Hello everyone out there on Kicked in the Groin, i think I'm ready for your questions, I'm jumping in the fire.

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Hello Sydney, i remember you stating that you attended college. I was just wondering how bb active your college years were?
Hi Wynne, great question. My situation is a little different from say Susan, Jessika or Persis. I never resided in the dorms so i never lived that crazy college lifestyle. I've always lived away from Campus and commuted to class. From the sounds of it, i missed out on a few opportunities.

Wynne said:
Hello Sydney, i remember you stating that you attended college. I was just wondering how bb active your college years were?
have you ever busted a guy because he was being a pervert?explain?thanks!

actually this hasn't really happened in a long, long time. I think the last time was when i was 13 years old. I was standing outside of my modeling class I was taking with a friend. A local boy from the area came over and started trying to hit on us, he was either the same age or a little older (we were 13 years old). Our ride was running late so we were stuck there with nowhere to go. I wasn’t very comfortable about our situation, he made his move on me and I rocked him with a solid knee putting him to the floor. The knee made a nice loud thud noise when it hit his crotch. While this kid lay on the floor, my friend and I walked down the road about 100 feet to get away from him. Our ride showed up a few minutes later, we jumped in the car to go home and that boy didn’t move from the ground I put him on. Just a note as I looked at him on the ground, he was rolling from side to side then he stopped and just lay there before we got picked up.

bonehead arthurs said:

have you ever busted a guy because he was being a pervert?explain?thanks!
whats the biggest least weak reason you have busted a guy before?? EG calling you a bitch. If a guy was to cheat on you what is the first thing you would do to his balls?
"Reason" other then just being kinky? I had a bf get really angry at me because i arrived 5 minutes late to his house, we had plans to be somewhere that night. He yelled at me, i apologized, he continued to yell so i kneed him. As a result of his insults to me, we ended up being even later in order for him to recover somewhat. There were other minor infractions that got guys busted, but that's the first one that came to mind.

Jumble said:
whats the biggest least weak reason you have busted a guy before?? EG calling you a bitch. If a guy was to cheat on you what is the first thing you would do to his balls?

Thanks for your interesting Ball Busting accounts.


Can I ask, Do you still respect men who want to be kneed in the balls by Women or do you think they are they are just weird masochists

Could you describe your experience with cb?  Recieving, you reaction and giving?  Did you only knee, or did you try other things?

Hi Sydney,

Ok, so here's the question(s). Say you would crush the balls of a boyfriend (or someone you cared about), and a random like me, at the same time.

1) Is there any difference in how hard you would do it?

2) Would you specifically care about more about his pain, or mine?

3) Would you make either of us feel better afterwards, or just let us wallow in pain?


This might sound strange, but i still respect guys that get into our fetish, i understand why they want to be kneed and defeated by women, i can see why giving up all power to her can be sexy. Don't forget, I'm on the other end of that fetish so i get it.

kickball12 said:

Thanks for your interesting Ball Busting accounts.


Can I ask, Do you still respect men who want to be kneed in the balls by Women or do you think they are they are just weird masochists

I only experienced CB with one girl, my lover at the time. We only kneed and i thought it was the best way to feel her moist excitement and for her to feel mine. We would give each other what i called medium and slightly less then medium hits (knees). For me it stung alot but it never dropped me like i did to a lot guys lol. I know after we were done kneeing each other we were dripping with excitement, it was very raw and sexy, i enjoyed those sessions with my gf quite a bit.

Warren Smith said:
Could you describe your experience with cb?  Recieving, you reaction and giving?  Did you only knee, or did you try other things?
Well, if i had a husband, there wouldn't be any difference in how hard i went on either of them. If i was in such a situation that I was busting a guy and my husband at the same time,I would assume it was for fun so none of them would be getting it too hard. If i was to make anyone feel better, it would probably be my husband and not the other guy, but as I said, it wouldn't be hard so I probably wouldn't have to comfort him. I'd probably just sit back and smile at them.

zarko said:

Hi Sydney,

Ok, so here's the question(s). Say you would crush the balls of a boyfriend (or someone you cared about), and a random like me, at the same time.

1) Is there any difference in how hard you would do it?

2) Would you specifically care about more about his pain, or mine?

3) Would you make either of us feel better afterwards, or just let us wallow in pain?




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