Hi Im Jhoanna,  first time on this thing, so ask any questions you want, Im pretty open about everything, just be respectful and read profile first plz!

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Hmm prolly Justin Beiber just because. (Not a fan) ..and although hes not a celebrity, hes in the news, that POS martin shkreli the phamasutical guy just because he REALLY needs a latina style attitude adjustment to taje the smirk off his face, from me;D. Id kick him but he probably doesnt have any balls- weapa:(
Hahaha best answer ever!

Hey Jhoanna!

I've probably asked this before, but what's your favourite slang for testicles?

Seeing as you speak Spanish, I'm guessing you use "huevos" a fair bit. Do you also use "cocos" or "bolas/pelotas" as well?

Am curious what a typical sentence would be for threatening your hubby for instance, like "Te voy a romper tus huevos!" etc. Haha.

Thanks :) 

For testicles: huevos, cocos, bolas, cacahutes (like peanuts) of course pelotas, and cojones,

When talking to my man, who is white and speaks limited spanish, I talk to him mostly in spanglish when im pissed at him or gonna kick him, so I migh say something like in "oh papi i guess you gonna loose one of ur palotas tonight if you keep it up," if he disredpectful. Or when He bugs me when he gets a little too excited like before I leave for work, might cup his balls and squeeze a little to make it go down a little and tell him in spanish "¡aye mi dios sus bolas son tan débiles! Or his balls are so weak!

Haha thanks for the reply.

Also I hope this isn't a stereotype, but I feel like there's a fair number of latinas who would threaten their partner's testicles (to the point of castration threat) just to get a point across, and keep them in line (of course usually when the SO is not acting up to scratch, lol).

Has there ever been a time where you were so mad with your hubby, you may have hit his balls just a tad too hard? If not, what's the hardest hit you've done on someone, and their reaction? And curious if there was a "broken huevo" or "lose una pelota" taunt in the process, lol.

Yes I think you may be on to something. I think generally (not speaking for all) but as latinas we are raised in some respects to be submissive to men depending on a females age/generation. I mean this is true all over but especially in with in spanish culture in my experiance. But I think, like you said there are a lot of latinas who are not scared to asert them selfs with men anymore, especially women my age and younger. I know my grandma wouldnt dare do it, but my mom 50/50 in defence maybe, but my aunt (who is a lot younger than my mom, and basically introduced me and my sisters to the idea to never hesitate to giving a man "instant attitude adjustment" when they need it -because they ALL need it she'd say is like the evolution right there! It was spoken about frequently around her in different situations, so that sparked my interest early on.

Where will younger females will take it idk, but sometime i go back to colombia to visit i hear stories now and then and it usually doesnt turn out well for the boys involved!

I have kicked and kneed my man a few times too hard, and knocked the wind out of him in anger. In those times he either dropped to his knees or rolled around nusing himself. I have felt bad, but I think about times he REALLY messed up and I didnt do anything thing, so I know its messed up but I kinda felt justified, even if what he did didnt deserve such a hard kick. But in talking I have threatened his huevos many times!! Ive threatend to kick him, punch him, cut his pee pee off if he cheats, yeah Im mean!! Lol he knows im kidding but also knows I could do it too so he usually corrects himself anyway!
Lol sorry to say papi but you just gonna have to deal with it! Growing up me and my female cousins always went for the pelotas! Might want to invest in a cup amd wear it whey they near!! Lol
Would that really work? I've never tried it but the type of girls that have busted me in the past seem like they might get pissed if they tried to kick or knee me and then discovered I had on a cup... almost like they'd go out of their way to make sure they'd get me back even harder one day just for denying them the experience of crunchinh my nuts. How would you react if you went to bust your bf and discovered he had a cup on?
Hi Jhoanna. For self defense, how long do you think one knee in the balls will typically give a woman to escape while he's on the ground?

Hi MZ Jhoana thanks for the interview

One hand or foot in the huevos it make you feel powerful even if you are not squeezing^?

is ballbusting a common thing in the sex you and your bf have? has he tried to avoid your busting while having sex?

Do you think that control him by his cojones its a important part of your relationship? would you stop doing it if he seriously ask you to stop?

does he act differently after you have bust him hard (or just many times in the same night)?

Yes! Sometimes we will snuggle up in bed, and I will just rest my knee right up underneath his balls or justbput my hand on his package when hes sleeping! Its very sexy and empowering at the same time.

Sometimes, I dont always make it a part of our night, but if I feeling a little kinky I might just makes it in. Usually he lacked all confused and be like "damn whats up" laughing if I give him a little tap if he be moving too fast or not doing something I likr right, and usually he will get it right and correct himself after that. Its all playful in sex, he knows im One of those girls who always goes from the nuts. BUT he has been really busted by me in the past so he knows I will kick and can drop him to his knees.

Yes, I let him talk for us as a couple, but he knows I wear the pants in the resl decision making and pretty much can get what I want thru his pee pee (deny him sex)) or his pelotas (flat out gets kicked or squeezed) if talking wont work. If Im feeling bitchy I will remind him that I have the pussy- so I make the rules!!! Lol but seriously he's OK with it, but if he really asked me not do it I would stop, but I probably make his life hell- Im bitchy I know!!!

After I kick him, he usually ask pretty sheepish and agreeable (not a big suprise basically does whatever I say.
Oh my goodness, yes! I love that you purposefully place your knee there in bed! My gal doesn't do it intentionally but I have woken up numerous times in the middle of the night either feeling queasy from having her knee crushing my nuts, or when it doesn't hurt then as you said, I'm so hot and turned on that I can't get back to sleep! But I love it!



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