I'm making this thread to ask what are the sexiest things that your partner does when she is busting you/you are busting him.

For me, I love when I kick him, and he tries as hard as he can not to fall to the ground - he keeps his legs spread and his nuts exposed... At the same time he is quivering on the verge of falling. I know from experience that he eventually falls to the ground most of the time. So I just take advantage of my opportunity and FINISH HIM. With a solid kick :)

I also love to watch him quiver on the ground, and when he makes funny noises it's a plus!

GUYS: What are the sexiest things a woman could do when busting you?

GALS: What are the sexiest things a man could do when u bust him?


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Laughing is always good.

My gf uses her hand to bust me. Squeezes and punches my balls. Shell sometimes jerk me off, and she gives he head too. All while crushing and punching my big balls

I'm totally with your actions. It is hot when the girl knows she got you good and wants you to stay up just a bit longer so she can give you another shot. But I don't ever want the huge kick just a few solid ones - generally one hits just in the right spot to make you REALLY feel it!

when they play around, a prefer when the girl is playing with me, for example when try to kick the balls but stops where is close to them. or when they say something near the ears and then BAM a knee to the balls.

I think a lot of it is the girl's look, facial expression etc. when she is actually doing the bust. I feel this is almost universally paramount among other "BB enthusiasts" so it's ironic that it's so neglected in most of the video (porn and otherwise) that captures the erotic nature of BB. Most of the time you are getting close ups of some dude's crotch or a wide view of the scene. But I digress. There are a few specifics to the look on the female's face that I think are key.

- When the girl's face shows an intense interest in her bustee.

Ever see a little kid pinch another? A lot of the time they have this crazy look about them. The pincher will make sure they have it latched on and then will stare intently at the vicitim's face to make sure they're hard work is hurting the other. Please don't twist this next statement and make it creepy but, 'they are getting off on the hurt they are causing, and doing so unabashed.' Because little kids are entirely egocentric and haven't learned empathy or how to hide their emotions, I would submit this as the very primal, elementary look of "I'm excited that I'm hurting you"; I think this would come out when the girl is genuinely pissed off and not at all busting the guy for his sexual gratification. WHICH CAN BE TOTALLY HOT.

another look on the girls face would be

-mouth open smile. This I think, is a good indication of legitimate sexual arousal.


-'curious/turned on' look. this one is kind of a mix, it can be a look of  "what's going to happen to him?" and "I think I'm liking this even if I'm not sure what this is"

There's others of course, these are just a few. Ultimately I think it depends on what you think is sexy about the bust. Whatever thing or things you like about it, you will want to see that displayed in the other's face.

Mostly I think genuine reactions make the moment though. I know I personally find over the top acting and theatrics to be a big turn off. Too much professionally shot BB is the guy pretending (badly) he doesn't want it and the girl pretending (badly) that it's the only thing she care about and her desire to do it to him is overpowering.

I can't resist giving an example, the whole laughing thing, which I get can 'do it' for some guys, can be taken too far. If they don't find it actually funny, then them letting out these maniacal cackles reminiscent of any Disney villanesse isn't going to do anything but make me think they don't even enjoy it on a lesser level. Clubdom seems have quite a few that do this.

Anything showing that she's turned on by busting dials the experience up to 11 for me.

I love it when they laugh and give you that look, you are going down.  Physically, I enjoy getting stomped, and her grinding her foot into my balls

I definitely go for the struggling to stand up or hopping around about to fall over look too. 

And that squealing laugh they do when I get a hold of a ball and they're trying to escape while staying on their feet or the "whistle and I'll stop" game. That gets me hot every time

Tell me to stop whimpering and get up for another one ... :P

Sexiest thing a woman can do when busting me is telling me after each kick that what i felt was nothing compared to what's in store...then she has to actually make good on that promise.

Hi - for it's one of two things. Well I suppose the same thing but two slightly different ways to do it; I;ll explain.  It's that moment you reach when you are past your limit but totally in her control and continuing to suffer. She knows you well and knows you can't take any more, YET, she does go on and the excitement, arousal, pain, submission, helplessness are also now combined with fear and dependency.

Two ways for me are, at the time you can't take anymore (and if your hands were tied but not your legs, you would have closed them and be desperate to avoid any more pain irrespective or verbal instruction to keep them open) she pauses briefly and ties your ankles apart and pulls the ties despite your resistance and pleas and then returns in front of you, and bang, she goes for it - not much, not too long but it's that significant to absolute power.  

The second one is if i were already tied up and spread legs, once i reach that point she uses verbal domination such as telling you she is just starting or she is going non stop all night etc.

Not sure If i explained this well - long night, sorry!

As others said, its really the look of pleasure on her face, the smirk, to dominant stance and ordering me to stand back up and get ready for the next one.

Ballbusting is one of the few areas for me where it's more arousing for her to take control.  It is truly best seeing that she's doing it for her own amusement and enjoyment, NOT for mine.



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