So, I've been asking this question to a couple people and have gotten an array of answers and a wide variety of reasons for them.  Made me think I ought to open it up and ask others.

Gals - when you bust the guy, do you like seeing him try and fight the pain and stay standing or do you like to see him just drop instantly?  If it depends on situation, mood, etc. then how so?

Guys - do you try to get back on your feet or do you just accept the pain and drop?  I know for us it kinda depends if it was a surprise or not - if we even have the chance to try and stay standing.

I can also see it making a big difference if its a BB session too where each party wants to get as much out of it as they can.

A friend once called that pre-drop knees-bent-inward, body hunched over stumble as the "baby giraffe walk"

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Tender Boy, nope. When ever I do multiple punches to my balls the pain will build up to an intense level but will not intensify beyond that no matter how hard I punch. However I don't how much this differs from kicks as I have never been kicked or kneed (women in my town aren't into bb sadly). And frankly, I don't see how its going to be effective in self defense if it takes a bajillion kicks just to get a dude to react. I have to be honest though, one of my biggest fantasies is to challenge a girl to floor me with a SINGLE kick and when I go down she would stand over me with her hands on her hips and look down into my eyes and say "see I told you". Alas, this is just a fantasy. So, do you guys get more aroused from falling more than from staying standing? Girls, do you like it more after you kick a guy if he falls after a single kick?  Playfight, you actually went into shock? Hmm that's unusual. You couldn't think so your mind actually shut down for a minute? Didn't think pain could have that effect on a person.

I have that same fantasy, of a girl kicking or kneeing my balls her absolute hardest to overpower me and make me fall helpless to my knees in pain, and then being very confident and happy about being able to do that to me all from one single hit.  A total female power thing.  

So far a single blow hasn't been able to do this, so maybe it's just not possible, but I would like to explore the next-best thing which is to have a girl bring me to my knees with as few (full force) kicks or knees as possible.  She'd do them fast, not give me time to react.  I don't know how many it would take.  Three?  Five?  I am not sure.  I am stubborn about it and would not give in easily so I would really have to be in agony before I would drop to my knees from the pain.  That is simultaneously scary but also thrilling and I want to experience it.  And her confidence and satisfaction afterwards would be awesome.

Staying standing for this wouldn't be arousing for me in the moment (it would just be painful) but I would be totally into it, and it would be arousing for me afterward once I had recovered a bit.

Side note: like you, I am skeptical about the groin as a target for self-defense, at least in the sense that it seems to me that a lot of people (women especially?) think of it as a magic button you press and a guy falls down, guaranteed.  That just doesn't square with my experience at all.

I'm starting to believe that guys with the BB fetish, have naturally more endurance to groin shots, I was a complete virgin in bb, but thanks to my karate class I have take a few accidental shots, and I take it with almost no pain, and now I have squeezed my nuts hard with just a few of it.

I say this because I'm also interested in the self- defense theme and also see that just move the toes in the groin direction have painful effects on the guy-

I Think its a good move but clearly less effective in guys with this fetish  (looks like some guys here take more pain with a face kick)

And of course try to stand as much as I can, I (and probably her to) want to feel that kick really defeating me. I dream more with an accurate strike than with a hard one. Feeling that she has not to put so much effort to take me down.

most the time its during sex so i take out my pain through that and its covered with the ecstacy of this pain/pleasure combo so i dig nails in her back and say more :x So i dont really go down during from the adrenaline of it all but man when its all over on my back and I guess this is kinda an answer to the question.. but just lie there feeling the after effects haha

If it is a surprise shot, and a really hard one, will put me in floor 5-10 mins. I liked to try and fight the pain and stand up because it encourages the Mrs to put me down with another kick. Like to see how many I could take with out dropping.

I forgot about this topic which is very interesting.
It is huge difference between bb tolerance and psychological condition of each man, but I am convinced that if any girl really hit full force(not close to full force but full force for real) and if kick is perfectly conected  every man would  dropped at least,most would have bad injuries and some woud died from shock. except maybe Wu or Chuck Norris

Define full force. A person can only kick so hard.
How do you know that every man would drop with out actally kickin every man? There are alot of men on this planet.
Guess the ladies should start kicking and keeping a tally ;)
I like this question. Both have different feelings attached to them. On one hand if a man drops instantly, there is a extreme power rush. Putting a man on the floor is exhilarating, especially with one kick. On the other hand i really enjoy when they fight the pain and try to stay standing. It's almost like a challenge, like how many can you take before the inevitable happens. It makes the drop that much more satisfying. Personal I enjoy seeing my husband try to stay standing. I like seeing how much he can take, and knowing that whatever he can handle, I can always surpass. The more he fights it, the harder I try .

I just fucking hate if he takes too long to get back up cuz I'm on an adrenaline rush and wanna keeeep

kicking and kneeing and stomping and crushing those nutts. Like Sydney said, it IS quite comical to 

watch him struggle to keep standing...but, to me it's sexxy as fuck that he is indeed trying to fight

the pain so that I can keep blasting his nutts, grrrr. No doubt though...he will be meeting the floor :D

Wow people say I'm good with words, your out right sexy. :)

*lob hugs*  that's just great mal!  I love love love the "he WILL be meeting the floor" part!  Thanks for answering!  :)



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