Hi, I liked the video of the Lifetime movie bb verbal that is found on this site (on page 8 now I think). I was wondering what movie this is from, and if who ever posted it has a longer version of it, that would be great.

Also, am looking for a cb from a movie (but dunno if i will ever find it, lol). It was a British film I think? One scene these detective looking people storm a house in the country-side full of terrorists (Irish? they were in casaul clothing). One of the detectives storms a room and shoots a female terrorist in the groin (no blood and not too gruesome). She falls to the ground with a grenade in her hand which then explodes. The movie I remember used real gun sound effects (instead of adding the "Hollywood" sounds later). I am sure I can get an answer to my first question easier, lol, but would be appreciative just to hear feedback. Thanks!

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Here's the vid I was talking about: http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/video/lifetime-verbal-she-talks
If there is a longer version (and to know the title of the film) that would be great.

Also, if anyone has some vague idea of the second vid I am talking about, that would be great too, lol.
yeah I want the longer version of this Lifetime verbal as well. I would love to recap it to get the full reference and her finishing statements... this other movie you speak of I have never heard or seen this. But please anyone who has seen this or know where to find it let me know by providing a link or the information, or posting the clip. Wow Andy thanks for using the forum in this way, this is one of the ways how I want it to be used.
Hey thanks! Not a problem, I figured the best way to find something specific is to ask a fair amount of people who may have seen it. I hope someone knows at least something for either one of the questions (hopefully both) and to be encouraged to ask something they have been looking for. Who knows if you or me know the answer!
I think that that verbal is from a movie called "Live Once, Die Twice" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0469810/).
Hey thanks for the heads up!
I found this random vid from the movie, and it looks like the same actresses are in it:

In the verbal, I think the one asking the question was Kellie Martin, and the one who replies is Cindy Sampson.
I am trying to find a longer vid of the one posted but at least we have a name now! It's also known as Platinum Rush in Canada (says on the link you gave me). Thanks again.



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