Yo. I'm using the site a lot more lately I thought I'd give this interview thing a try like a couple of people have suggested.

I'm an unsightly submissive/switch bisexual girl who's into sadomasochism and bondage and have an open mind for most freaky stuff. Don't be afraid to ask a question, I'll let you know if it's something I'm not comfortable asking and then no harm's done. So yeah, AMA or w/e.

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Sure, makes sense. I kinda prefer understanding the pain more but I get the thrill of being with somebody who doesn't really understand the pain but is still willing to inflict it.

for me it is not so much pain in itself but exploring difference if you understand what i mean.  so spanking other parts of the body doesnt do much for me, but hurting or being hurt in intimate areas does.  if a woman hits my balls we have the fact that i feel pain that she can never feel,  but if the situation is reversed then there are other interesting possibilities,  like the fact that i can hit her way way harder than i can possibly take myself.  It would be interesting to explore that difference although i never really have with a partner who really wanted that much pain.

having said all that,  i wouldnt totally rule out doing bb with a guy, as long as it was only bb and not too extreme,  or doing bb with a guy and female audience !

Do you have a preferred part and least preferred part to be busted? What are they? Do you have any preventative measures for the latter?
Place? Well the ideal location is my bedroom. My favourite place on my body to be hit is the boobs or between the legs, my only hang-ups are my throat or being hurt too much. The way to prevent that is with ground rules and a safe word. Did I answer your question there?

Hey Gretel,

I was reading some of your responses, about how when you're busted by a guy, it's kind of unique because you could easily turn the tables on him. Does it add an extra layer of hot fun when a male partner busts you just hard enough you have to drop and grab yourself, meanwhile his balls are literally within reach, but you're so busy tending to yourself you can't even reach out to give him even a light grab?

With enough strength, you could easily twist his nuts into oblivion, but I'm wondering if you find it extra hot when even that easy target is out of reach because you're out for the count. I hope that makes sense. :)

That makes sense! Yep! that's something that does appeal to me a lot. I haven't had to good fortune to be in a relationship or scenario where I'm roughhousing back and forth with a partner but I'd love to be in that position. It sounds like a lot of fun to try to take advantage of a guy by his balls and do a bit of damage but ultimately be overpowered and left unable to really fight back... and punished for trying.

I hope you find a fun partner where you can play this out. Also I can imagine it would also heighten the fun-factor if say he was in his underwear, where you can see exactly where to grab and twist, but when he brings you to your knees, all you can do is look up at your target, but have no fighting energy to even paw at it. Would you say this is one of your biggest fantasies when it comes to busting?



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