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Makes perfect sense. Chris responded pretty well. Just letting you know I (and others) agree with and appreciate that you guys actively moderate the forum dvhour.

Just wanted to let you know how much I like the way you handled that situation. Disrespect must not be tolerated. We are all people trying to get to know a little of each other and have a good time. And that's tha way we should kkep this site. Thanks for making this such a comfortable place.
Im very impressed that dvhour jumped in like that. I applaud him backing up members of this site being attacked. Thusly, I've made a donation in a show of support! :) :)
We have to have a grade-A standard here, we do our best to maintain and take care of the site sometimes we get it right other times we don't. But we always strive to keep it comfy and homey for you all. I'm grateful that our members can see that certain behaviors are not wanted here on this site and though we do not want to censor or treat people like villains its important to know that you all have an advocate in me and mallory and we will do our best to provide respectable leadership. Thanks for your kind words and your donation. :) 

David Minsty said:
Im very impressed that dvhour jumped in like that. I applaud him backing up members of this site being attacked. Thusly, I've made a donation in a show of support! :) :)
Well put DV
I'm curious, did this person get booted simply for accusing some1 of being a man pretending to be a girl-which a lot of people do, and is total BS, or did they get kicked off because they were retarded, kept pressing the issue, were as insulting as possible w/o saying anything witty and was just and all around drag?
Probably both reasons.

Mike Tyler said:
I'm curious, did this person get booted simply for accusing some1 of being a man pretending to be a girl-which a lot of people do, and is total BS, or did they get kicked off because they were retarded, kept pressing the issue, were as insulting as possible w/o saying anything witty and was just and all around drag?

@Mike Tyler

All websites on the internet have people pretending to be something they are not – I don't have any allusions that this website is an exception... I'm certainly not suggesting Katie is a pretender but I'm merely citing the fact... BB and CB websites are exceptionally notorious for having men pretending to be women and sometimes there are women pretending to be men for whatever reason... My point for this site is that we are all brothers and sisters here... lesbian, homosexual, straight, bi, whatever your preference or lifestyle is you have a right to be here on this site. With that said... I do not want to encourage or set a tone for people to mislead others about what or who they are, because this site is for each of us to explore our own relationship with CB and BB and there are plenty of fish on this site who share enough similar interests so its not necessary to be be so crafty and elusive.   


That said and to finish answering your question.. this particular individual (A Pair 4 U) was uncharacteristically hostile to a member without basis and when another member was informing him of the rules and values of the site by trying to reason with him... he basically did not want to listen to reason or make any attempt to back down. This site can not afford to deal with such contemptuous rabble rousing energy... Mallory and I really do our damnedest to get such folks to see reason and try to respect the values of the site but if they are so blindingly belligerent how is that good for the site... it only disrupts our efforts to keep this a safe comfy space for people to enjoy. 


I hope that helps sir Tyler :) 


- dvhour (site creator/admin)


Mike Tyler said:

I'm curious, did this person get booted simply for accusing some1 of being a man pretending to be a girl-which a lot of people do, and is total BS, or did they get kicked off because they were retarded, kept pressing the issue, were as insulting as possible w/o saying anything witty and was just and all around drag?
Why on earth would anyone come to a BB/CB website if they had no interest in the fetish, there are truly some idiots out there. I know what I'll do today, I'll go actively search for somethin that pisses me off then complain about it in great detail!
Yes, and thank you for Knighting me, that also reminds me of why I first logged on to my computer so thanks again, yes, I said in my discussion post that the guy was an idiotic moron, who was overtly hostile, and not very witty, and I'd have kicked his ass out if it had been my site too, and his weak powers of perception obviously lead him to the mistaken view about Katie; but I hate the people that are really males pretending to be females-they even infect the Yahoo answers site, so I just wanted to clarify.  Yes, you are correct that idiot just wouldn't listen to reason, or anything else for that matter, but his own mouth/fingers/weak ass mind. Greets:)



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