Hi, folks.

This is my ultimate game engine (even if it doesn't look so) . Idea of totally open game world with no boundaries have been in my head for quite some time and I've realized that best way to achieve this is text game. Because every element you add to game means some kind of limitation at same time. So I've stripped it all. It is ment to be collaborative game. So everyone is free to add whatever he/she wants to.

So enjoy the freedom and let me know what you think of it ;)

you can test it here:



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Cool idea, and I like most of what's there already (the severed head, for instance, seems rather out-of-place, narratively speaking). How do we go about adding our own rooms? For instance, how do I create a link for a room like "aa008" or what-have-you?

Linking is done by editing room and adding 4-letter code in square brackets like this: [xxxx] . Game will turn it into link automaticaly. When you will edit some room you can look at its code to see how it work.

btw: when you create new room its id will appear at bottom of site as link and also in 'goto' text field ;)

Awesome! =D

Also, two links come back with "wrong ID" after I click on them. They are "walk the road" and "head to the farm". =(

thank you for report

I've added these two tomorrow and some bad linking seems to appear. but since they was last in line with no story beyond ... I will reset them for now ^_^

How do I add photos to pages? =)

It is quite simple just add something like

<img src='http://www.feminiya.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/cheryl-cole-cute-smile.jpg'>

with URL to your picture.

I do this by searching google images, then just "View image" and copy URL from adress bar ;)

I still can't get it to put the photo in. =(

hmm ... try to look at code of some room, with picture (e.g. j5b2) or send me id of room that doesn't work for you and I'll check it ;)

y63g is the first one I'd like to put a photo into.

ok, try to put it in. i'll check what's wrong

Link is not working for me :(

I am sure there is only some misunderstanding (after all I didn't provide much instructions for players) ... can you describe me details?



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