This is a fictional story but influenced on real events with a friend.  Stories (and not the RealBustStories) seemed to be the place.  If something's wrong lemme know.  Happy to hear any comments too.  I am also not a writer by nature... you have been warned!


Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz
Bzzzz (BEEP BEEP) BZZZZ {bzzz bzz} BEEP beep
"Oh, god dammit!"
I walked over to the display case to see well over had the clocks on the rack are flashing with their alarms going off.
"How many of these did you set?"
"All of them on that side, I think.  Have fun!  I'll be in the back cleaning," quipped Mark.
I'd been working with him since I transferred to this new location at the beginning of the year.  He was a good worker and we often ended up on the closing shift.  Since it was Sunday during the summer, the end of the night was pretty quiet and sometimes we'd try and find different ways to amuse/pester the other staff members.
"I am your boss you know.  I'll be sure to get you back for this," I called to him while trying to get the beeping clocks to stay silent.
It takes me a few minutes to get them all off and the alarms reset, but eventually I manage.  There's only about fifteen minutes left in the work day so instead of plotting revenge I start getting ready to close.  As I've done this many times, I get into a grove and things run smoothly.  By the time I have two registers closed it's time to close down.  I walk to the front of the store to see my friend Lauren.
"Hey there.  How long have you been here?"  I ask a little surprised to see her inside.
"Just got here.  Doing some shopping and left before I got kicked out.  I'll be over there," she says as she gestures to one of the chairs in the mall.
"Cool.  Should only be about five to ten minutes."

Once I get the store locked up I walk over to here Lauren is sitting.  She sees me and gets up to meet me by the escalator.
"You're done!"
"Apparently.  You all set?" I ask.
"Yes.  But maybe we should stay here.  It's wicked hot and gross outside."
"Sounds good to me.  But we should atleast go downstairs.  Physics and all."
"Did you just say we should go down?" she says in a mocking tone.
"What!?"  I shake my head at her.  "That's not what I... gah!."
She laughs as we get to the main entrance to the mall.  As soon as we step outside I feel like I just walked into a brick wall of heat, especially in a button down shirt and long pants.  We get to her car and it's just as hot inside... worse perhaps.  She starts up the AC and opens the windows and we wait a few moments for the cool air to take over some of the heat.  After a few minutes we close up and pull out of the parking lot.
"So, do you have any objection to not eating right away when we get back.  I had an idea that might help us with this heat today."
"No, I dont mind."  I look over her way to try and get an idea what she was planning.  "What do you have in mind?"
"Well, I'm not far from that pond, so I was thinking we ought to go for a swim."
"A swim?  I don't exactly have a bathing suit with me."
"I know.  That's okay," she says with this interesting smirk on her face.  It takes me a moment to realize what I think she's talking about.
Hesitantly I ask, "Are you talking about what I hope you're talking about?"
I see the smirk on her face widen.  "Yup."
At this I can't help but smile too.  Afterall, I certainly had no objection to seeing a cute friend naked!
"Once we get back, I just need to toss my stuff inside and we can go."
I look in the backseat at a couple of the bags she had.  Kohls.  Macys.  "Clothes, huh?" I ask.  "Obviously not a bra, right?  They even in there?" I ask as I lean forward and pretend to examine her chest.
She turns and looks at me with this fake look of shock on her face.  "You little shit!" she exclaims with a partial laugh in her voice.
Lauren is a bit on the smaller side being a large A/small B.  Due to this she would just as often as not, forgo wearing a bra.  Given her size she was able to get away with it and not have it look trashy.  I've never seen her completely topless but a few times in a bikini or in a tanktop and would occasionally comment about it.  She took it in good stride and even made jokes about herself about being small.
Before I have a chance to react from her comment, she takes her right hand and smacks her fist into my lap.  My legs weren't spread too wide, but enough to give her a bit of access.  I yelp and start to buckle forward but the seatbelt catches me due to the sudden movement.  While not a solid hit, she did manage to get both and I can feel the pain start swelling in my pair.  I slowly pull my knees up a little just as a bit of pain sinks into my stomach as well.
"Oh, sorry about that," she casually comments.  "I couldn't see your balls in there and wanted to make sure you still had them." she finishes with a touch of laughter in her voice.
I begin to laugh a little as well though my longer breaths.  The pain has already gone from my stomach but still there in each of my balls.  "You could have asked me."
"You might have lied?" she says.
"To you?  Never." I reply in a very sarcastic voice.  I see her glance at me and we both start laughing.

After another five minutes, we arrive at her place.  It's the basement of a house but big enough for one and not too crowded for two.  My previous place had been sold while I was renting, which forced me to find somewhere else to live.  I had been given the standard notice, but due to the market, hadn't been able to find a new place in my price range.  Lauren had been kind enough to let me crash at her place while I looked.  I'd had to put some stuff, well, alot of stuff in storage for the time, but that was far cheaper then the rentals I was seeing.  I was pitching in my share of her rent, although so far it had only been a week.  We would carpool often as we only worked a few minutes from eachother.  Today she had offered me a ride and came back early at the end of the day to get some mall shopping done.

We walk in and set out stuff down.  I have a pile of duffel bags of clothes, a few movies and some dishes, but just about everything else is in storage.  I was lucky enough to have an air mattress which I had been sleeping on that saved me from the couch.  I quickly change into shorts and a t-shirt while Lauren grabbed a couple of towels.  Even though we're going skinnydipping, I don;t feel like walking there in long pants and long sleeves.  I make sure to empty my pockets and she does the same, only taking a key.  The pond is only few minutes through some woods.  By now its coming up on 8pm and the light is beginning to fade slightly.  We walk up to the usual area we go swimming from and she sits down.
"Okay," she says, "you first."
"Me?  Ladies first.  Besides, this was your idea," I say in a good natured voice while I start to take off my shirt.
As we knew what we were getting into, neither made any effort to turn away from the other.  We both started taking off our shorts at the same time.  I kicked mine off to reveal a pair of light grey boxers and she kicked hers off to reveal a pair of dark blue panties.  I watched her kick her shorts off and took a good moment to check out her legs.  I'd certainly seen them pleny as it was summer and shorts were the normal, but there was no reason not to look again.  She looks up to see me checking her out.
"Okay, you've had your chance.  Now get those boxers off so I can have mine!"
"Yes, ma'am," I say as I give her a mock salute.  I shed my boxers and toss them on top of my shorts and shirt.  I look back at her and see her now checking me out.
"Better." she quips and then turns to the water.  She walks in to just above her ankles and dives in.  I start to head in as well and do the same.  Being the end of the summer, the water is still quite pleasantly warm.  We'd been at this pond several times and realized this was a good area to swim from.  The woods came pretty close to the water so it was isolated and we could wade in and touch bottom for about five feet and then just as the water was around high waist level the floor dropped off.  It wasn't very deep, perhaps only eight feet or so, but that was plenty to be able to swim and make shallow dives.  While swimming we didn't get much chance of seeing anything on the other.

After perhaps another fifteen to twenty minutes the sun had dipped behind the treeline which helped cool things off.  Lauren was back in the shallow part but hadn't yet come out of the water.
She turns toward me and stands up. "Okay, I feel much better.  I think I'm done for now," she says to me. 
After perhaps anoher five mintues I decide I've had enough as well.  I walk over to my clothes as she's sitting there in her underwear with a towel wrapped around her top half..
"Saw something you liked, did ya?" she says to me with a huge smirk on her face.
"Well, certainly," I answer back.
Her smirk turns to a smile and she replies, "Why thank you.  But what's with yer nuts?  From the look of it I was pretty lucky to have hit them!"
I look back to her and see her smile has once again been replaced by that mischievous smirk of hers.  While sliding on my boxers I reply to her, "Pfff.  Kiss my ass.  You got both of them, trust me."
"Kiss?  Kick maybe?"
"My, you are violent today.  Fine, you wanna be able to say you kicked my ass, here ya go."
I walk over to where she's sitting on the tree, still just in my boxers.  When I get to her I turn around and lean over so she has a clean shot for her kick.  I hear her shift her weight a little and as I catch a glimpse of her foot coming towards my ass I start to say, "You know, I'm..."
Before I can finish, my balls explode in pain.  There is no delay at all and I immediately drop as my legs weaken and my stomach buckles.  The pain radiates all through out my body and after a moment, settles in my balls and stomach.  I drop to my knees right away as one hand goes to my stomach and the other cupping my aching sac.
"Oh shit!  Those were your balls weren't they?" I hear her ask in genuine surprise.
At this point I'm laying on my side on the ground, all curled up.  From the feel, I don't think her foot made much contact with my ass at all, but that her toes were a little too far forward and smacked my hanging sac.  With only boxers on, there was no way for her to miss them.
I can feel her down next to me, a hand on my back and even though it was an accident I can hear laughter in her voice.
"I know I don't sound it but I really am sorry.  I truly didn't mean to get them," she says between giggles.
"It's okay," I say between labored breaths.  "You may need to give me a hand getting back to your place though."  I shift my head so that I can look at her and since I knew it was an accident too, I couldn't help but see the humor in it as well.
I feel her leaning over my giving me a sympathy hug and given that she's still topless, I can even feel the extra press against my shoulder and arm.  The pain in my sac is still to much for it to be a turn on at all though.  My stomach was feeling better at this point and once she un-hugs me, I roll over on my back.  She's sitting there on her knees looking at me with both an apologetic and amused look on her face.
"I hear if you swallow hard enough they go back into place."
Despite the pain in my balls this is too amusing and I start to laugh.  That sharp pain is starting to subside but the dull ache doesn't seem to be going anywhere.  It's certainly a start, and enough that I sit up without too much discomfort.  We both sit there for another minute, her tentatively watching me to make sure I'll be okay, a well as with some amusement factor and me letting the pain sink away a little more.  Once all the sharp pain is gone I start to stand up.
"Well, that's a start," she comments.  "You're not actually mad at me for that, are you?"
I get to my clothes and pick up my shirt, figuring I'll leave my shorts for last.  She's also stood up and started getting dressed as well, but starting from the other end.
"No, why would I be?" I ask as I slide on my shirt.
"Cause that looked like it really hurt.  Joking around is one thing, but that, well..." and she starts to trail off.  I watch for a moment as she slides her shorts back up, those blue panties disappearing from view.
"No, I know it was an accident.  And yes, it obviously really did hurt.  Other then the inability to do anything while I'm laid out... I dunno.  As long as it's not out of pure anger, I guess I don't mind it."
"Good to know.  Most guys are so paranoid about taking a nut hit," she replies while sliding on her shirt.
"So they get knocked, big deal," is all I can think to say.  I don't want to tell her outright that I'm happy to have it done, but it want to make it clear I have no objection to it happening again.  "Just don't abuse your privelidge!" I quickly add.
"Or what?"
"Or... I'll have very sore balls," I say as I start getting my shoes on.  As she had come in sandals, she's ready to go and heads over my way.
"Well, we certainly can't have that now, can we," she says at last in that same mischievous voice.
I'm finally dressed and ready as well.  The pain in my stomach has all but gone away and there is only a dull ache down there in my sac.  It had been quite a surprising evening.  I'd been racked twice and I got to see my good friend while skinnydipping.  Which was even better as it was her idea.  It all just made me wonder what more was to come...

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I'm wondering what more there was too...
Good story Seth ... looking forward to the next chapter
Glad you liked it so far.  Almost done with Pt 2... hopefully it'll be a bit better too!  Spoken to some of you in private too, so thanks for the feedback there.

great story! i can't wait to read part 2!

Excellent, very well written!
Nicely done, Seth.  I especially like the skinny dipping part.  Kind of wish you got to see beneath the panties but I very much liked it none the less!



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