Guys --
From a girl's perspective, it's hard to understand why you are willing to take such pain in the jewels. Of course it's a turn on, but why?
Do you enjoy submitting to female power?
Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? (They are in fact!)
Let's talk.

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Hey Susan, it's all of the above.  Human sexuality is such a complicated thing.  Some people have had similar reactions of arousal when they were embarassed by being exposed in public suddenly (naked).  The humiliation and feeling of powerlessness has the effect in some people of getting them turned on.


I just think it makes my orgasms better.  I can squeeze out an orgasm from my marble bag w/o even touching my penis, though I don't make a habit of it.  Great question though, I wish more women were as curious as you.

Hi Susan

I can see that it is hard to understand why a guy would like to receive such pain. I grew into harder ballbusting from wanting to be dominated sexually (the thought of a physically weaker woman having control over me was a sexual turn on).

This developed into light ball busting (I would often say to my gf that if she wanted to grab my attention she should first grab me by the balls). It was then that I found out that the pain actually heightened the pleasure (it gave me a a stronger hard on and a much more intense ejaculation). SOme research and discussion forums like this made me realise that this was due to the release of endorphins. The effect is to create a high contrast between the pain and the pleasure making the pleasure feel much higher and more intense. I found I could sometimes reach orgasm just from being busted - but then 90% of sex is in the head right?

As my experience increased I found that I could handle harder and harder ballbusting (as my balls became less sensitive) and some of the side effects (especially the nausea) no longer affect me - though I have never understood why a kick in the balls causes me to have trouble breathing or why it seems to take all the strength out of my legs.  I am a big guy and the though of a petite "weak" woman putting me down always turns me on. I like to challenge my buster to see how quick they can get me down.  I also like the way that for days after a good bust the ache in my balls reminds me of my bustee and the plesure we got from the session.

I hope I have helped - I can only give my personal feelings but they seem in line with many other answers. Thanks for asking.  

Hi Susan,


I think that for me, the turn-on is a bit different from others who have responded. I get turned on by the humiliation- the embarassment of a strong man losing to somebody much weaker- and it makes virtually no difference who does the busting, as long as there is a huge power imbalance. So I'm turned on as much by a 90 year old man kicking a young punk's balls as I am by a young lady- and much more by the old man bust if the lady happens to be fit/trained, which would decrease the power imbalance or perhaps reverse it. So there's no sexualization of the person doing the busting- I don't care whether or not she's good-looking, or anything like that... or even female.

It's lucky for me, because the biggest turn-on is precisely what self-defense courses sell- a much weaker victim getting the better of a physically superior assailant.

Because guys are expected to do a lot in the relationships.  Pay for meals, open doors, drive them around, get the ring - and of that I am ready, willing and able to do.  But from time to time it's nice not to have someone else be in control ... especially if they are attractive to you.  


That and a little pain feels really good.

Hi Susan.   Good questions. I've often wondered why I find it such a turn-on, but can't find a good answer. I remember in the late 80s * guys in TV shows (Dallas, Dr Who, loads of other shows) kept on getting kneed and I realised I was getting rather confused feelings about this, way before I was a teenager.


When I started going out with  girlfriends they often seemed to have a distinct interest in getting "practice" shots in on me. They really had no qualms about it. There's something about being hit there that feels like the centre of your world has just taken a fairly vicious attack. (understandable in evolutionary terms. Males who don't care about their balls wouldn't have many kids so wouldn't pass on their DNA)


And there is something terrible and very, very sexy about a woman holding that power over you. That they know they could drop you if they wanted...They hold the secret of your widest pleasures and most excruciating pain


No I don't think women are "superior to men" or vice versa. Just different.


*I was pretty young at the time but shows my age I guess :)

Hi Susan.

There's something really sexy about a woman being able to overpower, dominate and disable a man, so easily. The testes are very vulnerable and the pain can be very arousing. If my gf has busted my testicles very hard for a long time, they are very tender the next day and I can sure feel them dangling between my legs, it's a pleasant reminder.

The interesting thing is the focus on the testicles, I don't want to be dominated other ways, just through her abuse of my gonads. I should add that she really gets off on this, in fact most of the more adventurous womwn I've been with do too. 





G said:
I like giving her control.

I met a college girl one night and we had a few drinks together. Eventually we wound up hammering out details of what should be inferred if I was taken to her place. The agreement was simple. I would enter, the door would be closed and my body would then be considered by her and her roomates as a toy to accept the consequences of it's balls being delivered unconditionally to them. Talking openly with her and having opportunity to look her in the eye and admit I was more than willing to be treated as a living, breathing victim of female abuse to my balls was a total turn on. Alas the plan went south before the night was through but at least I had the satisfaction of admitting my deepest thoughts about myself to her face to face. Maybe someday it will happen! What I liked about it was that during the thread of talking I had openly explained to her it was all about proving that I considered my balls to be much less important than a girls quest for power.

Wow that had to have been hot.  Thanks for sharing Nash.

Hi Susan,


I like the power women have over me by kicking, punching or squeezing my balls. I always try to resist the pain as long as possible. Women try to get me down and I try to stay on my feed. Of course the women always win at the end.



Us guys think of ourselves as physically stronger then girls, so if a girl that is smaller then yourself  comes along and can drop you to the ground by hitting your dangling vulnerable balls,  and make it look effortless,  its embarrassing, beaing beaten by a girl.  From very early on girls find out about our weakness,  which can make a female intimidating,  it gives them a power,  i've heard girls say that busting guys balls feels empowering to them,  which is excitting to many people.
Hello Susan.  great question for debate, I love the power women have over me, I need them but women don't need me, I adore women, I love idolising Women thinking if I try anything, in a fraction of a second they could drop me with a swift knee leaving me helpless on the floor.



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