a hold of them just right, which I know from firsthand experience. My girlfriend got a hold of my balls in both hands and just started squeezing as hard as she could, pressing with her thumbs like she was trying to pop them. I was a whole person bigger than she was, but I don’t mind saying that I howled that night. I could hardly breathe from the agony I was in – it was like my body couldn’t decide which was worse, the pain in my balls or the fiery heat building in my stomach – and my eyes wouldn’t focus on her face. that was the only time I ever felt that primeval fear that my balls were being damaged. When she finally let go, I was just simply out – not unconscious or anything, just exhausted beyond belief, and it took a long time for the pain to subside.
So that’s my two cents on the matter. Sorry if I rambled on too much, and thanks for listening.
Well I spoke to a woman online and she said to me that I like the thought of it but not the actual hit and once I get a good knee I will never want it again.
Loud thump and pain like organ pain or stomach pain that goes up your body in a shock then goes away. But it stings like a fiery stomach.
really sexy though
I feel helpless. I'd rather it be a surprise than know, but sometimes watching that knee bulge my nuts forward is satisfying. The sound it makes is also pretty great. That jello legs feeling before the strike, but the most rewarding part beside the pleasurable pain is the smile and innocent laughter that ensues after the deed
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