If You all have questions, feel free to ask and I will answer the best I can, when I can. :)

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do you think its hotter to kick barefoot, or to kick wearing cute colorful socks? :]

Depends~ If I am at home then in like to go al natural until my foot hurts (usually after I miss and hit a thigh) lol oops. Any way you know I have never really given it much thought to accessorize a BB experience. I'm not sure I own cute colorful socks but if I find some I'll try it and let ya know~
Ya know I have thought about your question and I'd have to say its hotter for me to kick barefoot. Cute socks are not my thing I don't own any~ :)

Mr. nate needs to buy you some lol :]

but yeh barefoot kicking still is very hot :]

Not sure about cute socks but i will get her some sexy stockings lol :)
If you had to choose only one way to bust, what would it be and why? :)

HARD AS FUCK. (oops...not my interview, sowwy :)

lol :)

Insert me here.... ooops.... Sorry Mrs. Nate

If I only had to pick one way to bust I think I'd have to say squeeze! For me kicking punching and other forms are awesome but quick. Squeezing prolongs the moment and I tend to get more satisfaction from it.

Oooh "prolongs the moment"...How long do you squeeze ?? I am usually squirming after 4-5 seconds !



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