So, I've been asking this question to a couple people and have gotten an array of answers and a wide variety of reasons for them.  Made me think I ought to open it up and ask others.

Gals - when you bust the guy, do you like seeing him try and fight the pain and stay standing or do you like to see him just drop instantly?  If it depends on situation, mood, etc. then how so?

Guys - do you try to get back on your feet or do you just accept the pain and drop?  I know for us it kinda depends if it was a surprise or not - if we even have the chance to try and stay standing.

I can also see it making a big difference if its a BB session too where each party wants to get as much out of it as they can.

A friend once called that pre-drop knees-bent-inward, body hunched over stumble as the "baby giraffe walk"

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I love to see him try to fight the pain :) It allows me a few more kicks before he finally drops :P

Great thinking! Give him some incentive to try and take a certain amount but make sure he can't with a really big last kick!

Yeah try and fight it can be funny watching them try and hide the pain but they can't trying to be a tough guy but they always end up dropping in the end with me! I guess if they drop straight away its done with quick!

Though I like when they drop so fast like a fly because I know I must have got them a perfect shot

It is all about building tolerance.  One way, after taking a hard kick, is to get back on your feet ASAP.

I try really really hard not to drop.  So much so that I have never dropped, even though I've been full-force kicked multiple times.

Part of it is probably me just being too prideful for my own good, LOL.

But part is that I think I feel the pain a bit differently than some guys here have reported.  I feel it as a sharp pain right in my testicles, but it doesn't flow outward to give me "rubber legs".

Also, some guys drop to their knees not only from the pain or the weakness in their legs but also a psychological self-protective kind of instinct.  For some reason I do not seem to possess this, which may or may not be a good thing!  :)

With all that said, I agree with the comments made here about how great those moments are right after the kick and the guy is struggling with the pain and the realization that the girl just did this to him, and his world is kind of crumbling around him (in a good way, but in a way he cannot control) and eventually he surrenders and falls to his knees because he really has no choice.

I wish I could experience it, actually.  I think I just need to be kicked multiple times, quickly in succession, until the pain threshold is reached.  I know myself though, and I know I'll resist falling with every ounce of strength I have, so it's going to be agonizing, since I'll have to be kicked over and over and I'll try for a long time to tough it out.  Eventually I will have to give in, of course, but it might take a while and it's going to hurt a lot in the meantime!  So that's kind of scary and yet awesome at the same time.

I try really really hard not to drop.  So much so that I have never dropped, even though I've been full-force kicked multiple times.

Lol, then I don't think you've been kicked full force :P Try pissing off a soccer player sometime, lol.

How do you measure "full force"? Pissed off or not, a person can only kick so hard. Also, he probably just has very high pain tolerance. There are a few guys like that out there.

wow, LOL, beautiful question because both are actually very appealing. It can be really comical when the guys fights the pain and struggles to remain standing, his efforts just make him look worse. It's also quite a power trip if the guy is just flattened out from the hit, both are quite hot.

I think you should do a picture pose for the "baby giraffe walk" so we all know what it looks like in human (man) form.

I like to fight the pain and keep standing, and think most women appreciate our effort, and like to keep on dishing out the joy.


That said, for some reason, when a guy is plunked hard in the nuts by surprise, I really like it when they hunch and freeze, only to fall on their sides, in a frozen position, clutching their ruined testicles. Yowza!!

I love it when he tries to stay standing. You can tell he's focusing so hard on just standing and coping with the intense pain. I like to get a few more in before he falls (:

Kevin, I've been kicked full-force and accurately in the balls by a woman with very strong legs who knows what she's doing.  :)

I can only handle a few of those in a row, like about three, and that's roughly my limit.  We haven't tried going for more yet.  If we do, then I'm pretty sure that by the 4th or 5th I will be down on my knees from the pain.  Certainly at some point I will go down (I am not invincible).  I'd like to try this, so at some point I think we will do it.

It's just a little scary because it will take several kicks to get me down so it's a more drawn-out affair rather than a quick "one and done".  It's one thing to allow yourself to be kicked in the balls once and then just deal with the pain.  In a sense it's "over".  But if that first one doesn't get you down, then after your balls are hurting it's harder (psychologically) to stand there and not flinch, not back out, and allow another kick.  And another.  

So while it's happening I kinda have to grit my teeth and "stand there and take it" for the 2nd... 3rd... 4th... whatever.  I tend to chicken out after a few really hard kicks, even though I'm still standing, but before my pain limit is reached, haha, so I have to work on toughening up mentally I guess.  :)

as hard as I try, i drop fast. when a kick hits the sweet spot, i am down for a bit. 



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