So when I was a freshman in college there was a commercial that used to play all the time for the movie "the comebacks". i was always in a room full of guys when it played and the commercial for the movie would always end in a hot indian chick in a football outfit kicking a huge black dude in the balls in a locker room, him screaming, and then her kicking him even harder with her cleets which sent him to his knees... it was amazing and the most fucked up thing i had seen. i kind of felt bad for the guys who would always look super depressed once it was done. the girls around me would for the most part try and act above it, but they liked it... it was so fucked up because they played it five or six times a day every day for like two years straight... does anyone else remember that commercial? what was it like watching that commercial? do you remember the guys and girls reactions around you to it? just discuss in general. thanks. 

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I think that's Noureen Dewulf, if I remember correctly. Not sure what film it's from. Good luck, though! =D

i thought more people would remember this commercial...

I definitely remember the commercial! every time I saw it as a movie trailer in theaters, you could hear girls giggling at that scene. Sadly the only way to see it now is to own the movie.

i wish i coudl've seen it play on the big screen. i only saw it on tv about every day. everytime that chick would come on the screen and destroy that guy's nuts, you could feel the discomfort in the room. i miss it :(

me too when the girls laughed I felt my penis shrivel up and go inside me while I was sitting down lol  joking  

I remember watching idk who was with me it was a long time ago

I remember her playin the teams kicker. So that guy will definitely never be a daddy lol

i wonder how many times they had to shoot that scene? the real actor probably felt those kicks.

lol me too I saw it when I was younger and thought it was hot back then even though I had not learned about ballbusting . its even hotter today

Did anyone find a video of this???

OMFG I never saw this! It's amazing!

haha its kinda hot to watch but not painful



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