whos a actress that you have just been wait for for ages to bust but never has?

for me it's Rose Byrne. way overdue! and still waiting

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She has done, in an episode of enterprise.

I'm sure it was to some famous wrestler....undertaker....or big show or something like that.  It was quite a good bust if I remember right

Do you happen to remember which episode?

S4e4 borderland

Thanks, I'll check it out. 

I did just look it up....I'm not totally sad :)

how did you find it? My googling turned up nothing.

Ha, I was meaning I looked up the episode number.

Yea, it does seem quite hard to find.Video looks like it works here.  Around the 31:26 mark.


ha awesome! Thanks!

I can't think of any at the top of my head, but seeing an actress who is notorious for ballbusting in films, would be great to see her get a taste of her own medicine, haha.

Alison Brie - I'd bet she'd be all cute about it too. Like if she did it to win an argument and then gave you her cutesy voice so you couldn't be all upset about it.

Why is Jessica Alba "the queen of BB"? Having her grind my nuts to putty is definitely a big fantasy of mine, but unfortunately I haven't seen anything by her?



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