Guys --
From a girl's perspective, it's hard to understand why you are willing to take such pain in the jewels. Of course it's a turn on, but why?
Do you enjoy submitting to female power?
Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? (They are in fact!)
Let's talk.

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PS: The analogy I give to women to help them understand is I think it's kind of like a rape fantasy. Not something you really want to happen (though I would like to experience it once), but the idea of which turns you on. Rape fantasies are very well accepted for women, I think this should be accepted for guys. And, like a rape fantasy, the turn on for me is not so much the idea of pain, but the idea that a woman can so totally take control from me. And, in my fantasy, she should not be doing it to make me happy; she should do it because she really wants to see me in pain & helpless and humiliated. Hasn't happened yet, though I have had some fun.

With respect to females being superior to males, I think the best thing in the world to be would be a young, attractive woman with a lot of the personality of a guy. That doesn't make anyone superior, but I think it would be a lot of fun. For one thing women clearly have better orgasms than men, but they are not so constantly obsessed by sex, which would be a huge, huge relief.
i think woman are enjoy do kick at man's groin because woman can see they are superior and like to see man can't do and just
Well Susan - to be honest - it is so sexy to watch. And it's a turn on when you watch a gal give it to you. I would also tell you, that to be busted, and then be sexually active while your sexual organs are screaming - can really elevate an orgasm. As I have found out. But you need a great gal to help you with that last part. A busting buddy brings you one place - an intimate realtionship with busting - brings you elsewhere. I love going elsewhere - if you know what I mean Susan.
Hello susan It's weird the way your balls just hang between your legs with no protection.The lower they hang the more vulnerable they are.I think it's the knowing that you can be controlled by a women at any second with a kick or knee or grab whatever.
LOL, I can definitely understand the girl's confusion on why the hell any normal guy would WANT to get his balls kicked... It's a turn on for many reasons, but the main reason why I like it so much is you rarely ever see a girl taking control of a situation by bringing a guy that is much bigger than her to his knees. Us guys are all suppose to be alpha males and run you ladies, but it's SO sexy when a girl can flip the script and have a guy by his manlihood! Guys are bred to not feel pain and never show they're hurt, but when a girl can bring those hidden feelings out by kicking him in the groin, it shocks EVERYBODY!

So that role-reversal plus the satisfaction and smile on a girl's face after she kicks me is enough to make me melt. Lol, the feeling of me submitting to a girl gives me a raging hard on and there is no better feeling. ;)

I'm not sure if females are superior to males, but if that's what you think then HEY that's your opinion right?! Lol... I think there needs to be some type of balance between guys and girls and a girl kicking a guy in the balls is her part of the dominance and superiority spectrum... There are the other little things where guys have to be in control and power but I'm not gonna get into any of them right now :p LOL
its the way women take control over me by using my nuts thats why i like it
Hi Susan, Thanks for starting this forum thread, a very good topic. For me there are three primary reasons I enjoy bb.

1. It's a sexual turn on for me, up to the limit of my testicular pain threshold that is. Up till that point I think the constant pressure on my balls actually releases testosterone, which elevates everything about sex.Very much so!

2. Like others have said, I enjoy the transference of power to the woman. I'm not a wimp, and I'm not into being a groveling slave in search of self-worth. I just find it sexy to be so vulnerable at times. It's a turn-on in its own right, especially so since they are my testicles that are involved.

3. I like it that it turns on the woman, that I can withstand the pain to give her her enjoyment. Many women have told me they like being so 100% in control this way, how it excites them to 'go after the balls, something that is often taboo', and how they also get a sexual thrill from it. So I pride myself (yes, some ego there I admit) on being strong enough to 'take it like a man' for the sake of my girls fun and enjoyment.

Regarding accepting the idea that females are superior to males, personally I'm not into who is superior to whom. Testicles are potent, they produce testosterone which makes us physically very strong. But they are also highly vulnerable, and it's very easy to incapacitate a man completely via his testicles. I can accept both facts of nature. To me men can be very strong and very vulnerable at the same time. Women in a similar way. Neither is, to me, superior to the other...just different.

That's what makes life fun! :)
I could have sworn I had a post on this topic that disappeared. Hrm.

Susan Bell said:
That's good news for the girls among us. Love it!
So many testicles, so little time!
Hi Susan,
As others have said, it is hard to explain and I think the reason is because this goes deep into who we are and how we see the relationship between men and women. For me, it's ironic that the very organs that define our "maleness" and symbolize our strength are so... well... um... uh... shall we say, delicate? To say it another way: they are also our primary weakness. And, they are (rather quickly) subject to exploitation by the "weaker sex" in a way that renders the male paralyzed and weak as the woman becomes superior and strong.

I enjoy the loss of control and the way to get fully there is through the pain at the hands (or foot or knee) of a woman. I can't speak for women, but I'm guessing some women enjoy flipping the "power switch" as well (which is great for those of us guys who enjoy BB).

In addition to trading power between the sexes, there's also the overlay of swapping sexual power, but this may be more of an issue for guys than gals. I think woman are the superior sex and have more power than most of them realize. But that's another topic...

i think it is also really nice and extremly relaxing to be completely vulnerable with somebody that you trust enough to have that kind of power over you. also pre-bust taunting and teasing adds very much to the experience.
1-From a girl's perspective, it's hard to understand why you are willing to take such pain in the jewels. Of course it's a turn on, but why? I was asking the same question to myself and I found than it is a combination of genetic heritage (DNA) than comes from the very ancient times (about one half million years BC or more) when matriarchy was the acepted rule and there was some ballbusting involved in the original fertility rites (roca de los moros) ; also there is the Ancient Rites of fertility than comes from the Egyptian and Babilonic empires, those had its replicas in many of the Greek and Roman rites (Castration was at the root of the very ancient Mysteries of Meter, Gaia and Isis, and some kind of ritual ballbusting had its place in the Eleusis Mysteries , Dionysian Mysteries, Bacchanalia, Cybele rites and many others). In the Talmudic tradition the first woman was not Eve but LILITH (a very cruel succubus) Adam was overpowered by Lilith and they were living together always in paradise (it was Eve and not Lilith the cause of the expultion from the garden of Eden)
2-Do you enjoy submitting to female power? To be overpowered for a woman is not only a very high octane foreplay for sex, but it is in fact a sublime and a mystical experience by itself, both of the players become charged with more than a powerful physical attraction, it is a mental and magical (or spiritual) reinforcement of the sexual symbiosis.
In daily life very often women are right, they have a feminine intuition (some kind of ESP) plus more and superior intelligence, so it is better to let them in charge unless you want to be punished with the most unsexiest methods.
3-Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? Oh yes! women are some kind of goddess and Men will better be sincere monoteist (this is my advice to men).
1-From a girl's perspective, it's hard to understand why you are willing to take such pain in the jewels. Of course it's a turn on, but why? I was asking the same question to myself and I found than it is a combination of genetic heritage (DNA) than comes from the very ancient times (about one half million years BC or more) when matriarchy was the acepted rule and there was some ballbusting involved in the original fertility rites (roca de los moros) ; also there is the Ancient Rites of fertility than comes from the Egyptian and Babilonic empires, those had its replicas in many of the Greek and Roman rites (Castration was at the root of the very ancient Mysteries of Meter, Gaia and Isis, and some kind of ritual ballbusting had its place in the Eleusis Mysteries , Dionysian Mysteries, Bacchanalia, Cybele rites and many others). In the Talmudic tradition the first woman was not Eve but LILITH (a very cruel succubus) Adam was overpowered by Lilith and they were living together always in paradise (it was Eve and not Lilith the cause of the expultion from the garden of Eden)
2-Do you enjoy submitting to female power? To be overpowered for a woman is not only a very high octane foreplay for sex, but it is in fact a sublime and a mystical experience by itself, both of the players become charged with more than a powerful physical attraction, it is a mental and magical (or spiritual) reinforcement of the sexual symbiosis.
In daily life very often women are right, they have a feminine intuition (some kind of ESP) plus more and superior intelligence, so it is better to let them in charge unless you want to be punished with the most unsexiest methods.
3-Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? Oh yes! women are some kind of goddess and Men will better be sincere monoteist (this is my advice to men).



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