What are your top 3 movie character dream busts? As in these actresses bust you hard in their character costumes and personas.

Mine are:

1. Kate Beckinsale as Selene from Underworld
2. Jessica Alba as Max from Dark Angel
3. TIE: Jessica Biel as Abigail in Blade 3 or Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

Ladies, which male characters would you like to ballbust?

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I cant pick three there are too many need 10 :O

That's the challenge...narrow it down to 3.

Jennifer Garner in Electra 

Pamela Anderson in Barbed Wire

no one else does it for me really

Maybe also Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Gina Carano. But a hit off her would sterilise you.

Ah obviously not movie characters but for years I have this desire to get busted by Taylor Swift.Probably because I saw this little clip on youtube of a taylor swift impersonator kicking someone and well she has this really cute innocent lovely look about her.

If T. Swift was gonna bust anyone, it would have been Kanye when he told her that Beyonce had the greatet album of all time lol  :~p

Had to think for a bit as this isnt something I really consider.  Still thought it would be fun to answer. Beckinsale is def an awesome choice! Might have picked her myself.

Three I went with in no particular order:

Trinity (Carrie Ann Moss) from The Matrix
Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) from Casino Royale
Padme (Natalie Portman) from Attack of the Clones

Gotta say, that's a great top 3.... my third pick would probably be Jessica Alba (Deep Blue) although Kate Beckinsale & Scarlett Johansen wouldn't be bad either   ;~)

you got good taste man

Margot as Harley

Alba as Invisible Woman

Gal as Wonder Woman

Mine will be real old school stuff I grew up with

sarah Doublas Ursa (this one started it all off for me as a kid the astraunant scene

Sharon Stone in total recall (the first wet dream I ever had and how I learnt to masturbate about BB with her scenes\

Amy Jo Johnson the pink power ranger.. not with her power ranger gear on though, just her plain used to fantaise about a bust from her



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